Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Special Investigative Report: Atheist Alert


  1. I think this animation is better done than Thiel's dating cartoon.

  2. That video pretty much sums up what religious people think about atheists and agnostics.
    I have been told by someone that I am, "mad at God", simply because I question the existence of God. I guess there is no critical thinking allowed when it comes to the existence of God. If you do use the mind that God gave you, if that God exists, you are considered bitter, and angry at God. I also pick-up the signal that people who know me who are religious look down their noses at me thinking that I am a depraved person who is putty in the hands of Satan. They think, "he doesn't have Jesus in his heart like I do so he is not capable of love and is destined for hell if he doesn't repent" My response to that is B.S., there is no advantage to being religious, unreligious people are just as capable of love and morale uprightness if not more then religious people.

    1. The word “bitter” and the phrase “angry at God” are simply Armstrongite buzz words. They actually do have greater meanings outside of Armstrongism, but within the group, they are used to describe anyone who has discovered the truth about Herbert Armstrong, what he taught, and how he really lived. These words, along with “bonds of Satan” are held out as explanation to still practicing Armstrongites, for the process of enlightenment and freedom attained by those who have realized that Armstrongism is a scam, and have left the group. These words are meant to sting, but most of us have realized over the years that they are simply “preaching to the choir” words, words designed to be repeated by members, and to keep those members in fear and compliant and obedient to the ministry, lest the words suddenly be also turned against they themselves.

      Honestly, those types of silly cultic games should not bother any of us. They are proof of the ignorance of those who parrot them. HWA should have registered them as trademarks. At the very least, they are insider jargon. You could hear someone dressed in 1940s attire utter them while walking down the streets of Genoa, and immediately know that you were in the presence of an Armstrongite!


  3. Atheists are just religious freaks like most other religious nutters! Enough said.

  4. There are more atheists within COG world than anyone would care to admit.
