Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

There Are Only 150 True Christians Left In The Church of God

Ron Weinland
Indeed, the first four seals of Revelation resulted in a great number of spiritual casualties in God’s Church. All that remains out of nearly 96,000 baptized people that experienced the Apostasy is about 150 people. Since that time (after the Sixth Seal was opened), God has been adding new people He has been calling into His Church who are being prepared to be the foundation of the Church at the start of the Millennium. 
Can you imagine a god that needs 150 Church of God members, who follow one of the biggest idiots the church has ever created, to start the millennium as rulers over human kind?  What kind of a cosmic joke would that be?

Can you imagine living in a world that is ruled by church members?  You know, the ones you have experience being around and have seen what they do to each other.  Just imagine that...


  1. No one is better at completely creating a fantasy and making it appear like it is reality than certain COG-people.

    I'm not talking about Hollywood TV and film creators - because people know that the productions they create are completely fake.

    The thing that these COG deceivers do is make people think that their productions are the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and slowly make people believe that THEIR delusional reality is the REAL reality. It's a complete hijack of the mind and soul of a person. It's like locking someone in a "holodeck" from Star Trek and slowly convincing them that the fake reality is the real reality. It's absolute, mind-boggling abuse that robs a person of their mind and senses.

    But Weinland screwed himself over trying to play the COG game of luxury financed by ordinary people, and trying to play the COG game of prophet. Both his attempts failed spectacularly and visibly. Now, with his whole history on full display...

    ...his church can't even fill up a single "Cracker Barrel" restaurant!

  2. I am Assembly of God, and I am a Holy Spirit baptized Christian.

  3. Anon 12:30 PM, this is not a pentecostal blog, you are on the wrong site.

  4. "God has been adding new people". So what is the number after the additions of new people? 160?

  5. In the period of time between when Weinerdude wrote this and now, he has lost more members. His groups are so small that many times when he travels around the country they meet in a hotel room.

  6. "In the period of time between when Weinerdude wrote this and now, he has lost more members. His groups are so small that many times when he travels around the country they meet in a hotel room."

    To ensure clarity, I believe Gary means a Hotel ROOM. Not a CONFERENCE room. A regular room. with bed and desk and dresser and a TV. Am I correct? If so.....

    Where's the room for the Lectern? ;)

    I imagine that two can sit at the little Table in the corner by the window. Maybe the husband and wife can sit (NOT LAY!!! LOL) on the bed. The single person can probably sit on the little sink counter thing by the bathroom. And if they have a temperamental baby - the whole "service" stops.

  7. Yes I meant hotel bedroom and NOT a conference room.

    Many of Weinerdude's videos come from his home basement where he holds services and tapes some of his sermosn. It may look like he is preaching to a huge crowd, but he is not. Just his dingy wife and a few other people...and that is if Weinerdude even allows her in the room with him! Many times he forbids her to be in his presence when he preached.

  8. Soon--- Weinerdude members meeting in a MEMBERS CAR in the parking lot of a hotel!

    1. I was thinking of them maybe meeting in some restroom somewhere.


  9. Weinerdude messed up not imitating Herb in living a life of luxury and getting away with it by putting everything in the churches name.

  10. Wow, this is good news. Down to 'pennies' of tithes... how can they afford a hotel room? Must be some beat up motel along a deserted highway....OK they meet at the Bates Motel.

  11. No mocking is OF GOD, people here that have posted above mocking comments. To date there are FEWER people than 150 alive that are ready for the Kingdom of God on earth. If the moon and sun in the heavens obey God's ordinance given them in Genesis 1, before man, woman or Jew existed on the face of the earth, the True Church better get themselves in obedience to the sun and moon's directives from God before they ever will know WHEN to schedule a Holyday Service in obedience to the One that told Moses, "by no means clear the guilty" and "holding mercy for thousands". I think it is safe to assume there are at LEAST 2 in the Church so far, but they are "as fine brass burning in a furnace", not yet Pillars. Indeed, the entire CHURCH, the House of Israel is as God said, "as brass tin and lead" and He has them "in a furnace" and is "leaving them there" (Ezekiel 22) because he can find NO MAN AT ALL amongst "princes", "priests", "prophets" and the "people" - EVERYONE...to "stand in the gap that He shouldn't "destroy the land" (Ezekiel 22). It is THAT SERIOUS now. And, God isn't going to have a WOMAN do the preaching of the True Gospel FOR the men He couldn't FIND just ONE of. That's my comment. The White Horse is nearly through with his ride, and the red horse of war is next, with sudden destruction. The Church is 100% asleep and Christ is OUTSIDE their door knocking to get in. Those that are called and baptized can only repent of what they've been taught about the Law, but in NO YEAR at all, not even the "solemn seventh" years, did the COG read the law AT the Feast of Tabernacles, as per Deut.31. How can people who don't know the law, TEACH the Law? Adultery and fornication is the biggest SIN in the Church STILL. The people are ALL under "gross darkness" at the present time. That's why you don't see any Two Witnesses. Sad.
