Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Would You Buy Your Liver Pills From A Church of God Prophet?

 This is even more pathetic than his sermons!
Doesn't this well-polished video just make you want to call him up and buy it from him?
Quakery at its finest


  1. Since he hit me in the face with it twice, I am going to have to buy it. I just wonder if it will cure COG nausea?

  2. Dear Lord.... We humbly ask that you simply De-liver your people from this man.

  3. He calls his company "DoctorsResearch" but isn't an M.D.

    Yes, someone with a Ph.D. in Economics could call his company "DoctorsResearch" but Thiel must know that most people, when they hear someone talking about health and calling himself "Doctor" he has a medical degree, not a degree in "nutrition science" from a school barely one step above a flaky diploma mill.

    Maybe it isn't a lie, but it is certainly a deceptive practice. And this is supposed to be God's end-time prophet?

  4. Id take Thiel's Liver pills, but Id have to have Onion Pills to go with it! ;-)

    1. Connie,

      Hahaha! And what kind of pills should we have for dessert? What gets me about naturopaths is that they may say that medicine comes from sorcerers from thousands of years ago. But what were the sorcerers using? Was it the same herbs that the naturopaths are using?

  5. Almost Arrested Doubly Blessed Elijah Ezekial Mohammed Prophet Dr. Bitter Bob Thiel said in the video, "The guy who taught me to do what I do"

    MY COMMENT - Too funny. Thiel reminds me of Cosmos Kramer from Seinfeld. "Oh George, don't use the condoms I gave you. They are defective".


  6. Why can't I just go to the grocery store and buy pork liver? Fresh food is better than the stuff in pills. Cheaper too. Especially pork.

  7. "... from a school barely one step above a flaky diploma mill."

    Some think the establishment schools are a flaky diploma mill ... about to collapse!?


  8. Can this fool sink any lower? Love how he camouflages his religious writings. Some prophet you are Almost arrested Bob! Ashamed of your own books?

  9. Now we know the secret behind Dr Bob's flailing arms...

    Simply Liver!

  10. And prior to the Bob's CCOG and BNP channels, there was the Bob Thiel YouTube channel, covering topics like The Lady of Fatima's skirt length...

  11. He had me ducking for cover!


  12. Correlation is not causation. Anecdotal evidence (testimonials) are not scientific facts.
    Perhaps if the lady took more of these pills, not only will she be able to lift her hands over her head, but she will be able to pull her head out of her ass.

  13. oh man I could do with a big ole plate of liver & onions about now....mmmmmmmm

    probably cheaper than his pills too.
