Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Big Bang or Breaking Wind? COG Prophet Has The Answer!

Almost arrested, but not arrested Elijah Amos, Joshua, self-appointed, bitter, Bawana Bob Thiel
is back with another outstanding video cartoon that is GUARANTEED to make all the youngsters out there do a double take and immediately join his African church.

This time around, Bawana Bob is imagining himself as the world's foremost authority on the Big Bang. If you were never a believer in evolution you probably will be after watching this mess. Bawana Bob is living proof that evolution is real.

According to Bawana Bob:

Colleges and universities teach variations of a godless 'Big Bang theory' as science. But is it scientific or simply the musing of scientists? The late Dr. Stephen Hawking stated that there was nothing before the Big Bang. Is it logical that nothing became everything? What should have happened then according to scientists? What happens to radioactive materials like uranium? What does the Bible teach about errors called science? Is God's existence more logical than a godless 'Big Bang'? Which has more actual proof? In this animation, a university student asks a professor questions and provides information that students and those out of school should know.


  1. Look at the low-cut blouse on that whore! Maybe Bwana Bob's exposure to rural African dress standards is starting to rub off on what he expects of his American tithe slaves!

  2. @4:29AM, maybe Bob is teaching his young women to do "flirty fishing" to bring in new tithe-paying members? I'm sure an average American university professor would bring in a lot more tithe cash than an average African farmer.

    Seriously, that's a horribly embarrassing video. The young woman reading the script has no idea of what she is talking about, so she makes the most basic errors, again and again, revealing her ignorance of the subject. I don't just mean errors of science. If you are patient (or masochistic) enough to make it through the whole video, you'll hear her say such nonsense as "lends cressidence" where the script must have said "lends credence."

    Why would Bob release a video like this? It makes him look stupid and ignorant. Anyone who can pronounce "ramifications" and "subatomic" and "astrophysicist" correctly (which this video does not) will recognize that the video was made by morons trying to appear more intelligent than they are.

  3. When I watched this on Bob's latest CCOG letter it at first reminded me of a few Chic Tracts in which the professor would end up cringing from the student's onslaught of logical rebuttal. It was not the case here - this animation was like a long boring sermon packed into a cartoon.

    1. I had a similar reminding. Its like a Chick Tract written by a total novice - and thats saying something, because Jack Chick was not exactly the most skilled writer as is.

    2. Of course, "novice" might be too much credit. Its more like something a middle-schooler might write. But yes, awkward, boring and waaay too long.

  4. There are enough straw men in that video to feed a large herd of sheep.

    What would that poor hapless college student say if the professor responded, "Of course I believe in God. It is logical to believe in God. What's illogical is treating the Bible as if it were a scientific textbook. Little girl, did you know that it was the rise of science that prompted some defensive Christians to try to use their Bible not as a manual of faith but as a scientific textbook, even though nobody had done so since the books of the Bible were written? Taken literally, the Bible in various places says the earth is flat, it has pillars, and will not be moved (Ps 93:1, Ps 96:10, 1 Sam 2:8, Job 9:6). It says that great sea monsters are set to guard the edge of the sea (Job 41, Ps 104:26). Do you believe there are sea monsters at the edge of the sea, little girl? Do you believe that the earth is not moving and that everything else is moving around it? Or do you ignore the parts where the earth is flat, and just accept the parts where it is round? If you pick and choose what parts of the Bible you believe are true, you and I aren't so far apart after all!"

    Maybe Bob should hire Jelly away from UCG. He would make much more entertaining and professional videos.

  5. Further proof that Almost Arrested Doubly Blessed Elijah Prophet Dr. Bitter Bob Thiel is no prophet. Would a real prophet spend time and energy producing such low-quality cartoon videos on such non-prophetic topics as modern dating and evolution? What does either of these two cartoon subjects have to do with being a self-professed Prophet and with Prophecy in general?

    I've said it many times here before, and I will say it again - Dr. Bitter Bob Thiel: You left LCG because your vanity took a hit when they rejected you as a Prophet. So, are you a Prophet even though Herbert Armstrong said that there are no Prophets in the modern end-time Church age OR...OR are you a Pastor General? Which is it? Can't make up your mind? A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways (James 1:8).

    A corollary to James 1:8 is a delusional mind is unstable in all his ways.


  6. Thiel is such a blithering idiot that he now plans on putting this idiotic video in his “Behind the Work” feast film this year. The man has no shame!

    “Furthermore, we have just uploaded our second animation (which we plan to put in this year’s Behind the Work video this year):”

  7. In ancient Israel, when a King or a High Priest rejected the prophecies of a prophet, there is absolutely no example of the prophet establishing his own new kingdom or his own new temple. Bitter Bwana Bob is nothing more than a vain little man who wants people to treat him as someone special.

  8. I think I made it to the 1 minute mark, can't take anymore.

    but the "big bang" is certainly plausible...all we're told is that God created the heavens and the earth, and everything therein...we're not told how.

  9. I like the cartoon show "FUTURAMA" much much better!

  10. Would a real prophet spend time and energy producing such low-quality cartoon videos...

    While I don't remember Bob said when he announced his venture into animation, he seemed to say this was an approach to a new audience, and another medium to exploit to propagate his message. After watching both his animated episodes, I'm not sure what new audience he's targeting...

  11. Personally I could give 2 shits if its about creation or the big bang. Its meaningless because the debate never ends in the mind of the holy roller.

  12. You have to give him credit on one thing, he found a way to stop flailing his arms around. Maybe he can start doing his sermons in that format:)

  13. I'm waiting to see Bob's CCOG video discussing DNA and British Israelism.

    1. That would be interesting, 3:25! Some of the COGlodytes read that alcoholism, or chronic marijuana use can alter a person’s dna. So they interpret a very minor dna alteration as scientific evidence that an entire race of people might have shifted from one haplogroup to another. It’s bad enough to do this with the Anglo Saxons and Jews, but they also give Assyrians a race-change to make them be German. It is hilarious, and they don’t even “get” their own joke!

  14. Hey! How bout pitting a cartoon of aron ra to debate that student.maybe she will really get schooled..lol

  15. The women kept stumbling over her words. What happened to rehearsing? Technically it's such low quality that it's embarrassing.
    First it's crooked bookcases, then crappy curtains, and now this.

  16. LOL. I should see if I still have my old animation package from a few years back...

  17. I’ve always thought that these self-proclaimed ACOG “prophets” have found some method of translating their breaking of wind into English, a phenomenon which provides the basis for their prophecies. It fails, proving it was all hot air, and you are figuratively left with a particularly pungent, and eye watering stench. It is the Armstrong equivalent of a gas attack! It’s who they are, and what they do. A bunch of mad gassers.

