Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, May 7, 2018

"We Can't Get There From Here..."


  1. Gerald Flurry only flies at night because his Church is a fly by night operation and off the Christian radar. Well, they all are actually.

  2. ...and T H I S is why he wants retired people to tithe on Social Security/Pension
    ?!?!? W H A T?!?!?

    Hey Gerry, read your Bible on what GOD says on what to tithe on!!

    Hey PCOG members, are you S U R E this man still represents GOD??

  3. Most of the world's problems are caused by people who think they know more than they do and don't listen.

  4. Jesse and other tele evangelists like Joyce Meyer, lie through their teeth when they describe their so called conversations with God. God does communicate directly with Christians, but typically Gods messages are very brief and intelligent. There is never this patronizing back and forth dumbo conversation that these people describe. I know this from personal experience over many decades.

    So God only talks to the rich in their fancy jets? I recall God putting a thought into my mind when I was driving my old car. No jet required.

  5. How long can Flurry’s people finance Jerry’s life style. Jet fuel is not cheap. LAX it’s about 7.97, Chicago about 8.80 and Boston about 8.85. A G450 burns about 400 gallons per hour. A G450 holds about 4650 gallons of fuel. It varies a bit depending on cruise speed. Oklahoma City to London little over 4600 miles. The G450 will burn about 2000 gallons. 2000 x 8.50 = $17,000. Double that for a return trip. Hope Jerry gets lots of fund raisers.

  6. I remember old Herb's financial appeal co-worker letters. They had pretty much a standard format. The "work" was in crisis and generous offerings were needed immediately to stave off disaster while he was jetting around the world, pretending to be an "ambassador without portfolio." When he got wherever he was going, he threw fantastically expensive dinners to pompously proclaim a "strong hand from someplace" and called that preaching the gospel. How dumb we all were to fall for all that. He got to feed his narcissism while we dumb asses did without.

  7. Yes Allen you are so right about how Herb lived and how there was always a crisis. If I remember correctly, in the divorce proceedings with Ramona, she got Herb,s bank account which was 5 million. Guess he didn’t read his own co-worker letters.

  8. Who the hell is Kennith Copeland? Another rouge minister of WCG ?

  9. One time our WCG minister made a distressing announcement: We may have to sell the Falcon! I wasn't quite with it and thought he meant his Ford Falcon...
    A few weeks later, problem solved! I think that was when Stan Rader devised a way in which the church could keep its jets and Stan could make money from it...

    1. Hoss,

      Ford falcon. Thanks for the laugh

  10. I read begging letters from Herbert written in the 1960's and maybe some earlier. They were the same as the ones I used to get in the 70's and 80's. He was always in dire straits desperately needing money. So greedy, and completely ignoring the financial plight of many of the brethren. Narcissistic Personality Disorder - grandiosity, entitlement, insisting on living like a prince. In Australia when he came out here they flew him in a helicopter to visit a youth camp and then hired an expensive car to drive him to the top of the hill to complete his majestic arrival. Many of the brethren were quite poor and the ministers were busy spending the money and kowtowing to him. What a disgusting state of affairs. He lived it up and lorded it over everyone. "It shall not be so among you" as someone once said.

  11. In the age of the internet and rapid communication, why does any ministry need a jet. All they need to do is broadcast their message online for little or no cost.

  12. Anonymous said...
    In the age of the internet and rapid communication, why does any ministry need a jet. All they need to do is broadcast their message online for little or no cost.

    Well, no one is going to meet you at your computer or broadcast studio waving and clapping bearing gifts to display back home. You can't buzz the brethren with your computer. Also, it takes time, days and maybe weeks to be gone all over creation. What would you do to take up the rest of your time just back home broadcasting same old, same old? Where would the stewards find work? Around the broadcast studio? I don't think so. Besides, you can't really check up on how the ministry is showing their loyalty if you don't go see them, have a banquet and chat where you can gage the applause and smiling faces.

    No, you gotta have a jet to be an Apostle. Besides, the Two Witnesses can't just show up on El Al Airways or fly into Wadsworth or Edmond on United. I mean American. Not United. No not them.

  13. Yahshuahito is not pleased.

  14. There is absolutely no need for a Jet aircraft in these sort of ministries.

    There is even more so no need for a Gulfstream aircraft. It is a ridiculous waste of money, and a slap in the face to the poor and oppressed membership. Yet the sheeple will continue listening, continue absorbing, and keep funding their opulent and demanding lifestyle. I cannot help but wonder how many of these people were schooled in the art of televangelism by HWA. What's funny is that HWA's own cut-from-the-same-cloth-ministers in splinters - even Flurry - cannot even come CLOSE to the "success". perverted as it is, of HWA in televangelism. Flurry's jet doesn't even accomplish a tenth of what HWA built up. He's also got a little rock. I wonder what would happen if he had a lock of HWA's actual white hair or his extremely long bushy white eyebrows how he'd feel. Probably put it in a shrine under constant guard. "Over here is the actual eyebrow hair of HWA". "OOOOOOOHHHH." puke.

  15. "There is absolutely no need for a Jet aircraft in these sort of ministries. "

    Absolutely true. This is all vanity in the extreme. Nice gig if you can get it, though.

  16. Some years ago I visited the RCG website and watched one of the videos, possibly a "state of the work" message. In the intro, there was a staged scene with Dave getting off a private jet with his right hand extended as if to be meeting some "dignitary"...

  17. Flurry is a copy cat. But if he really wants to follow Herbert he has to move his church to Pasadena.

  18. Didn't Herb have a stretch limo, or was it Tkach? Why doesn't flurry have one? Seems like he is not following Herb's God in this regard. How is he going to get into the kingdom this way?

  19. Herb had a regular Cadillac limo. It was Tkach who had the stretch limo.

  20. Herbie had a stretch limo too. It was black and I got to use it when I got married in the auditorium. I don't know who arranged it, but it was a stretch limo.

  21. Having a jet send a message, it says, "I'm a desperately insecure person trying to pretend that I have accomplished what HWA did. It reminds me of the military uniform that Idi Amin wore when he was the dictator in Uganda. The front of the uniform was covered with metals. It was as if he was playing dress up, pretending to be a highly decorated military officer. So it is with Flurry and Pack with their mini campuses, magazines, etc. These churches are essentially invisible to the world, having little or no imprint on it.

  22. When is Flurry going to fly to Romania and get stimulative shots for his "Johnson" like HWA did on the church members nickel?

  23. Apparently Creflo was misunderstood - he wanted the G650 to carry food and provisions...
