Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, May 6, 2018

What We WIsh Jesus Would Have Actually Done on the First Visit

We always hear about the many amazing things that Jesus of Nazareth apparently did, but nobody ever asks about the things that Jesus supposedly COULD have done, being omnipotent, but either didn't bother to do or didn't think were all that important.


  1. I wonder if other religions have such a violent God. Or is it just the Jews?

  2. Jesus as human wasn't perfect. So get over it.

  3. I love it when people burst forth with the way they would do things and think that their way is so much superior than the way things happened. Whenever one of these "Oh, Jesus could have done this but did not", or "He could have done this, why didn't he?", I can only shake my head at the arrogance and hubris that that kind of thinking puts forth.

    Jesus did not come to this earth to give humanity the secrets of science, medicine, meteorology, technology, and all of the above. In fact, if you look at scripture, who were the ones that Genesis said actually began to teach the people ahead of their time? The watchers - or the Nephelim - who taught the people things they were not yet to know. These beings, according to the scripture, got in a lot of trouble for their interference in history, and for leaving their "habitation" and going against the plans of God.

    So when I come here, and I see people saying "Why didn't Jesus do this or that when he was here", "he could have taught this and did so much more good" and "blah blah", it is looking at things in an entirely physical and entirely humanistic - and entirely un-spiritual point of view. Jesus had a mission to complete. It was a mission to fulfill what was needed to be fulfilled, to reveal faith, to reveal the love of God, to bring humanity reconciliation to the Father, to disarm the powers and principalities of this dark age - in other words, his mission was spiritual, spiritual, spiritual.

    When someone begins to say "Jesus could have done THIS, or THAT, why DIDN'T HE?", it only proves that the only thing they are looking at is this physical realm and the better of this physical world, without comprehending or believing Jesus' spiritual mission. His goal was not to increase the physical, but the spiritual.

    Until you look at things through the eyes of the Spirit, the lenses of love, and the spiritual mission of Jesus - salvation, hope, faith, and love - and the Kingdom of God, righteousness, peace, and Joy - all the things in this little video clip fade into nothingness. Those who cannot understand the spiritual mission of Jesus Christ use this clip and clips like it to try to water down the real mission of Jesus, and frankly, their efforts are weak and frankly, quite narrow-minded and without spiritual comprehension. It's literally spiritually illiterate, and it's much like a child trying to get a teacher to teach them algebra when the teacher knows they couldn't comprehend it at that age, and then the child whining that the child knows better then the teacher, and demanding all the higher education stuff the teacher SHOULD be teaching. Of course, in reality, the teacher knows better and knows that it's just the ramblings of a child being a child. The child's sincere - but it's no less of childish ramblings.

    No offense. These are just the thoughts I have on the matter.


  4. Why do primates have better hearing than pinnacle-creation humans?
    They can hear to over 30khz, twice the human bandwidth!
    Would make music sound better, but we would have to make better hifi tweeters.

  5. "Until you look at things through the eyes of the Spirit, the lenses of love, and the spiritual mission of Jesus - salvation, hope, faith, and love - and the Kingdom of God, righteousness, peace, and Joy - all the things in this little video clip fade into nothingness."

    Yep. The barbarity, the cruelness, the complete indifference to human suffering, the demonstration that gods have never known more, or been more moral than the mere humans who say they proclaim his message. When you put the right spin on it, golly gee, you don't even notice all those things!
