Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

When Sheldon Studied Religion


  1. Ladies and Gentlemen, the story of Bob Thiel and his congregation. ;)

  2. soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur! Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr!
    there... there...

  3. I've spent the last few months studying what people believe and the Bible, and I've come to a conclusion. I've proven the truth to myself so I'm starting my own church. I'm calling it the BLAH BLAH BLAH Church of God, but people will refer to it as Armstrongism and claim it's a cult.

  4. fictional characters: the atheist's idol...

    c f ben yochanan

  5. the atheist carves out this digital idol, much like the ancient pagans carved theirs from stone...

    they then give it life and imagine in their hearts that what they have created is real...

    from their fantasy they derive wisdom and guidance, yet they look down upon their fathers, the ancient pagans whose behavior they have inherited...

    same old religion, i.e., self worship, but with a digital twist...

    c f ben yochanan
