Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Happy Birthday Herbert W Armstrong

The Painful Truth is celebrating Herbert Armstrong's birthday:

Happy Birthday Herbie!

To provide you with a holistic and thematic history of Herbert W. Armstrong’s crafty obloquies we need to begin with a frank acknowledgment of the basic humanness of each of us. And we must acknowledge that Herbie’s sole purpose in life was to impose his hate filled prejudices, and faulty theology on the public in order to enrich himself.
His rancor bitterness towards a world who rejected his so called “genius mind” has caused widespread social alienation within the daughter churches, and from this alienation a thousand social pathologies or churches have sprung up to entice and carry on his mentally deficient ‘work’.
In honor of the apostate apostle of malpractice the Painful Truth has received permission from the author for a showing of “Birthday Bash 2009.” 

View the video here:  Happy Birthday Herbie!


  1. "It's only a child's birthday." Not really. The significance of a birthday party is that a life is precious and worthy of celebration. But not according to Herb who railed against self esteem. He used silver and gold dinnerware, but how dare his tithe slaves think that they have any worth. It's the bully attitude of 'you're dirt and deserve to be treated like dirt.' Beat down the members to make them malleable and controllable.
    It's murder, but why should Satan be the only one who is a murderer from the beginning.

  2. July 31 was also HWAs anniversary to Loma. He got married on his birthday.

  3. I wouldn't call the teachings on Immortal soul, Heaven and Hell, the Sabbath and Holy Days, the Kingdom of God, Law and Grace and the Second Resurrections mentally deficient ‘work’ or faulty theology. These are all biblically true. What's also true is how those who post here that were hurt by the cultish leadership have been blinded by the hate to real bible truths.

    1. Don't assume everyone that was hurt by the cultish behaviour of the COG leadership are all atheist. Your comment seems to also lack compassion,it's like you are implying that nothing else matters but the doctrines. Why not condemn the evils of the ministry and try to empathize with the spiritual casualties, your comment is very religious butlacks humanity. Do you know people lost love ones as a result of the church's doctrines? Do you realise it is proven that cults of all different doctrines turn many minds from religion? Do you really think that human psychology is simple rather than complex and not just magical in nature ? Can everyone heal overnight and deal and or cope with trauma the sameway? As the scriptures put it "knowledge puffs up love builds up".1corith8:1

  4. ANON AT 7:26- You would be mistaken to attribute the doctrines that you laid out as originating with HWA. All of those doctrines preexisted HWA in the Church of God 7th Day by many years, yes, and including those who kept the Annual Sabbath Days as well.

  5. Anon August 1, 2018 at 7:26 AM

    You don't really know where the bible came from do you? How it was put together at by whom?
    Those rascally Catholics, that's who's book you use.

  6. Connie,

    Your comments are interesting. Is there a website or sites that I can go to,to find a good history of the Church of God Seventh Day?

  7. Oh no, my world. The sabbath preexisted hwa AND moses, abraham and mathew were catholic?


  8. "bible truths"

    Now there's an oxymoron for ya!

  9. Hmm, conspicuous by its absence is Bob Thiel's annual exception to his "true Christians don't celebrate birthdays" rule. Perhaps the continual reminder that his preferred photo of HWA shows birthday boy sporting a medal that features pagan symbols finally got through to him...

  10. Hey Dumbhead,

    I once asked "As Bereans did".

    I lost it but they forwarded excellent information on The COG's in the Dakota's and the Territories when the natives still roamed the prairies. Also concern of the church council on Grandma Johnson smoking an pipe, which was deemed unhealthy. And great concern about the youngsters going to the skating rink.

    And there was the Ethiopian prince checking out the COG in the young nation of USA.


    1. I'm calling BS on that one, nck. I was just at the skating rink last week.

  11. Thanks nck. I'll look up the site.

  12. 7.26 AM
    Your comment is Pharisaic. The "real bible truths" that you mention are only meaningful if people are alive. The immortality of the soul and the sabbath are academic if members are robbed of their lives. Life isn't just being physically alive, but rather exercising certain responsibilities. This is why the constitution mentions liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In Herbs church, the ministers usurp these responsibilities, effectively robbing members of their lives. This makes a moral code and Christian doctrines meaningless. It's like a car one cannot drive, food one cannot eat, cloths one cannot wear and money one cannot spend.
    Herb made moral beliefs worthless - the faith without works thingy.
    Herb was a killer at every level.

  13. They forwarded it on a discussion some (2) years ago about cog splitting from sda. (A position I oppose.) It was an excellent history of cog written by an "original" minister on how the loose groups associated (or not) and communicated. Not unlike HWA s account 2 decades later although "the car" improved the span of control. Of course a gII worked for a global enterprise.

    sda mission somehow spread globally far quicker than cog, mainly in agricultural areas of the world.

    Dont know why. But hwa noticed their ineffectiveness early on.


  14. Dumbhead-

    You will find this book by COG 7th Day Historian Robert Coulter, fascinating and with exhaustive research...


  15. https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/ancient/asbook11.asp



    The Canon approved by the third Synod of Carthage (397 CE)

    The first council that accepted the present New Testament canon was the Synod of Hippo Regius in North Africa (393 CE); however, the acts of the council are lost. A brief summary of the acts was read at and accepted by the third Synod of Carthage.

    Canon 24. Besides the canonical Scriptures, nothing shall be read in church under the name of divine Scriptures. Moreover, the canonical Scriptures are these: [then follows a list of Old Testament books]. The [books of the] New Testament: the Gospels, four books; the Acts of the Apostles, one book; the Epistles of Paul, thirteen; of the same to the Hebrews; one Epistle; of Peter, two; of John, apostle, three; of James, one; of Jude, one; the Revelation of John. Concerning the confirmation of this canon, the transmarine Church shall be consulted. On the anniversaries of martyrs, their acts shall also be read.
    Note that Hebrews is listed separately from the other 13 epistles.
    According to Zahn, in 419 another Synod held at Carthage gave the concluding words in the following form:

    ... Fourteen Epistles of Paul ..... the Revelation of John, one book. Let this be sent to our brother and fellow-bishop, Boniface [of Rome], and to the other bishops of those parts, that they may confirm this canon, for these are the things that we have received from our fathers to be read in church.

  16. COG7's church history book is far more believable than anything the WCG or any of the splinters publishes. I ordered it a while back.

  17. Well, birthdays are a sin. What's more important is when you die.

    Herb died on Jan 16 in the ROMAN calendar. Not on the holy sacred divine Hebrew calendar which has no January. So, of course, Gerald Flurry, "celebrates", or memorializes, Jan 16 as the day of Herb's death. That's because he does not follow GOD's calendar, and prefers the ROMAN calendar, the GREGORIAN calendar, which is what we heinous sinners use now. It is the calendar of (Satan's) POPE GREGORY. Yes, that is POPE Gregory. Gregory. Gregory the POPE. A POPE of the Catholic Church. The Church of Satan.

    Gerald is following Satan!!!

  18. Robert Coulter's book on cog7 history is quite informative, seems to be an honest ---- good or bad ---- description of the history. Hard cover is 500+ pages, but they also offer an older "booklet" by Robert Coulter published some years earlier, for the cost of $2.95. I have and read both.

  19. Herb died on Jan 16 in the ROMAN calendar.

    That was Shevat 6, 5746 on the Hebrew calendar. This year Shevat 6 was January 22.
    July 31, 1892 was Av 7, 5652, and this year Av 7 was July 19.
    I don't know what the dates were on the Mayan calendar...

    1. Depends on which of their reckoning systems you prefer. Jan 16 is given as 9 K'an on the Tzolk'in, but if you want to indicate a precise year you'll likely have to use the Long Count.

  20. Considering its reason, Jan 16 goes back thousands of years.
    Even in the millennium, there will have to be a variation of the Gregorian calendar in order to keep the months synchronized to the seasons. If the 30 day, 12 month calendar is used, it will need to reset (days added) every so often.

  21. I just wish I could get into a time machine and give Herbie’s mommy birth control pills.

  22. NoNo Martha,

    I got some excellent information from I believe xHWA.
    But I can't remember where I found the information on Gilbert Cranmer, Dugger jr and sr, and especially Greenberry G Rupert, either from xHWA, Keith Hunt or Richard Nickels.

    It got me researching old issues of "the bible advocate", "sign of the times" etc

    There I found the concern on church members going to the "skating rink" in about 1890. I wonder what transpired in that "worldy atmosphere', although I know since I saw a documentary also on the rise of the "skating rink' around the turn of the century. And there was this lady from the Dakota's, rebuked for her "smoking of the pipe", tobacco was a hot issue those days.

    In the "autobiography' of that minister were also accounts of COG's in the oklahoma territories before oklahoma was a state and renegates still found refuge there as compared to the steadfast citizens they are now.

    In searching for the "autobiography" I ran into picture of an 1890 christian lady from england also smoking a pipe. She was hailed for her extraordinary insight. I guess the pipe was a sign of her independent thinking.

    Martha I am quite sure if you were born in the 1890's you would have smoking a pipe.
    And don't you dare talk to the manfolk at the skating rink.


    1. Nck,

      Gotcha. And I will take that as a compliment.

  23. I should have assumed that a fine lady like yurself has mastered the "lost art of conversation". I have no worries regarding the skating rink.

    I apologize.



  24. Maybe HWA was thinking of Jett Rink, portrayed in the movie "Giant" by James Dean. That Rink was definitely worldly, getting drunk, starting fights, trying to start an adulterous affair. Word is that both major stars on that set, Rock Hudson and Liz Taylor, knew that James Dean was bisexual, and had a running bet about which one of them would be first to have him in bed.

  25. Thank you for that informational tidbit. But I was talking turn of the century cog.

    In "life in the industrial united states 1870-1900", it is stated that with the rise of the cities a new interest in "physical recreation" developed. Cycling became the latest fad in 1890 after the skating rinks demise. At its peak it had been a 20 million dollar business. However when it lost popularity it had become an extremely commercialized sporting event and commerciants had introduced many acts like "vaude ville" to attract visitors.

    It had been my contention that the skating was not the issue, although the chance of meeting a healthy, slim, irish lass with red cheeks of excitement might have been pretty high. And you know that might result in 9 catholic kids :'). No the issue would have been the wordly stuff like vaude ville surrounding the rink.

    I can see you are a movie lover. Regarding the evils of vaude ville in relation to the cog movement I will admit that I did kinda fell in love with Nathalie Wood in "Gypsy". So I speak with great authority on this important and vital subject.

