Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, July 1, 2018

PCG: Christ Frequently Visits Us

Geralrd Flurry says Christ comes to visit them more often now.

Christ came to help us in the court battle. Is He still here, operating personally in some ways? Does He come back periodically, or is He staying here? Verse 11 is very much like verse 1: He stood there by the altar—He did the job Himself. Maybe He thinks it is necessary to be appearing more often to help us out because we are in the time when Satan has been cast down, and he and his demons are confined to Earth. Maybe in this utterly mad age with Satan and the demons cast down, we require Christ’s presence more than in the past. 
And now, we have the very throne of God, which makes us a more obvious target!


  1. I was ruminating on Facebook just now, and since it's about my religious experiences, I've decided to share it heres:

    You might wonder why I am so down on religion. For many reasons. I don't think I could delineate them all if I sat at this computer from now to the day of my inevitable death.

    It's more than just the years I wasted fanatically promoting what I subsequently learned were delusions and outright lies. I helped mess up other people's lives while I was busily wasting precious youthful years of my own.

    I watched my father cough from cigarette smoke until he vomited and swore nothing would every control me to that extent, then, I let religion take over and royally mess up my life for more than twenty long years.

    Religion has, along with its sister, politics, drenched this earth in hatred, blood and misery for thousands of years. Both systems strive for mind control to get economic and cultural control. Selfish personal power passions drive both.

    The founders of our nation recognized that fact and tried to keep religion and politics separated forever. That's being steadily eroded and now we sit in a position to see fanatic religion in control of the most powerful institution that exists in our political system -- the Supreme Court.

    Religion is a peripheral thing to most people. They give it lip service and pretty much live their lives as they damn well please, not realizing that there is an element intent on regimenting their lives in a totalitarian system analogous to the tyranny of the Dark Age.

    I see what's happening because I was embroiled in something similar for a long time and know its tyranny and ruthlessness. I've been there in a little microcosm called The Worldwide Church of God that has since splintered into hundreds of equally fanatical pieces.

  2. How old is Gerald Flurry? What is his health status? Is he the one who is originating these crazy ideas? What do those surrounding him think of all of this? What does his son think? Is Flurry exhibiting the signs of dementia? Does his son worry that his dad will destroy the church before he gets to take over, assuming that is what he wants. Does his son want to take over in time or might he think that he has little choice, not having been trained to do anything else? BTW,is he living in Israel? If so, why? Who might be competing for Flurry's position back in Edmond? Who are the RCM and Stanley Raders, waiting in the wings to pick up the pieces once GF dies? Does anyone have an inside view of the politics going on at HQ in Edmond? Just wondering.

  3. When was Satan cast down? As I recall, Herbert in his co-worker letters said it was when the Attorney general "attacked" the WCG, while Flurry says is was when Herbert died. In any case, they disagree on that. Just one of the many changes that Mr. Gerald "we don't make changes" made.

  4. I like that last paragraph. Flurry has indeed made PCg a target by claiming to have the very throne of God. A target for the men in white coats!


  5. @10:23AM...

    Gerald Flurry is 83 years old.

    He appears not to have had any alcohol-related misadventures since his arrest 25 years ago, but he may exhibit some of the maladies associated with long-term alcohol abuse, followed by withdrawal.

    He has fainted in public a couple of times in recent years.

    Flurry's son and son-in-law are the two most influential Evangelists in PCG. Flurry's daughter Laura is a major "power behind the throne" in the cult, as was the (now deceased) widow of PCG co-founder John Amos.

    Flurry recently brought Canadian PCG Director Fred Dattolo to Edmond to serve as the local pastor there. Dattolo came to PCG much later than most of the other top men, having tried and failed to gain power in Rod Meredith's church. Opinion seems to be divided as to whether Dattolo has fooled Flurry into trusting him, or whether it's a case of "keep your enemies closer" and that Dattolo will soon be disfellowshipped just like his old friend Aaron Eagle.

    PCG has scaled back its Israel presence considerably, though it is still very involved in the Mazar dig. Stevie seems most interested in Edstone, in the UK, these days, but jet-sets around the globe even more than his father. Turgeon (the other top evangelist) spends much more of his time in North America.

    Membership in the USA has dropped to somewhere around 3,500, but among these are some wealthy oil company men whose tithes and offerings will keep PCG at least somewhat afloat no matter how small it becomes. These are probably the true powers behind the throne, as if Flurry loses them it would be like losing hundreds, if not thousands, of average members. I imagine that Flurry goes out of his way to keep these men feeling important and listened-to.

    Anything else?

  6. "progressives" like gerald flurry always need to be changing things, otherwise they would not be "progressing" and they couldn't fancy themselves to be ahead of everyone else

    they have an ego problem

  7. Where did you get the PCG membership info from?

    Who are the rich oil men?

  8. Yeah, a foreign apocalyptic religious cult controls the supreme court, the federal reserve, the controlled media, youtube, facebook, google, twitter, hollywood, and a whole lot else. But it is not Christianity. It's easy to prove who it is if you do your homework and persist for a while.

  9. Perhaps the cabal of COGleaders decided to liven things up with a challenge: who can come up with the most outlandish claim and not lose all their members? We know Dave had a shot at it, and now it's Gerry's turn. Bob Thiel had a turn, but he didn't put enough thought into it...

  10. The problem is that a Church of God group could get down to 50 members and they would come up with a good reason for it.

  11. This is actually a step up from WCG, which was visited by plenty of men claiming to be Elijah and/or one of the Two Witnesses, but only rarely by Christ.

  12. "Knock knock knock...Gerald, you in there? Open up. It's Jesus on my way to Wadsworth. I'm gonna kick you ass first..."

  13. At 10:23 am, Fred Dattolo is no longer Regional Director in Canada so who has taken over? That surprises cause the reason Flurry put him there was because he was an accountant at Pasadena in WCG and then for Meredith in LCG. So who did they replace him with? David Weeks or Brad Macdonald brother?

  14. I meant this for 11:20 am who has replaced Dattolo as Regional Director for Canada? Is it David Weeks or Brad Macdonalds brother? When i left Dattolo was still in charge and had recently had the other Macdonald brother transferred to Canada as he is married to a Canadian.

  15. Your illustration is telling - since some people think PCG has gone the way of Rev. 3:20, and left Jesus outside knocking on the door.

    Drive by the main entrance in Edmond on a Sunday, and you're likely to find the gate shut tight.


  16. Anonymous on July 1, 2018 at 11:20 AM said...“Membership in the USA has dropped to somewhere around 3,500, but among these are some wealthy oil company men whose tithes and offerings will keep PCG at least somewhat afloat no matter how small it becomes. These are probably the true powers behind the throne, as if Flurry loses them it would be like losing hundreds, if not thousands, of average members. I imagine that Flurry goes out of his way to keep these men feeling important and listened-to.”

    Do you have any way to contact these “wealthy oil company men” with information that might save them from wasting any more of their money supporting That False Prophet?
