Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, July 2, 2018

PCG: Gerald admits it IS all about RACE

Jeremiah 7:32-34 speak of a horrific time soon to come when dead bodies will pile so high there isn’t anywhere to bury them.
All joy and mirth will cease. Then notice what happens next. “At that time, saith the Lord, they shall bring out the bones of the kings of Judah, and the bones of his princes, and the bones of the priests, and the bones of the prophets, and the bones of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, out of their graves” (Jeremiah 8:1). They will have to know exactly where those graves are in order to  unearth them. “And they shall spread them [those bones] before the sun, and the moon, and all the host of heaven ...” (verse 2).
The discovery of the tombs of the kings could create a world sensation very soon. The Holy Roman Empire destroys those bones because it worships the dragon (Revelation 13:4; Revelation 17). Satan hates David’s throne more than any throne on this Earth because it is about to replace his throne forever!
Jeroboam had a fierce hatred for these righteous kings. That hatred comes from Satan, the god of this world. He has contempt for the throne of David, especially now that there is a new throne! Look at what these Satan-inspired people will do just to the bones of the righteous kings of David’s throne! Can you imagine what they would like to do to God’s people who possess that throne?
You could say this will really upset God, but those kings are going to be resurrected right after this. Bones are not going to mean anything to us in the future. We will be able to visit personally with men like David and Solomon—what difference will their bones make then? Soon we will get to the point where there aren’t any more bones!
What Satan wants to blot out most of all is the scepter promise. It’s about the race of kings who sit on that throne—and about Jesus Christ sitting on that throne and bringing grace to the world. Satan is in his greatest wrath because he knows his time is short (Revelation 12:12), and he wants to blot out everything that has anything to do with the throne of David.


  1. Your race is your extended family. What the heck is wrong with so-called "racism"? Nowadays you are classified a hater if you care about your extended family. It's all a ruse to bring in globalist Marxism. They destroy all conventional and natural affiliations so they can remake the world on their new model, which is designed to serve only the hyper elites and enslave all mankind. Wake up people.

  2. That makes no sense. Even going along with the scenario hes somehow transplanted from ancient Judah to "a few short years" away, such an action would promote the subject, not destroy it. And then, of course, he has to turn it into a bit of fearmongering to scare his followers, keep that sweet sweet tithe money coming.

  3. That brings up the race of King Gerald - is he a descendant of David? Or does he claim to have been adopted by HWA who claims to be? Or is he just another usurper?

  4. The mental focus is all wrong.

  5. The typical blog today is full of lies, just like Flurry.

    1. Why, yes Mr. Malm, we understand why you would say that. But, surely an ultimate Pharisee such as yourself would at the very least raise an eyebrow upon reading of the horrible immorality of the British royal family throughout their history. Let’s just say that HWA and GTA would have fit right in with their adopted family! You’d think Flurry would want to distance himself from all of that evil.


  6. Flurry claims that he is, in fact, a descendant of David.

    1. He does. HWA did that too. To Haile Selassie at one point.

  7. "The typical blog today is full of lies, just like Flurry."

    I love watching the Armstrongites get all self-righteous and indignant when this blog quotes the asinine words of church leaders. It is a direct quote from ol'Six Pack and this guy rocks a bad attitude thinking it is all made up.

    Bob may be right. This is probably James Malm saying this. Ever since his hot little babe Constance bitch slapped him and told him to get to get lost, he has been angry and especially Pharisaical.

  8. Hey 6:05.

    Your post is a fabricated and baseless narrative, which therefore proves the point you are trying to refute.

  9. I think Malm and BB are one and the same, and he also masquerades as anonymous to anonymously pat himself on the back.

    1. Wow! I see you were left with some really nasty diseases from being raised in Armstrongism. Know what’s funny? Probably at least one person here suspects that I’m not only you, but also your mother!


  10. Of course God is a racist. Why else did He create so many different races?

  11. Still waiting on that fire he promised...

  12. I don't get the racism bit. Whoever wrote this excerpt used race in the sense as "group" or "collection" or "class". To surcharge it with ideas of racism is beyond the normal reach. I do think Armstrongists are racists but this is a dubious example of that.

    What does intrigue me is the mention in this same sentence of "grace", as if it were important. Armstrongists have a very anemic belief in grace - for them, grace hovers around the point of non-existence. Think for moment - grace is the big, Biblically sanctioned, counterpoint to the legalism that they ardently cherish and illicitly mined from the OT. Odd that the writer should mention it.
