Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Dixon Cartwright Hospitalized

This was in last nights mail, it is from the Ambassador Reunion site.  Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

Dixon Cartwright is in the hospital in Tyler. He had another stroke. The last one was about ten years ago and he followed the doctor's orders and lost weight and such.

I e-mailed him a couple of days ago with no response, which was unusual. So, I called him last night and he told me what had happened. He has congestive heart failure and is scheduled for another stent (he has two) or possibly by- pass surgery today. He cannot walk at all. Linda is supposed to bring his laptop to him today.

Please all pray for him and Linda.


  1. Best to you Dixon. You're a good man and have done a great job in the aftermath of all the Church of God chaos. You gave everyone a forum to process it all no matter their views or your own personal perspectives on it all. I wish you a good recovery and hang in my friend.

  2. Dixon and Linda are in our prayers. We should all be grateful to Dixon for providing a vehicle for folks to express their views about the conduct and doctrines of the Armstrong Churches of God, and I will always be grateful to him for his willingness to publish several articles on alternative views of human sexuality (including a couple of my own pieces).

  3. Prayers for a speedy recovery!!!

  4. Dixon is a go slow COG reformer.

  5. Anonymous 8/21/2018 @9:49 PM said "Dixon is a go slow COG reformer" I believe that this is a misleading characterization of this man. As the EDITOR of a newspaper, Dixon's aim was to provide a platform for different views. This suggests that he understood the fundamental nature of Armstrongism, and that real change would have to be generated from within the movement and could not be imposed on it by those who have no experience or personal interest in it. And, while a conversation takes more time than a statement of condemnation, we should not interpret this as a sign that the individual who is hosting that conversation is not fully committed to reform and change.

  6. To my knowledge, I never met Dixon. I did read his publication online when I could just to keep up with news about people I knew. The articles no longer interested me for the most part. Like so many of us, he's elderly and being elderly only signals problems and an eventual end to it all. Soon, those of us who remember and write about the early days will be gone. That phenomenon will fade into the past and be largely forgotten by all but a very few.
