Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, August 17, 2018

Herbert Armstrong: Races were to remain segregated till the end of this world...

Source: Good News, November 1957 
"Why America is CURSED" 

Here are three clips I have grabbed from the Good News. If there be any doubt HWA was racist - here's the proof. Apparently to HWA, God "commands" racial segregation, and apparently, segregation was not considered sinful and evil to to HWA. Those who thought so were "deluded". 

Among those whom HWA considered deluded were Eleanor Roosevelt, and the other politicians who worked to end racial segregation. 

Just more things to add to the files of the evidence that the WCG under HWA was fully racist. 

Like we who know better didn't know that already. But you can't tell a horse led to water to drink, can you. 

Of course, it all has to do with the Fact DEUTERONOMY is "still in force". 

Source: SHT


  1. Thank you SHT for the honesty to include the clipping where it states that "armstrongs racism" did not extend into "superiority" of one race over the other.

    If this were a highschool "english text analysis" exam. Students who would have answered, here is a cold war anti communist speaking, would have had the same points awarded as the students who would offer, here is a segregist speaking, as an answer.

    Funny that several peoples, like the Chinese, the jews and the Japanese and probably many more would agree with HWA. Oh probably should be including the arabs too.


  2. The are plenty of non white people that do not want their offspring marrying outside of their race. They are not condemned as rascist. Even famous actors like Eddie Murphy have spoken about it on Oprah.
    Multiculturalism is not the answer to the worlds woes.

  3. First, Deut 7:2-3 is not the foundation for a policy on race, even if Deuteronomy were still in force. The Canaanites were not racially different from the Jews. They are closely related, Haplogroup J peoples. The Lebanese are an example of modern day Canaanite people. I will not go into the genetics further since I have written about it in the past.

    The admonition in Deuteronomy pertains to religion and culture. HWA mistook if for a racial statement because he misunderstood, as most churches at that time did, the Table of Nations in Genesis. That table is of limited scope and pertains to a small collection of Haplogroup J clans that biologically descended from a man named Adam.

    In fact, one cannot find a statement in the OT that pertains to racial intermarriage or asserts a policy. That seems to be left to human wisdom.

    If a group, for some reason, wanted to develop a racial intermarriage policy, this should be based on the genetic hierarchy of mankind (you can look it up in Wikipedia). And the principle of "genetic distance" should be used. But this leads to such outcomes as the marriage of a Jew (haplogroup J) to a British person (haplogroup R1b) would be racial intermarriage. These two groups of people are genetically quite distant.

    HWA drew his conclusions based on the state of his Biblical knowledge and a common religious understanding of race at the time. He was not inspired, at least by anything godly. He was just another Millerite preacher with a shtick to promote. So he made mistakes. It was not the first or only time.

  4. Statements by Bob Jones Sr and the policies of Bob Jones University were similar to those of HWA and AC. But the justification goes back to Genesis, the Mark of Cain and the Curse on Ham.

  5. Funny... here Armstrong condemns "communism", yet his own church had no free economy, no free market feedback mechanism, had a central monetary control, and its own form of Politburo , with HWA operating like Joseph Stalin at the top.

  6. I have worked in places where whites were a minority and Chinese the majority. The Chinese when they are in majority numbers are much more racist than whites. According to some of the Chinese friends I made, Chinese don't like anyone, don't like other Asians, don't like Northern Chinese if they are from the south, don't like rural Chinese. When a group of the white people complained about racial prejudice, the answer from our Chinese boss was "there is nothing wrong with being proud of your race", but they did agree to speak in English during work hours. My friends told me that to Chinese there is a hierarchy when hiring. 1)Hong Kong Chinese 2)Mainland Chinese 3)Other Asian races 4)Whites and East Indians 5)Blacks. This list reflects their view of intelligence and work habits.

    Then look at Japan, do they accept immigration? I believe they want a homogenous race living in Japan. East Indians are known for disapproving of their daughters marrying non-Indians or even those of a lower Indian caste, and some prefer to murder their daughters than see this happen.

    I guess the western world and the countries like America and Canada are involved in an experiment that all races can live together in harmony. I hope it can happen, because really it is mans best hope for peace, and the differences are mostly cultural.

  7. I have worked in places where whites were a minority and Chinese the majority. The Chinese when they are in majority numbers are much more racist than whites. According to some of the Chinese friends I made, Chinese don't like anyone, don't like other Asians, don't like Northern Chinese if they are from the south, don't like rural Chinese. When a group of the white people complained about racial prejudice, the answer from our Chinese boss was "there is nothing wrong with being proud of your race", but they did agree to speak in English during work hours. My friends told me that to Chinese there is a hierarchy when hiring. 1)HongKong Chinese 2)Mainland Chinese 3)Other Asian races 4)Whites and East Indians 5)Blacks. This list reflects their view of intelligence and work habits.

    Then look at Japan, do they accept immigration? I believe they want a homogenous race living in Japan. East Indians are known for disapproving of their daughters marrying non-Indians or even those of a lower Indian caste, and some prefer to murder their daughters than see this happen.

    I guess the western world and the countries like America and Canada are involved in an experiment that all races can live together in harmony. I hope it can happen, because really it is mans best hope for peace, and the differences are mostly cultural.

  8. btw

    My Nigerian cabdriber congratulated the USA for first electing a "kenyan" president and now a "Nigerian" one. (in terms of sheer corruption, incompetence and general undemocratic behavior)


  9. Connie,
    So true, and not forgetting, ownership by need with his 'give way.' Herb embraced commie ideology but rejected the Soviet gang in power at that time, since they wouldn't let him play church. Herb was a social justice warrior. The religious system in his church, then and now, is neo communist with biblical window dressing. It's liberation theology. Which is why there was/is no mention of self interest, self profit, self care, independence, self reliance, assertiveness, and rights. And frequent attacks on 'selfishness' (code for self interest) and demands of 'sacrifice' (code for self loss/wealth distribution). Speeches by social justice warriors and church sermons are often similar.
