Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Pam Dewey: Strange Brew Video

Pam Dewey has had a website up for many years chronicling the various religious groups in America as well as the Church of God movement.  She has also been tackling many of the myths in American lore and history. Her Myth America site seeks to "Dispell MythInformation and MythPerceptions about American history.

Here is her latest video production:

You can continue to part 2 & 3 on her YouTube channel:  Meet Myth America


  1. She keeps using the phrase "angy white guys." It's as if I'm listening to a Hillary propaganda video. In the ten minutes I gave this video, there was no mention of Obama and Hillary and their accompanying faults. Why did she nit pick about the pastor using the title president rather than president elect? After all, even former presidents are given the honorary title of president. She left out that some polls did predict a Trumpet victory.

    It's as if Hillary supporters can't accept the election result, and are stuck in some sort of 'replay the past' mental loop. It's a mental malady. She and her soulmates need a good lay down on Freud's couch.

    1. Because the election hadn't even happened yet when the subject video was taken, 12:31.

  2. Pam should stick with what's she's good at. Exposing religious charlatans.

    The sordid world of politics is mankind at its worse.

  3. She reminds of those uppity women in GCI who felt they needed to out and get ordained so they could preach to men. I have never understood why women need to preach to men and tell them how things should be. From preschool through university it is uppity women ruling over men. There is a reason God told them to be silent!

  4. There is not much in Dewey's material that suggests she is a "political activist."

    However she does brings to light and at times exposes fallacies in the myth's that created America. A true social historian. And therefore not perse a friend of those who have used those myths to create something grand. They might argue that the fallacies are nullified by the merits of the great experiment that is America. On the other hand. Those that have used those myths know that these myths energized a wayward people to unite in diversity.

    It's time the myths get exposed. Like British Israelism now lies exposed. Once British Israelism and German Assyrianism energized millions of people and elites to engage in grande projects never tried before. Now they are time stamped and new realities and problems demand different solutions and different story telling.

    One of the current fallacies in modern story telling is that if you raise tariffs jobs will return on the long run. In this particular video Dewey exposes the fallacy of believing that the current Potus is God sent and the anointed messiah.

    This is what freaked Europe out during the Reagan years at the height of the Cold War and is currently causing a complete redirection of foreign policy strategy by America's closest allies. Just look at the millions of deceived people in the video and just realize what the German secret service and other intelligence gatherers are seeing. Just realize what the Russians are currently exploiting and what is weakening America.

    The USA has squandered its promise by neglecting its educational system in order to raise the masses to a higher level. Instead they are the laughing stock of the world and NO different from the religious nutcases in Iran. At least that population can claim at its defense that they are under a police state.

    Make no mistake. Policy makers from China, Russia, Germany are monitoring the situation as presented in the video and this is causing an unprecedented rift in the understanding of who is to lead the world system. It has become clear that at least for the time being America is negating on its obligations as they are bestowed upon this blessed nation by the others in the system.

    If you declare the leftist like Hillary a mental malady I would urge you to view the video once again and face the ugly truth that it is reasonable to assume that than at least the majority of Americans seems to suffer a mental malady.

    I believe in the power of democracy and the resilience of the American people. However it has become undeniable that the blessed nation has become an unstable factor as leader of the system. And this proces started under Clinton giving the banks free reign, following with the Bush administration who lied to and arrogantly misled their closest allies an Obama who many seem to believe betrayed the most important constituency and now Trump who is rapidly destabilizing the post world war 2 system. Others are warming up to fill the void.



  5. Another viewpoint:



  6. Anonymous on August 24, 2018 at 5:38 AM said...“She reminds of those uppity women in GCI who felt they needed to out and get ordained so they could preach to men. I have never understood why women need to preach to men and tell them how things should be. From preschool through university it is uppity women ruling over men. There is a reason God told them to be silent!”

    So true!

  7. I'll give you one example what threat we are dealing with.

    Russian trolls are actively engaged in the entire western world in debates on internet regarding vaccination of children.

    The anti vaccination uneducated are currently profiting from the many people that are vaccinated. People cannot fathom what it means if the religious nuts take us back to the middle ages. Or even 100 years ago when 30% of kids in a family could just die by treatable disease like measles. Or when 20 million people died by the flu.

    Thank you Pam for exposing the deceivers without even fully comprehending the dangers they pose because good people need not think about the reality "beyond the wall".


    1. You believe the Russians are trolling as anti-vaxers? You believe that Measles is the way they would choose to hurt the country? You're too smart to believe that. There have been thousands of people that have gotten measles in the U.S. this century without a single death.

    2. Earl.

      The Russians have been trolling as anti vaxers and as "black lives matters" activists on the internet.

      Anything to destabalize the internal cohesion of the adversary imposing the most stringent of sanctions.

      HWA was VERY RIGHT also on the communist threat caused by the racial economic divide in the sixties.

      I worked with Putins colleagues in St Petersburg city Hall and was in Berlin when Putin vacated Dresden.

      He is extremely well trained in cold war kgb tactics and is working to divide the west aka israelite nations in wcg speak.l, while dancing at the austrian foreign secretaries wedding, adressing the couple in perfect german, as he did in 1989 when I was chopping the Wall and Putin burned his papers


  8. as long as the President sticks to the Constitution, who cares about anything else?

    there are no righteous men (all are sinners), so don't expect one to be elected President.

    God sets up kingdoms, and takes them down. He sets leaders in place to punish the people, and to reward them....so all of these so called religious leaders might think that THEY got Trump elected, but then, they think a lot of things that aren't true.

  9. I am not sure how this political propaganda video relates to Armstrongism. It is clear to me that Pam Dewey is clueless as to why Donald Trump was elected. She lost me at “Angry White men wanting to go back to the culture and economics of the 1950s”. I didn’t waste my time going beyond that point early on in the video.

    I support President Donald Trump. I confess I am guilty of being a “white man” so I guess that makes me a bad person. I am also a businessman and my own company in the property business so I can relate to Donald Trump. I guess that makes me bad too. I use to be a customer of Donald Trump’s airline, the Trump Shuttle. Always got to New York safely. I guess that makes me a bad person as well. I am a taxpayer. I pay a lot of taxes every year. I guess that makes me a bad person. I love and care about my Country, so I guess that makes me a bad person. I believe in borders, and that border security is national security. I guess that me a bad person.

    I don’t come to Banned by HWA to discuss politics. I come, read and occasionally contribute on topics for the stated mission of this website. I attended a Trump rally, and witness the mainstream media ignore the largeness of the crowds Trump drew and the diverse colors of the rainbow of those attending. It comes obviously to anyone with an open mind how much Donald Trump loves this country. Donald Trump connected with ordinary Americans – “the forgotten men and women” ignored by the other political candidate for President in 2016. After all, the other Party’s candidate for President wrote off the entire Midwest in her political campaign.

    When I was young, I had Herbert Armstrong & Company marginalizing and lying to me that I was a “weak and base thing”. In other words, that I didn’t count. Now I have Pam Dewey marginalizing and “lying by implying” that I again don’t count, and that my vote doesn’t count. Pam, you’re not much different than Herbert Armstrong!


  10. Pam is just expressing an informed opinion. To know what is really going on in the world, and because news these days is always presented with partisan bias, (especially the sources used by the ACOGs), it behooves each of us to read widely including various sources from both sides of the political aisle. If you guys can’t handle that, or would prefer to focus on the gender of the presenter rather than the material, go back and bury your heads in the sand. HWA and his latter day lackeys always did teach us to obtain limited understanding, in fact carefully limited to the sources that appeared to support an Armstrongian world view. Fact is, there is a much broader spectrum than we were led to believe.

  11. The inclusion of political opinion in an already stressed religious environment, though certainly can be done, and may be beneficial for a certain genre, may be (duh?) an added stress inducer for some. I myself refuse to involve myself with any political discussion in this generation, and especially on a religious forum where opinions are already polarized. For those with a proclivity to anxiety, stress, or have black/white political opinions, in my personal opinion, it might be better to avoid these types of threads altogether.

    I'm not going to change my relations to people who talk here based on their political direction. I'm here to discuss Armstrongism, the Splinters, the old WCG, and how we're recovering or dealing with our religious center. That's how I will focus my comments and my posts - on our collective past and present, where we are best unified and need constructive and thoughtful conversation. Just an FYI when you see I fail to comment on political threads. This is the last and only one I'll comment on, and it's intentional.


  12. 8.42 AM
    Pam is giving us the same anti Trump message that is saturating the MSM. Read widely from both political aisles? Anti Trumpers are chasing his supporters from Colleges campuses with physical violence and verbal abuse. Where is the respect for both aisles?
    This isn't a Banned topic.

    1. Well, 10:03, the Germans living under the Third Reich should have chased Hitler and his followers and physically and verbally abused them. Reality is that Trump is even worse than Richard Nixon. Cohen deserves a medal of honor for the spirit of self-sacrifice as displayed in doing the right thing. Pence for President 2019!

  13. Former Member Of The Church Of God (7th Day)Friday, August 24, 2018 at 10:03:00 AM PDT

    I enjoy pretty much most of the articles here at Banned, but when it come to politics I have to wonder why you would share Pam's video. If she doesn't like the way things are going in the United States she can always leave. I didn't like the way Obama was doing things so I moved to Canada and loving every minute of it.

  14. YOU are making this into a POLITICAL video.

    Most of Deweys work is about exposing myths regarding the social history and narrative of america.

    The video must have touched a nerve here pretty bad. I assume it involved the same persons who deliberately refuse to understand my coded messages.

    Very interesting to see how some are interpreting Pams excellent expose as a political message. I would very much endorse reading her other articles. It will leave most of you shocked as in just learning that your parents actually bought the christmas presents.


  15. Oh the politics! The political intelligence here is very low, but I do have to say it: congratulations liars, your side is winning! Consider this news item from today:

    Jacob Goodwin and Alex Ramos were both sentenced yesterday for their role in forcibly stopping DeAndre Harris’s violent crime spree on August 12th of last year. Harris was caught on video repeatedly assaulting peaceful protesters with weapons that day, but was mysteriously only tried for a single misdemeanor assault, which the judge found him not guilty on despite video and eyewitness testimony. In contrast, Goodwin and Ramos were both tried for malicious wounding, a Class 3 felony, and sentenced to eight and six years in prison respectively, for putting a stop to his reign of terror. Daniel Borden pleaded No Contest to the same, and still awaits his sentence. Richard Preston, was sentenced to four years in prison for firing a single shot into the ground, in his effort to stop Corey Long from setting rallygoers on fire.

  16. At 7:09 I thanked Dewey for exposing while perhsps not even understanding the full scope of what she is adressing.

    Another clarification. Amidst the chinese oil plants in south sudan I hear Texan christian missionaries preach about how Adam and Eve ran around naked and were not ashamed, while insisting the locals should wear clothes like the bible supposedly advocates. My mind blows when the elderly ask why their competent leaders die in planes while the west supports crooks and 10 percent of their land is sold to foreign investors.

    This is the issue. (amongst french, british and american mines that people ask if they floated to the desert themselves)


  17. Q Why was Adam created 1st?
    A: to give him a chance to say something.
    ---The 1st Adam-splitting gave us Eve, a force which men in all ages have never gotten under control.
    Q: Why was Adam the most fortunate of married men?
    A: He never had to deal with a mother in law. Especially one that thought NO man was ever
    good enough for her daughter.
    Just thought I'd "lighten" things up a bit in here. seems to me it gets a little "tense"
    once in awhile. :-) :-) :-)

  18. Nck
    So you think we are 'interpreting Pam's excellent expose as a political message.'
    So we are incapable of discerning a expose from a political message. Hence a lawyer (like lawyer Nck) is needed to tell us the plain truth. Spoken like a minister. Like I've said before, many here have been brainwashed and made in the churches image. And they aren't even aware of it.

  19. Oh, 4:02, nck has done this interpretive sleight of hand thingie to us before! He’s taught us that we erred in thinking that HWA (another looming figure) was all about church, a religion, and ministry, when actually he was an international cold war warrior, a tireless promoter of capitalism, freedom, and the triumph of the human spirit.

    Silly us, each legalistic sabbath, for mistakenly thinking that the WCG was our church, as we commiserated with one another about the soon-coming tribulation and Germans! Church children were actually beaten, and medical refusers died for the CIA, not because we were a toxic religion. You see, without nck’s dramatic appearance all these years after the fact we couldn’t possibly “get” this! We’d all be helplessly and ignorantly bemoaning the demise of our church.

  20. Nck 8/24/18 7:09 AM said: "The anti vaccination uneducated are currently profiting from the many people that are vaccinated. People cannot fathom what it means if the religious nuts take us back to the middle ages. Or even 100 years ago when 30% of kids in a family could just die by treatable disease like measles. Or when 20 million people died by the flu."

    To you Nck and your ilk I might be considered "uneducated" because I choose to be against mandatory vaccinations, but if I may use a phrase from the pro-abortionists who (falsely asserting their right to murder unborn children) declare "It's my body" (when in truth it's not since it's not their life that's being snuffed out now is it?!) and after all, when it comes to vaccinations, it really is my body and thus it should be my choice what I put into my body via inhalation, ingestion or injection! Tbh you either believe in freedom of choice or you don't believe in freedom at all. Mandatory vaccinations, compulsory voting, indeed forced anything in a nation that values freedom of choice and liberty of conscience is wholly undemocratic and a mockery of true liberty.

  21. 9:35

    I believe in your right to drive through a red light.
    It is mighty stupid to do that, but please do.


  22. 8:37

    It's quite good what you wrote. EXCEPT that I believe Hwa was 100 percent about religion and church, unlike most active bloggers here, asserting he was a fraud. The reality showed he ALSO acted on the other.

    Your interpretation of my musings are as wrong as the person who commented on another topic that hwa was not about social justice because we were forbidden to donate to unicef.

    I am merely the one pointing out that in reality the church and therefore the membership, being the church, donated millions of 1970 dollars to UN programs like Unicef. All in the open and publicized. As a matter of fact, just 20 minutes before Nakasone went into an OECD meeting in Paris he took 10 minutes to greet his mentor, while HWA was on his way to sponsor a UNESCO childrens art project.

    I am just giving the facts to those who can handle it.


  23. Pam's presentation was focused on the involvement of certain segments of organized religion in promoting a Trump presidency, and it was consistent with her efforts to expose the folklore surrounding religious participation in American politics. Hence, it is shortsighted to characterize this as a political piece. The folks who stopped watching after a few minutes into the video remind me of a small child facing a corner of the room and putting their fingers in their ears so that they can't hear anything - "Don't confuse me with the facts!" Moreover, this post is very relevant to the subject of Armstrongism as this pro-Trump religious phenomenon is very evident among some of the splinters (just check out some of the writings posted by the Philadelphia Church, Church of God International and Mark Armstrong if you don't believe me).

  24. nck 11:21 said:

    "I believe in your right to drive through a red light. It is mighty stupid to do that, but please do. nck"

    Tsk tsk I'm afraid you're confusing rights with rules nck. SMH

    And if you see nothing morally wrong with threatening others with fines, imprisonment or worse whose freedom to choose (when it comes to their health and that of their family) is encroached upon by a chosen few seeking to impose its will as if they know best then you probably wouldn't see anything wrong with the likes of HWA and his legalistic ilk compelling others to do things as he saw fit under the threat of hellfire!

  25. 6:01

    You are deceptive and twist all. I kid you not. It is really quite startling.

    I believe that in essence the red traffic light is an infringement on your right to "roam the plains".

    Somehow you have decided or have been educated that it is better to stop when the light turns red.

    All reasons and arguments as to how you came to that conclusion should apply for vaccination.

    The abortion example especially. Why on earth would you cite that example for other reasons than "the protection of society at large", if you are an advocate of personal liberty?

    People who by choice do not vaccinate are "free riders" and profiteering on the choice of a critical majority. Just like the odd 1 or 2 that will survive driving through the red light UNTIL the critical tipping point of participants in that constituence also decides to freely decide to abandon all traffic lights. Death toll will rise and that is not a prophecy, but a statistic. For further discussion I refer to journals of medicine instead of russian propaganda troll factory sites and comments, unless you like to be categorized "among that ilk". Under the pretense of being a free person, you arr just a free rider in the statistics.


  26. Some law is situational. There are cases where decisions must be made. I’ve encountered red lights in the middle of the night that a car would eventually trip to green, but a motorcycle would not. So, you either wait for a car to join you, or you carefully look around you, and then go, hoping a cop isn’t furtively watching. You might consider stopping, and going if no other cars are on the road after midnight and before 4:00 AM, but tempered with the wisdom that there are many drunk or fatigued drivers on the road during those hours.

    The people who do best in life are those who live in sync with the intent of the law, without becoming fanatical about the letter of the law. Much in life is solution-based, and pragmatism is called for. Who ever even heard the word “pragmatic” in an Armstrongite sermon. That would have gone over just about as well as the idea of “negotiating” with your minister, “compromising”, and I can think of any number of other vocabulary words which became vestigial upon entry into Armstrongism.
