Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

COG Hurricane Shield Collapses As Satan Attacks East Coast Feast Sites With Hurricane

The Time-Worn, Hurricane-Reversing, Feast-Saving Hurricane Shield that in decades past was rumored to turn hurricanes around and back to sea, saving a few thousand dedicated Church of God Feast-goers from certain destruction, appears to be losing steam!

The latest Hurricane to encounter the Shield, Hurricane Florence (which, of course, in all concern and seriousness, we hope people in danger and in harm's way actually DO take seriously and evacuate from NOW - this one's a biggie!!!), which could be one of the most damaging and destructive Hurricanes in many decades, threatening hundreds of thousands of people along the North Carolina And South Carolina coastline - timed of course to coincide with the Fall Holy Day Season, is buffing against the shield, which appears to be struggling to deflect this Hurricane. What then, has weakened the infamous Church of God Hurricane Shield? 

It has been rumored that the state of one of the Churches of God are to blame.

The Church of God which activated their Famed Hurricane Shield of Fasting and Prayer seems to have become "lukewarm" and "stale" - and the presiding Evangelist's ho-hum call for the fast seems to have weakened the Hurricane Shield.

The Chief Engineer of the Shield yelled to the Home Office "Captain! We're giving her all we've got! She can't take much more of this!" 

The Presiding evangelist responded "Well, you're doing the best you can, nothing much more we can do."

The other Churches of God clearly mocked the failing Shield, stating it proves they were never the Church of God anyway. 

None of the Churches of God seemed to show any concern or pledge any help, to the best of our knowledge, to the many hundreds of thousands of people on the coast. When asked why, one pompous COG said "They're under the devil's punishment, we can't interfere with God's Judgement." 

The Hurricane Shield in past times was claimed to have caused reversals, loops, stalls, dissipation, and other weakening phenomena in decades past. Another shield, the Tornado Fizzler, has been rumored to do the same, causing tornadoes to split, dip, rise, dissipate, hop, and jump over Church member's homes - while smashing and crushing non-church members' homes just doors down. 


Instead of showing concern and helping those who are suffering from the effects of Natural Disaster, the Churches of God have historically used such events to boost their own bias that they are the only bearers of Protection from the wrath of the weather. Perhaps, some will act and think differently with Florence - and embrace the opportunity to help those in need, doing the right thing, by assisting, helping, giving, and rebuilding those who need a loving hand. 

submitted by SHT


  1. Three different alliterations of the Church of God are now based in the Charlotte area and guess where the hurricane is headed...the Carolina's

    Gerald Flurry is based in Edmond OK and that area is getting hit with thousands of earthquakes.

    I doubt if this is Satan attacking but God trying to wake people up to the lies of the Church of God.

  2. OMG! Someone pray that Jesus will thrust that mean hurricane up the devil's backside and those Armstrong Churches can celebrate their cananite festival.

  3. Well, at least it's not a sharknado.

  4. As always the notion of helping those in dire need will as usual be sluffed off with the trite
    (SMUG) excuse....I give to help the "poor" (yeah, you betcha!)through MY CHURCH. They take care of it....When JC fed all those thousands of hungry people he never discriminated between "church members" vs those nasty, filthy, pagan, "deceived children of the devil". His healings were of the same basis..someone in need,etc. And of course Jesus NT church didn't even exist at that time. They'll use that same old cheap cop-out, let the "dead" etc take care of their own..etc. Business as usual...
    Let's not forget D Pack's modern version of 'CORBAN' either. Disgusting!!Revolting! Shameful! to say the least. Abominable. & HYPOCRITICAL :-(

  5. September is the peak of the hurricane season because that is when the southern Atlantic is at its highest temperature not because Satan is trying to destroy COG feast sites. There is a steep decrease in hurricane activity in October because the ocean temperatures start to decline in October not because God is protecting COG feast sites. Hurricanes naturally happen because of atmospheric conditions and not from some kind of battle between Satan and God. There where severe hurricanes in these areas way before the COG's had feast sites there.

  6. Years ago I followed up on a GN story about the hurricane that was said to have been headed straight for the (Heckle and) Jekyll Island feast site. "Meteorologist couldn't explain" why it stalled over Cuba -- but meteorology has advanced greatly since then.
    Sad that the GN article expressed no remorse for over 10,000 people who were killed as the hurricane plowed back into the Atlantic.

  7. Can you imagine Gerald Weston actually acting like a Christian and telling East Coast Feast sites to cancel services for one day so the brethren could help in the local communities to clean up after the hurricane? Imagine that...nope, can't.

  8. Sleepless in Charlotte

    THOUSANDS of earthquakes in Oklahoma??

  9. In this last year, they have had 395 earthquakes. This does not include the previous years that they have been happening.


  10. I have first hand knowledge that the Texans consider fracking a personal gift from God almighty to the USA. I'm not sure about Tornadoes. It would be funny to see the entire campus disappear into a giant sink hole. (of course only when all people are on an outing having fun)


  11. Quiz
    Florence is directed:
    a) by satan to hit feast sites
    b) by god to hit the hog farming industry
    c) both a and b
    d) Ed sept 12 at 5:20 boring science


  12. @ 8:43PM,

    Can you imagine Gerald Weston actually acting like a Christian and telling East Coast Feast sites to cancel services for one day so the brethren could help in the local communities to clean up after the hurricane?

    If he did, I can imagine the majority of LCG members reasoning that they "help" the most by going to local stores to purchase alcoholic beverages. They would reason that Weston is a weak little successor to the great RCM and doesn't understand that the dead are to bury their own dead, and these God-beings-in-training would use the day of cancelled services to sleep late, party with friends, and make it a true Feast of Booze.

  13. In biblical times, the world was agrarian and poor. So the bible emphasis on helping others is understandable. But times have changed. Most in the west today are comfortable. The big social problem today isn't the poor, but rather lack of self responsibility. The emphasis on giving, helping, serving etc, is misplaced, and encourages lazy, irresponsible behavior.
    It's Paul's admonition of 'if you don't work, you don't eat' that should be emphasized.

  14. Anon September 13, 2018 at 7:51 AM

    That was a cop out.

  15. Wouldn’t it just be a gas if the Feast fell during the “S” named hurricane, and the National Weather Service named the storm that was going to hit some of the feast sites “hurricane Satan”?

  16. Anon 7:51 - I totally disagree - when an area is devastated, everyone needs help from poor to rich - floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes do not respect the well-to-do and the self-sufficient.

  17. Yesterday Pat Robinson said that his prayers had diverted the hurricane away from Virginia Beach southward to the heathens in the Carolinas. (He may not have used the word "heathens" but his lack of concern for anyone but himself is no different than that of the COGs.) It is the nature of those who think they alone have religious truth to despise others.

  18. Perhaps establishing a tradition of organising feast sites in the potential paths of hurricanes was not a wise tradition in the first place.

  19. 12.50 PM
    But there's endless talk of giving, helping, serving and similar during non flooding, non hurricanes and non earthquakes. There are far too many lazy, moochers in an out of the church and they are rarely rebuked. Presumably they are afraid of offending these members. I don't recall Christ pulling his punches. After all, they tried to throw him over a cliff.

  20. "Anonymous said...
    Perhaps establishing a tradition of organising feast sites in the potential paths of hurricanes was not a wise tradition in the first place.

    September 13, 2018 at 11:45 PM"

    Not sure of what you mean. Didn't god place his name at these sites? god obviously is the one who established these sites because that's what we're told. Right after telling us to save our second tithe and that the feast is not a vacation. Yet, I have to use vacation days to attend eight full days of sermons and activities when the bible only calls for convocating on the first and eighth day.

    Hmmm, it's a good thing I left my brain at the door!

    Kevin M

  21. Uncle Roddie always used to say that baby boomers were the generation who, when visiting the Grand Canyon in their Levis, boots, and black leather jackets would swing their chains, and proclaim "Hey, man! Dig that crazy ditch!"

    I don't know about that stereotype, but I do recall liking to listen to "Golden Gasser" instrumentals by Johnny and the Hurricanes during actual meteorological hurricanes, such as the F/T hurricane in 1966. This wasn't from ignorance, but I know that some of my peers thought a "meaty urologist" was a fat kidney doctor.

  22. Kevin M. said: “Didn't god place his name at these sites? god obviously is the one who established these sites because that's what we're told. Right after telling us to save our second tithe and that the feast is not a vacation. Yet, I have to use vacation days to attend eight full days of sermons and activities when the bible only calls for convocating on the first and eighth day.”

    This is just ONE thing that seriously PISSES me off about these splintering groups that follow the “traditions” of HWA as if it’s a command of God! In the Holy Bible the final location God revealed He had placed His name was JERUSALEM! That was the place His people were to keep His holy days. Now that there’s no temple in Jerusalem coz the Church is the temple there’s NO REQUIREMENT to observe His holy days at a specific place! NO REQUIREMENT to save 10% of your money to be used for the FOT or any feast! NO REQUIREMENT to compel you go on an 8 day religious holiday every year to a city interstate or overseas that the church oligarchy claims God “has put His name” there!

    They should keep the feasts in local congregations. They should keep the FOT like the FOUB ie Have services on the 1st and 8th day not every day. Give members the freedom to holiday whenever and wherever they want thruout the year. The money they squander on these holidays in these economically difficult times would be far better spent given to the homeless or sick and other charities within the local church and communities! It’s wrong imho they follow what HWA mandated as if God has mandated such even tho God hasn’t and thus foist upon sincere Christians burdens and demand sacrifices of them God NEVER imposed!

    IMHO they’re just like those whom Christ rebuked for blindly following the traditions of men and negating the commandments of God. Honestly may God forgive them for they know not what they do! SMH
