Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Exclusive Pictures from the Feast of Tabernacles

photo's courtesy SHT


  1. Snarky comment: the women look more like Bill Clinton's type.

  2. I love No2Hwas sense of humor. Everytime!

    That festival deacon arm decoration makes me feel itchy for historical purpose. I wish that was photoshopped copywriting. I cringe, knowing what said textiles can do to ordinary people bearers.


  3. I love NO2HWA's sarcastic snarky sense of humor too. When it comes out it is really effective. If you could show me where in these photos he displays his sense of humor, so I and the other readers can know, it would be appreciated.

    Especially since it specifically states that he did not produce these graphics.....

    1. In my world the photos bear different title from the copywriting. (re: specific statement)

      In this case I especially like the "blog onlookers photo", and the women running from gta!

      But I should not heap too much praise lest one becomes sloppy. It is "the ambassador standard" of intelligent sarcasm though.


  4. I forgot about the dining hall line into the redwood building! At times, it extended down the paved path from the big tabernacle, past the spring, and then up the hill into the redwood building. Since all you could do was to fellowship as you stood in line, we met a lot of people.
    The water, by the way, in the buildings was terrible! Brackish and minerally! The afore-mentioned spring provided the only relief. At SEP, the first two years, we got an entirely different view of the campus, seeing the behind the scenes areas that only insiders got to see.

    What I liked the most about the Feast was that the parents were in a festive mood, and we didn't get the crap beat out of us several times every day like we did when we were at home.

    When the Feasts were kept in Texas, you pretty much came out of "the world". Restaurant eating was totally unnecessary since we had the dining hall. Some years we camped, some we stayed in motels, and others we stayed with some people who lived nearby, but were members of the local community and not in the church. That last category was the most fun. It's when I learned to ride a horse!

  5. I saw a picture of some women's naked knees. This picture should be rated XXX.

  6. I love that first picture! Watching the various COG's battle it out for domination while the bloggers stand by laughing. The best part is seeing Bob Thiel's cult at the end ready to go down on his ass in defeat! Ha Ha!

  7. My husband wants a " Festival Deacon Armband" along with matching should amulets and a few medals to boot, so that he can look like some kind of third world dictator!

    Curly on the 3 stooges did a great imitation of one here....

  8. Oh my Connie. I picture your husband with the "FDA" and you with german braid with flowers and blackish netstockings performing a SS ritual. (Spanking Schmidt)

