Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Gerald Weston: We Are Not Delusional! We Are Not Crazy!

Gerald Weston has sent out a letter to the faithful as they prepare for the fall holy days, which all lead up to The Last Great Day when faithful LCG members will become God and rule the universe.  But in the meantime, life here on earth is a crap fest.  The church is under constant attack by the "prince of the power of the air", disgruntled members, blogs and Bawana Bob.

Dear brethren, it is important that we keep this vision in mind. The world may see us as delusional, but if the Bible is the word of God, which we know it is, then we are not so crazy. We are following in the footsteps of biblical figures who went before us. We are following the faith of Abraham, the courage of Daniel, and the steadfastness of Noah.
We are not there yet, but this we can know for sure: We are all going to die, and either there is a resurrection or there is not. There is no middle ground. Either the Bible is true, or it is not. Again, no middle ground. We are here because we believe the Bible and we believe there is a resurrection—and we believe that the resurrection is to an eternal life of service and action. There is no great “candy store in the sky” to merely gratify our senses.
No, but there will be a great "candy store in the universe" when LCG members become gods and are given rods to rule their worlds with a strong spanking hand!

LCG should be careful about mocking those who believe in heaven when they themselves believe in something that is just as equally crazy or crazier!  Remember now that the Kingdom of God will be ruled this way:

Herbert Armstrong
Rod Meredith
Gerald Weston
pee-on godlet's
Oh yes, life in the family of God involves joy and pleasure, for we read in Psalm 16:11, “In your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” But this is not separate from work, productivity, and service. “Jesus answered them [those who criticized Him for healing on the Sabbath], ‘My Father has been working until now, and I have been working’” (John 5:17). God the Father and Jesus Christ have never retired—and neither will we quit. How wonderful it will be to have bodies that do not break down with age and to live productively in a harmonious eternal family!
We must keep these things in mind as we struggle through daily life, and we must recognize how short this physical life is! We must follow the example of those who paved the way for us:
"These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For those who say such things declare plainly that they seek a homeland. And truly if they had called to mind that country from which they had come out, they would have had opportunity to return. But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them" (Hebrews 11:13–16).

Yes, let's emulate the life of the great Rod Meredith who ripped apart long-standing marriages and destroyed families. Who defamed Leona McNair when he lied from the pulpit. The man who connived and plotted with Raymond McNair to set up Global Church of God so Meredith would have a job when he left WCG. Let's follow the same man who then stabbed Raymond McNair in the back and took Global Church of God's money and members to form living Church of God with the help of a known COG pedophile. Yes, let's follow a man who preached such depressing hate filled sermons that Terry Ratzman was led to kill LCG members during Sabbath services. Let's emulate the man who spawned off from his church two of the biggest liars the COG has ever seen, Dave Pack and his ever-so-bitter Bob Thiel. And let's not forget to emulate the man so obsessed with sex that he could not carry on a normal conversation, write an article, or preach a sermon without discussing gay sex.

Nope, they are not crazy.  They are not delusional. They are just the "living" Church of God.


  1. There is no great “candy store in the sky” to merely gratify our senses.

    Well, then, what happens after the Millennium and the White Throne Judgement? Is Weston implying that although LCG members will "become God" at the first resurrection, they will in effect be deacons forever working in a cosmic parking lot detail under the micromanagement of senior God-beings? How is it that an omnipotent God needs additional God beings to work on His behalf? It is enough of a stretch to believe that an omnipotent God wants to create additional God-beings for the purpose of loving relationships, but it is theologically unsound to suggest, as Weston does, that God is both omnipotent and in need of your labor.

  2. Armstrong-Doomsday-Cult[ADC] boss, Gerald Weston says:

    "..the steadfastness of Noah..There is no middle ground.
    Either the Bible is true, or it is not..we believe the Bible"

    It's a good thing the A.D.C. splinters moved to the Bible Belt, because their followers must believe in the Noah Flood and the White-Supremacist Anglo-Israel Theory

    It's a different world and time down in the Bible-Belt, you can visit Ken Ham's 'full scale' Noah Boat over in Kentucky.

  3. NO2HWA said: Nope, they are not crazy. They are not delusional. They are just the "living" Church of God.

    Gerald Weston said: We are not there yet, but this we can know for sure: We are all going to die, and either there is a resurrection or there is not.

    Where is the urgent voice to brethren about being in the "last days" and we don't have much longer and we have to prepare ourselves to flee and a miraculous end time warning message is just about to begin and we need to sacrifice now for this great work?

    Looks like Mr. Weston has thrown in the towel for his church being the testimony to all nations for a witness so the end can come with his statement above. If his whole church is going to die that means there will be no one to fill the category of "we which are alive and remain".

    It is time for Mr. Weston to be truthful with his church and rename it correctly. We Are All Going To Die Church of God should be its new correct name and if we would relate that to a person with the same prognosis, they would be very close to death right now.

  4. Time or some recent event has caused him to make defensive statements such as these. The undertones in this message are far from encouraging, if that was his intent.

  5. This is Weston's first acknowledgment that the lcg is fading into oblivion. It is also interesting that he harps on the bible being the word of God. It is not and it only takes a little time to look into the subject and see that it is a cookbook for the subjection and enslavement of people who for the most part, see their church mostly as a social club.

  6. William Shatner already gave Weston's message much more powerfully, more than a decade ago:

    You're Gonna Die

  7. It reminds one of the classic movie scene, as you walk thru the insane asylum and all of the inmates cry out to you...


  8. 4.23 AM
    Is God in need of our labor? Technically no. Rather, God is giving his children the opportunity to learn how to run the 'family business' by delegating some of it's responsibilities. This has frequently been the case with family businesses where the son/s are taught how to run the business. Both railway magnate Vanderbilt and Ford did this with their sons.

  9. Connie, it's not that much different at all, except that the asylum is full of people claiming to be Napoleon or Jesus, not Elijah.

  10. If you want to join Gerald Weston's LCG cult, you must believe in R.A.I.D.[the Racist Anglo Israel Delusion]

    If I were down in the Bible Belt, I'd rather join Lee Mace's Ozark Opry.
    --not far from Ken Ham's Noah's Ark

  11. Gerald Weston better watch out:
    If hurricane Florence floods the Carolinas, Ken Ham's Noah Boat might be set afloat and wreak havoc in Charlotte.

  12. You would think people subjected to pay-and-pray propaganda this long would immediately recognize the "no middle ground" argument as a fallacy.

  13. 4:23. As if you know this. Lol

  14. @ 8:25 AM, a "god" that requires education from some other god is not worthy to be called God.

  15. Be both a helpful guide through complex issues with an informed judge when choices has to be made.
    Each format pressupposes some formation plus design for
    citing rephrased and echoed resources in favor of
    all various printed, internet, along with other sorts of resources.
    To ensure that these folks will view the message
    that you are trying to find across, write using their language and write while considering their a higher level comprehension.

  16. 1.16 PM
    I'm not sure what your point is. The human family is a type of the God family. Kids grow up to be like their adult parents. Likewise adults mature further to become like God the Father and Christ. Why do so many have a problem understanding this?
    Is it because they are immersed in a hedonistic wine, women and song lifestyle?

  17. frankly, if lcg and other cogs is fading into obscurity it is their own fault: the preaching Jesus did was never about merely prophesy and exalting the concept the 12 tribes of israel but about the weightier matters of The Law: Justice, Mercy, and Faith; non of which has been emphasized by ANY of the cogs since armstrongism first came on the scene...

    sure, prophecy should be preached on, and the phenom of the blessed children of Abraham should be alluded to, but Christ is about love of ones neighbor, equality for women, validation of non israelis, etc.

    if a church neglects such grassroot, basic qualities, shall not it ultimately fail???

    the cogs are failing for a reason: they are derelict in their duties...

    so, in the vernacular of my fathers generation i say to them: you reap what you sow, sucka...

    c f ben yochanan

  18. having read some of the other comments, it appears my other post was more directed at my frustration with the cogs, and off topic...

    regarding the concept of God being a family: why is that such a hard thing to accept? it seems to me the only ones what would find such a concept unacceptable is the devil and his own family of demons, and demon influenced flesh...

    in the Word of God Jesus Christ is called the first born of many brethren, and refers to His Father constantly; it is also Written we must be born again, even after the Example of Christ Himself...

    Christ Said in the book of John "I go to my Father and your Father"...

    logically, the only kind of person what would scoff at their own potential to become a Son of God is a person under the influence of the one whom hates such a prospect...

    c f ben yochanan

  19. @ 4:52PM, what does "wine, women and song" have to do with the fact that an "immature" god is by definition not God?

  20. "I see hedonists. All the time. They don't even know they're having fun."

  21. Anon: 1:16PM
    Q: which kind/type of family? surely NOT the almost typical dysfunctional families of today?
    And supposed to become Kings, Judges & Priests & so on? in all my decades of involvement with all this crap I don't recall a single "class" of Godship 101, Judgeship 101, Ethics 101 for
    the priesthood or How to be a PRIEST/King or anything remotely resembling any such thing. Oh.
    ...don't forget the FoTab annual Q. "Why Are WE Here? To jump through the "hoops" like good,
    obedient "sheep". As Scrooge said "BAH!!! Humbug!!" Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, baaaaaaaaaaaaa....:-(

  22. One BIG failure of all these C's...NO MERIT Badges!!! Shouldn't they have been awarded for
    Best Sab Svc attendance? Or Spokesman Club likewise...Or HD attendance..What about Best How
    I cheated my G'kids out of their inheritance in order to PAY DP's COMMON? Most HD $$ offering etc. Or the BEST BSer at the pulpit? And to top it all off the BEST AKer in the whole "shebang"? Maybe some Blue 1st place, Red 2nd place Ribbons too? There's room for MORE "awards" just don't need to "itemize" them.

  23. 6:47 says "what does "wine, women and song" have to do with the fact that an "immature" god is by definition not God?"

    6:47 for sure didn't study the classics. Immaturity and pettiness abound amongst the Gods.

    Regarding the "bible god", it seems "it" was a learning God, at least several times he was swayed to change his mind. (by noah, moses etc) In wcg it was taught that one of the reasons Jesus was sent to earth was to gather intelligence on mankind for the father, since really he had no way of knowing what it was to be a man. Like it is virtually impossible for high income people to know what it is like to be living on 30 dollars a week. God would intellectually know it (what is man) like the guys on "the Street" know what is poverty but cannot fathom what it means.


    1. I vaguely remember this being said. It’s ridiculous though. It’s more ridiculous than the belief that all the members’ current vocations (particularly construction) will help them better build up the kingdom in the millennium. I suspect a spirit being that was a poem writing invalid will not gain much from the earthly construction experience of someone else. If being a god being means the vocational skills developed as a human being carry over into the spirit realm perhaps their idea of being a god is less than what I consider as Godly abilities. That said, we will be sons of God — I’m joyful with whatever that entails as I would be with our Lord.

  24. 1-EX-sheeple
    In my experience, there are informal badges in these churches. Based on merit? Only partially. There's much back stabbing, slandering and minister boot licking.

  25. c f ben yochanan @ September 10, 2018 at 6:31 PM
    HWA's "God is a family" concept teaches that humans have the potential and can "become God just as God is God". The entire concept is erroneous and contradicts what God Himself says in Isaiah 43:10.

    1. "Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.

      Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.

      They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course.

      I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High." Psalms 82:3-6

      that about sums it up...

      c f ben yochanan

    2. Cf ben Yochanan, Look at the context of Psalms 82, and read it from verses 1 through 7. Definitely not verses that you want to apply to yourself as the word "gods" is referring to humans who held the divinely appointed position of magistrates and were being called unjust judges and being told what awaits them...death. Mormons also erroneously use these same verses to declare that humans can become gods.

    3. that Scripture is very plain and forthright, and Jesus also referred to that same Scripture when the pharisees had a problem with Him, a man, saying God was His Father (and He is the first born of many brethren)...

      then, just as now, people refused to accept the concept of man potentially being Sons of God; then, as now, the spirit of scoffing attempted to inject doubt when that Scripture in Psalms was cited...

      only the devil would have a problem with that Scripture in particular, why? cuz he knows it will also lead to the fulfilling of 1 Corinthians 6:3, hence, like he did influence in the garden he does to this day influence us to think in terms contrary to our own interests...

      c f ben yochanan

  26. "If being a god being means the vocational skills developed as a human being carry over into the spirit realm"

    Some philosophies argue that everything physical on earth is a reflection of the heavenly sphere or astral plane. So why not reverse argument.

    I recently heard that everything on earth is a 3 D projection from the astral plane. Again looks like Hindu relgion, like the multiple gods are aspects of the one. The Hindu seems to be the best religion as relating to mathematical possibilities as by recent discoveries.

    I do't mind being called a 3 d Hologram composed of energy. I guess it sums up my existence perfectly.


  27. "Anonymous said...
    c f ben yochanan @ September 10, 2018 at 6:31 PM
    HWA's "God is a family" concept teaches that humans have the potential and can "become God just as God is God". The entire concept is erroneous and contradicts what God Himself says in Isaiah 43:10Open in Logos Bible Software (if available).
    September 11, 2018 at 1:58 PM"

    Is. 43:10 does not contradict the "God is a family" teaching. Humans are a family and we are one human family.

    Humans are a "kind" of being. Why can't God be a "kind" of being? Why can't God be one just as the human family is one?

    Languages and bible translations are so ambiguous that to say emphatically that the teaching is wrong is just as wrong as us saying that you are wrong for not believing it.

    We don't know for sure, that's why it is called a belief.

    The Eastern Orthodox church teaches that "God became man so that man can become god". Did you know that?

    Kevin M
