Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Herbal Detoxification – A Parable

Herbal Detoxification – A Metaphorical Story
guest writer: SHT

Eleven herbs and spices, so goes the popular catch-phrase for one of the most well-known Chicken-Centric eateries in the United States.

Those with a passion for poultry gobble down boxes and buckets of assortments of legs, thighs, and breasts of these herb-coated Great-American staples of Kentucky fame. What gives the distinctive, finger-licking, can't get enough taste to these unfortunate victims of the food chain is, of course, the special combination of the herbs and spices. In this instance, Herbs have added something to a dish that, so far as I know, no one has been completely successful at replicating. This is an example of a benefit of herbs (and spices).

And then there are those who really don't know how to use herbs and spices. If you are a novice at creating, shall we say, a casserole, or a stew – and you decide to flavor up your creation – but you really don't have any idea as to what herbs and spices to use, and simply grab some herbs here, and a few spices there – what you'll come up with will probably be not the greatest example of a Gordon Ramsey-worthy creation. I would probably dare you to show him what you would come up with. I'd challenge you to stay to hear his critique. More than likely, your novice dish would be a disaster – unless you got really lucky!

When it came to the recipe that Herbert Armstrong used in creating his theology, it can sometimes be just as challenging to attempt to reverse-engineer it as it is to figure out the Colonel's award-winning recipe for chicken. The urge to do so is just as challenging, for two very polarizing reasons. One of them just gave you good chicken. The other one just makes you want to hurl!

When the Colonel developed his Chicken, he knew exactly what to do. He knew how to USE herbs and spices, because he understood that when it comes to food, you just can't go “here a little, there a little”, and “cherry-pick” your way to success. You had to know what each herb and what spice does. You have to understand the right measurements and proportions. You need to know the temperature needed to thoroughly cook the chicken, to make sure there's nothing raw in there, or overcooked as well. You have to make sure it has just the right crunch – and just the right proportions of salt. In short, you have to understand everything about the herbs, the spices, and the chicken to really make a product that the public understands is nothing short of amazing.

In our analogy, Herbert decided that he was going to make a much better chicken product. His wife told him that the recipe was all wrong. He had to prove it wasn't correct. So Herbert decided to run down to the local library, and learn everything he could about creating the perfect chicken restaurant in six months. After reading a dozen or so books, Herbert became convinced that he, and he alone, made the perfect, most amazing, most delicate chicken he could ever create. The knowledge was a gift – given to him from the Chicken Masters Themselves!

Herbert then ripped pages out of these books. One from this recipe book, one from another recipe book. He ripped out a few pages on herbs, on spices, on the use of flour, and a few things about temperature and what have you. Then, using the time-practiced methods of others – he discovered he, and he alone was given the talent and ability to make – wouldn't you know it – the PERFECT chicken!

But THIS Chicken is special! You see, THIS chicken – this Chicken of Herbert – was the only TRUE Chicken you could ever eat. Every other chicken restaurant is not only horrible, it's rotten. It's putrid. It's tasteless. It's overcooked. Or it's raw. This chicken is absolutely the worst chicken you could ever look at! Why? Because you're the only one that has the knowledge of how chicken is done properly (I really had to work to avoid slogan infringement there!), and every other chicken restaurant out there is completely counterfeit.

But Herbert ran into a little problem with his new Chicken Empire. He was short of money. But he HAD to show the world just how great HIS Chicken was! So, he developed a way to fund his chicken empire. It was really simple. Herbert would form a club, let's call it “The Worldwide Clucking Chickens of Gobble”, claiming that his chickens had a special mix of herbs and spices that no one else had that had healing abilities. If you ate this chicken, you would feel better, be healed of all of your illnesses, be favored by the Worldwide Clucking Chickens of Gobble, spread the word of the Cluckers, and grow in the knowledge of the Power of Clucking Chickens. But there was, of course, a catch.

In order to grow his Clucking Chickens Club, he had to make sure he had the loyalty of his Chicken Cluckers. First, each member would need to pay their dues. It wouldn't be that much – just a small stipend of the salary they make – say, maybe ten percent of their earnings. Next, they would have to be told to never, ever go to another Chicken Restaurant, because their ingredients were toxic. That'll do it, because they would be scared if they ate their competitor's chickens, they'd suffer from horrible indigestion, worms, maggots, burns, and a horrible awful taste. Worse than this, it would be the most unloyal thing they'd ever do to forsake the Clucking Chickens Club to try something that was told to be so bad for them. They wouldn't even try it, because they believed Herbert simply understood Chickens better than the rest of them.

So those who believed Herbert knew best hung on to his every word.

Herbert developed countless articles on why HIS Chickens were SO great, and everyone else's Chickens were so horrible. Herbert looked at every possible thing that favored his methods, and promoted them to the ends of the earth. But if Herbert saw anything at all that disagreed with his techniques, they were putrid, rotten, and disgusting. They just didn't get it. They were the “Evil, Rotten Anti-Chickens, Clucking Their Way to Destruction”.

And Herbert's Group of Cluckers believed him. They became afraid. They looked at the other Chicken restaurants, scared to go in there for fear they'd get sick. They treated them as inferiors, because they really believed they had the better chicken. They marched into their restaurants, smug as could be, ordered their chickens, and praised Herbert to no end for being the recipient of the Chicken Once Delivered. Surely, within just three to five years, they'd see the healing power of the Chickens in their lives! They'd see that their way works. And all would understand this, once Herbert took over all the other Chicken Restaurants with his techniques, to rule the Empire of Chickendom forever.

Of course, the other Chicken restaurants around thrived. They knew that Herbert's Chicken restaurant was a little strange, and off the wall – but they simply went on with their lives. Of course, there really was nothing wrong with their chicken. They knew Herbert only knew “what he was doing” based on the techniques and principles of others he copied and learned from. In short, Herbert's Chicken Clucking Empire was a complete fraud. His empire grew on deceiving those whom he brought into his Chicken Club into believing he had the Only Real Chickens, and every other chicken restaurant would cause them great harm.

And so, for several years, his chicken empire grew. But in time, Herbert would pass on to the great land of Chicken Entrepreneurs. And those who ran the Chicken Cluckers decided that the best way to see if their chicken was really the best chicken – and if the others really were as bad as they were taught, was to take a taste test of the other Chicken Restaurants.

So they went over to their competitors, and were shocked at what they found out.

The other Chickens were different, yes, but tastier. They were seasoned differently, but tasty! Some were barbecue. Some were honey-roasted. Who would have thought of these variants? Some of them were nuggets. Others were fingers. Still, others were broasted. Variety! Herbert never taught variety with HIS Chicken! They'd been eating the same chicken for decades! Could it possibly be that there's more than one way to eat a chicken? Could it possibly be that they were not just wrong, but incredibly short-sighted and trapped in the box?

So the executives that took over the Chicken Cluckers realized their mistake. They then told the Chicken Cluckers that the other chicken places never actually harmed anyone. They didn't cause food poisoning, they didn't cause indigestion – none of these things were true. But if the Cluckers knew that, Herbert would lose their business, at his empire's financial expense.

As the Cluckers were angry at the deception, the empire fell, and separated into several different chains. Many were amazed at the variety of chickens out there. Others were scared, and stayed with Herbert's Cluckers. No one could understand the deception. But in spite of all the evidence, there was still a small core group that believed all the other chicken restaurants were death traps, full of evil and toxicity. And no one could convince them otherwise.

The world is full of entrepreneurs and business types who do anything to get a niche in their market. The moral of the story?

There's always more to the story than an ad-man will tell you to sell his product. Coke may say things about Pepsi. Pepsi may say things about Coke. But in the end? They're both tasty, carbonated beverages. No matter what one might say about the other. And if you're really, really thirsty – you'll take either one, and recognize the truth within the story.


  1. So in case you are expecting a great deal of help,
    remember that this isn't always forthcoming. It is common for teachers
    to lament that students are unable to write despite having done quite well
    within the PMR English exam for 15-year-olds.
    If you say because continuously, the one thing people will be mindful of happens because - it'll stifle your argument in fact
    it is at the top of their list of things you should avoid inside your academic work.

  2. Big difference between the Colonel and HWA...

    The Colonel was smart enough to franchise and let each unit be self owned and operating. HWA was too controlling and greedy for such a concept and wanted it all and gave ZERO local autonomy, board governance or control.

    Many denominations have a model in place where the congregations send a 10% percentage of the "rake" to the national denomination. The rest can be used for owning or improving local facilities, or outreach etc. It is in effect a franchise system, and each unit stands or falls based on local performance.

    One man autocratic, Central planning, central control of all funds, and central control of spending without accountability to customers or the populace does not work. This is why the COG community is languishing , just like Cuba, Venezuela, or North Korea.

  3. This is the funniest article I've ever read here. Today of all days I needed a good laugh.

  4. I am the prophesied end-times Rooster that you read about in the chicken scratchings outside of the coop! I have been sent to warn you of the coming great and dreadful day of slaughter when they shall behead you, and pluck you, and deep fry you. The only way to avoid this horrible fate is to give me 30% of your feed. It is needed so I can sneak out of the coop and warn other coops of their fate. I am told to raise up my voice and cock-a-doodle-doo this message to all who will heed my warnings.

  5. NO2HWA...good job. That sounded like something SHT would write. That was so funny.

  6. Articles from Ambassador Cluckage were as Follows....

    Fried Chicken or Broasted Chicken... Which?
    Mystery of The Cluckers
    To Hell and Bawck!!!
    Never Before Understood... Why Chickens Can't Clean Their Coops

    And of course, songs!

    Turn Thou From Hydrogenated Fats
    Onward Chicken Cluckers
    Behold, The Chicken Will Cluck
    Unless The Chickens Build A Coop
    Why Do The Chickens Lay Eggs In Pain
    I Will Cluck, Notes So High
    How Excellent Is Thy Coop
    O Chicken, Forsake Thy Cluck
    His Cluck Is Loud!
    Behold, The Chicken Will Cluck!
    Give Clucks And Offer BGAWKS!
    Thou Chickens That Dost Chicken Coops Keep (Give Eggs In Time of Need)

    Flagship Magazine:

    The Plain Coop
    The Good BGAWKS!
    The Worldwide Clucks
    Cluck '83
    Poultry's World

    And The Broadcast...



    WELL, BGAWK, BAWKKS!!!!...... *waddle shakes*

  7. 2:56 That because SHT did write it. I lined up a bunch of posts before I left for Yellowstone and could not see the entire post on my iPhone when I posted it. Just assumed I had added it at the end. It is now fixed.

  8. Awesome, as Ron Weinland would say.


  9. Q: Could one then say HWA's HQ could be referred to as "CLUCKERVILLE?" And the last cluck
    stops here....or: here a cluck, there a cluck..old McClucker had some coops...eeeee iiiii eeee
    iiiii.....ooooooooooooops...watch out for those "nasty Chicken Pluckers"...give us "Naked
    Chickens"......all enclosed in "glossy wrappers"..."Sorry" about this...just got kinda carried
    away here...not sure if I can ever look at chicken the same way anymore...hey! what about
    "Chickens Rights" Species Slurs here??? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm????? :-)

  10. Gastly! What an outstanding and humorous Metaphoric Story! Well done SHT!

    Makes me want to write into Post Office Box 111 Pasadena California and request my free copy of the booklet "Just What Do You Mean Cluckafication?" and the book "The Missing Dimension in Chicks". All absolutely free of charge. No one will ever call on you!


  11. I don't think I told you about the Chicken Days of Celebration!

    Have you ever heard of the Day of A-Cluck-ment?

    Or what about the Days of Unbreaded Cluck?

    Did you ever attend their ceremony CluckaCost?

    Or the Feast of BWACK-BGOCK?

    The Feast of CluckaGobbles?

    And the Last Great BGAWK!!!!!

    Secret video was found where Two Unconverted and Carnal Rabbits got into one of the Worldwide Cluckers of Gobble congregations and were found fighting. Two Clucker - deacons came in and broke it up. Here it is...


  12. Very creative, amusing and on point. Laughed out loud several times.

  13. Even in CHICKEN, you can tell when the APOSTLE CHICKEN WRITES!

    bawk, BAWK, bawk!

    Bawk back BAWK, bAWKK bawk back bgawk! BAWK bgawk BAWK!

    BWACK cluckacluckaGAWK BAGAWK!!!
