Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, September 29, 2018

In a few short, short years, you will be God

Stephen Flurry, the heir apparent of the most despotic Church of God on earth today, has written a missive to the youth of the Philadelphia Church of God. Notice it was written to a "great many" of the youth.  Not all of them will apprenlty make it into the hellish kingdom that the Flurry clan intend to place upon this earth.  After ripping apart families and marriages, these are the people that intend to rule the world with righteous and mercy rod's of iron, like the god they follow.

Can you imagine surviving World War III and then finding out that you will be ruled over by a bunch of self-righteous, Irish dancing, snot-nosed members of the Flurry clan and their followers.  The licking flames of the Lake of Fire will never have look so good! Imagine having to live a thousand years in the millennium being ruled over by these people!  It is easy to see why when Satan is released at the end of the millennium why so many will join up with him.

In just a few short, short years, a great many of you teens will be God beings, assuming those king-priest responsibilities! Stop reading and just think about that for a while. Will you be one of them? Are you preparing today? How much hinges upon your willingness to live your life for God! To learn to love obedience. To grow as a leader. To fight through obstacles. 
Aim in this direction, teens, and your future is simply awesome to contemplate.
But what if you still don’t have quite the maturity when Christ gets here to have made the serious commitment of baptism? 
Young people, consider. If your parents become kings, what does that make you? The sons and daughters of kings are called princes and princesses. Remember, “Instead of thy fathers shall be thy children, whom thou mayest make princes in all the Earth” (Psalm 45:16). 
That’s talking about you! Princes in all the Earth. The royal leaders of tomorrow’s world!
In this new world to come, the adults of the faithful PCG will be gods and unable to do any work. Typical elitist Armstrongite mythology.
This new world we’re talking about is real. Constructing homes will require architects, carpenters, bricklayers, electricians, plumbers, painters. Farmers will cultivate food and tailors make clothing. You will have a job you are well suited for.
Remember, today’s Spirit-begotten adults will be spirit beings. That means they will not be the ones physically building this new society. God will need a strong team of physical leaders He can count on to dig into the multitude of projects around the world.
The bulk of mankind will be just beginning their education in God’s ways—and probably recovering from the shell-shock of the Tribulation for some time. You, on the other hand, are not only alreadyreceiving true education, you will have been saved out of the world’s worst troubles, all the while being groomed and prepared for great responsibility and opportunity. So who will lead such projects? It will be YOU—the princes in all the Earth! 


  1. This exact same terminology almost to the letter was also a blatant lie to the kids by Herbert Armstrong in the early 1980s. They are nothing but lies from the depth of the pits of evil. It did not happen in the 50s, 60s, 70s, or 80s, and it is not going to happen now.

    These "ministers" are deceivers in the worst way. And to blatantly LIE to these children - with the full evidence of history that this has been tried before, and has been wrong - is spiritual abuse to the minds of young people.

    They sit there and they condemn myths about Santa and the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. But they have no problem sitting there telling a young teenage boy or girl that they're going to be GOD in just a few years. Hypocrites! All they will end up doing is causing depression and disappointment to the few that would ever believe this - perhaps causing them to leave behind any belief of God altogether.

    The fruits of the Spirit are gentleness, kindness, meekness, faith, self-control, mercy, and joy. The fruits of the Spirit are not destructive, deceptive lies. I hope and pray the teens of that cesspool will get out of there once they reach adulthood or go off to college. Teens should research how this has been said before, and how it never happened then - and how it is documented that these are word for word verbatim lies.

  2. Forget about Flurry- we now know where the Troo Church(TM) is- and yes, in addition to being a god you can have your own planet!


  3. 'Love obedience?' They always throw that in. The brainwashing thingy. In the ACOGs churches, 'obedience' is code for being dominated by the ministers. It's bully morally projected into the bible.

  4. Does that mean they can "have their cake & get to eat it too?" Sounds more like Orwell's 1984.
    I guess he was a better prophet than HWA & clones were/are. I understand that over 100 of his
    futuristic projections were in place by his "target year"? HWA should've learned from him instead of Hitler, Marx etc.

  5. I remember back in the 1980's when Gerald Flurry was my minister in WCG he got royally pissed because me & a friend went to a Rush concert, he tried talking down to us but I nipped it in the bud when I told him he may talk to his wife and dog like shit but he wasn't going to talk to me that way. After I put his Ass in his place I never attended again.

  6. Perhaps Mr. Flurry has an upcoming building project and needs some slave labor.

  7. Flurry's understanding of the limited power of spirit beings is strange.. He writes:

    Remember, today’s Spirit-begotten adults will be spirit beings. That means they will not be the ones physically building this new society.

    Somehow, spirit being(s) built planet Earth, the Sun, the Moon, and the stars. Somehow, spirit being(s) crafted the Garden of Eden and made it a paradisiacal habitat for Adam and Eve. Yet, according to Flurry, these lazy beings who crafted the Garden of Eden for Adam and Eve will force the survivors of World War III to live in squalor until they physically obey the building instructions given by the physical children of newly-minted spirit beings.

    That's not just illogical, it's weird.

  8. If teens will are told "you will have the job you are suited for", I can only imagine what the women's "role they are suited for", according to FlurryGod will be.

  9. If you are a God, and God is the recipient of Tithes, does that mean that you can tithe to yourself??

  10. This is perhaps the most ridiculous precept from Armstrongism. Why is God omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent? It is because He made everything contained in the universe from Himself. He is the raw material from which everything is made. You cannot become God as God is God because the universe will never be made from you. You are made from God, and whatever form you take, that will still be true. Not vice versa. But then again, the Plain Truth always was a magazine of misunderstandings.

  11. So, according to him, spirit beings just sit around in their spirit recliners..er...thrones and give orders to all the physical slaves? Sounds just like the pharoahs of ancient Egypt ordering the slaves. He's insane! And I mean that literally! He needs to be committed.

  12. COGleader minds think alike... see Bob Thiel's latest FOT sermon...

  13. 8:46 -

    That's the concept it seems that Pack used, sitting up there at RCG in his fourth story observation window watching every move that the "chuch members" were doing.

    And as far as "spirit recliners" go, don't give them ideas. They'll probably think they can merchandise "La-Z-Spirits" in their "world tomorrow".

  14. Bob Thiel also embarrasses himself by giving FOT sermons?

  15. Another example of not understanding the adult world. Many ministers have never had a real job, so they think the millennium will be like their present cozy job.

  16. The heavy censoring of truth on this site makes waking you idiots up impossible.

    1. Never see you filling in the gaps for us, Anon 1:03P.

  17. It's pretty rich for people on this site to complain about liars.

  18. Its actually Stephen Flurry who runs the and directs the show in the PCG together with the 25 ministers who are loyal to him.

  19. 1.03 PM and 1.37 PM
    Oh, we have woken up to Herb, his minions, and bootlickers. We have woken up to his shenanigans. Which is why this blog.

    Come judgment day, people will be judged by what's written in the bible. Other peoples sins are no excuse. God will ignore all such schoolyard bully excuses.

  20. So are you saying its better to be brainwashed,come judgement day you find out you were decieved. I guess it goes the same way being in a religion that is something it claims not to be, being a bootlicker will leave a person in the very same position as the people you condemn. Religion is not a shield from the judgement you speak of and many self-righteous religious people will be shocked as well come judgement day.

  21. I guess it's all a matter of perspective. Once I was in a white suburban nondenominational Christian church and we were singing some praise music in 4-4 time. You're supposed to clap. I noticed that in clapping, I was out of sync with the rest if the congregation. People were staring. For a moment I thought "What the heck is going on?" So, I got in sync. Later, I realized what had happened. White people clap on 1 and 3. But in Blues and Jazz, the emphasis is on 2 and 4. Here I was, a white guy instinctively clapping black in a white church!

  22. 8:57

    Read my new booklet free for the asking, no strings attached.

    "The Plain Truth on Syncopation"


    Thx for the hilarious story.

    1950 South of Dixie
    A black man? Where is the black man? Find the black man?
    No, its the new guy.......
