Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, September 24, 2018

Mark Armstrong on the prophetic accuracy of his Dad and Grandfather.

Mark Armstrong has never had the qualities that his dad and grandfather had and has to resort to pretending his dad is still alive and republishing his works on a daily basis. Apparently, those in the Armstrong family all think they are from a long line of prophets.
This end-time Work of the Watchman has a well documented history and tradition. It began with my Grandfather, some 70 years ago. All involved or familiar with this Work know of his lifelong contribution; and of the long and productive Work of his son, my Dad; Garner Ted Armstrong.
Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong gained an understanding of Bible prophecy through reading, study and divine revelation back before many of those active in this phase of the Work were born. He had the understanding necessary to look into the Bible, and into the future, compare those prophecies with world events extant at the time and see the trends which would lead to an eventual culmination. Beginning in the early 1950s his son, my Dad, Garner Ted Armstrong began to take an active role in writing and broadcasting that message of witness and warning. Consider the strong message and accurate prophetic prediction written by Mr. Herbert W. in 1957. It was an article which recognized that Eastern European countries under the control of the USSR were already beginning to adopt policies which were outside the Communist dogma, policies which would pave the way for them to eventually leave the Soviet orbit and join in a coming United Europe. Early in the article, he quoted some rather humorous definitions of Communism, Fascism, Democracy, “New Dealism,” Capitalism and Theocracy.
“Communism: You have two cows. The government takes both and sells you the milk.
“Fascism: You have two cows. The government takes both, feeds the milk to the army, and shoots you.
“Democracy: You have two cows. The government buys one and sells it to an enemy on credit.
“New Dealism: You have two cows. The government buys both, shoots one, milks the other, and throws the milk away. “Capitalism: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.
“Theocracy: You have two cows. You milk them both, sell the milk, pay God His tithe, keep the other nine tenths and God gives you a bull.”
Nobody ever accused Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong of having no sense of humor! But his article went on to highlight serious issues of that era, and into the frightening scenario which the United States will ultimately face according to Bible prophecy. Mind you, the year was 1957! The following quote appears under the subhead, “Germany is Risen Again!”
“The factor is this: Germany is once again a major world power- and we don’t know it!
“While we innocently suppose the Russians are as mighty and dangerous as their words of bluff, we remain sound asleep to the FACT that Germany is fast emerging as a far GREATER power than Russia.
Those nasty Germans have been the bane of the Armstrong family for 80 some years now. From Hitler being alive in South America to invading German armies who set up concentration camps and hang Church of God members up on meat hooks, finding themselves being toss into crematorium ovens or taken as slaves to Europe where they will serve in the homes of the Germans as a final humiliation. For 80 some years now those prophecies have never come to pass.

Never fear though, Mark's Grandfather had travelled to Germany and knew for a fact that they are rebuilding their empire.
“Already Germany, in actual resources and sustained industrial power, has actually passed Great Britain, believe it or not! Twice in the past three years I have visited and toured over Germany. Never have I seen such dynamic energy for WORK- for the work of production- of restoring a whipped, beaten, depleted Germany to the pinnacle where the Germans can shout triumphantly, Deutschland UberAlles!
“Our people have forsaken GOD! And, for our own good, to bring us to our senses, GOD IS BEGINNING TO PUNISH! …While we PROFESS to be the leading `Christian’ countries, we (the U.S. and Britain) have actually turned God’s Holy Bible upside down-we have rejected the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, as Christ Himself delivered and proclaimed it-we have set up PAGAN sun worshiping practices and we call them `Christian’ festivals-we have adopted false and hellish doctrines that make God’s ways and His laws appear to be evil, and make evil appear to be righteousness!”
WHEW! Grandpa Armstrong sure knew how to make the words leap off the page! 
Mark goes on to quote his dad and his utterances as prophetic truth. It is a rather long article with Mark adding a few comments here and there as he ends with this:
If you’ve been a reader or a listener of much that my Dad, Garner Ted Armstrong wrote and said, you’ve already got a very good idea how all of this will turn out. He predicted a coming “New World Order,” one in which, sadly, the United States of America will not fare well. Talk about patriotism! He loved this country deeply. Was proud to have served in the U.S. Navy during the Korean War, and he knew World War II inside out. Occasionally he’d run into somebody else well versed in the many facets of the second World War, and the conversation would be incredible.
He knew his history and his geography backward and forward. And he knew his Bible even better. He wrote and spoke volumes at every juncture of world events, every twist and turn since the early 1950s, describing what was transpiring and where it was leading. He was acutely aware of every aspect of this continuing evolution of the European Union. And he looked at history and at Bible prophecy as his guide to understanding it all. And he shared that with all of us.
We may be lulled into a sense of security for now. But moves are underway which will affect our role in the Middle East ultimately, our economy, and yes, our sovereignty. We will continue to draw attention toward these relatively unrecognized trends with the perspective Garner Ted Armstrong, and Herbert W. Armstrong before him, brought to so many. You may request publications and tapes (free of charge) by calling the offices of the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association.
The work of witness and warning will continue via radio, television, the Internet, and the printed page as long as God provides the strength and support. Thank you for the role you play in the fulfillment of the great commission!  
The Long Tradition of Prophetic Insight and Accuracy


  1. What what, HWA is cimelody - 3?


    btw: no2hwa's way of commenting makes me grin a lot of times (or better, no2cimelody - 3)

  2. Typical church article. A fixation and over focus on prophesy, while members are only fed diluted spiritual milk. Reading such articles, an outsider would never know that the church was a abusive cult, with ministers routinely shamefully mistreating members.

    I don't know whether it's still there, but the original Painful Truth blog had a 'hall of shame' list where some former ministers voluntarily added their names on the list.
    It's comforting to know that some former ministers have a conscience and are remorseful. May God have mercy on their souls.

  3. This epic tome has undergone numerous updates, not always for the better. Over the years, I've critiqued parts of it, at Painful Truth and possibly other blogs.
    Some sample blunders (which may have been removed from the current version) that come to mind were:

    The same PT from which Mark touts GTA's prophetic insight (in some circular reasoning) also contains a false prophecy by Dr Hoeh.
    I showed HWA's "prophetic accuracy" was less reliable than the forecasting ability of Punxsutawney Phil (which isn't that good)
    Denis Rohen's mosque arson was criticized, with Mark apparently unaware that GTA gave permission for him to attend WCG services a few years after the event

    And Redfox at Living Armstrongism regularly critique's Marks weekly updates to the ICG website.

  4. I would ask Mark, What about the over 200 prophecies that did not come to pass?

  5. Germany is a very old country, with a rapidly aging demographic. This has been one of the main reasons that they have allowed Muslim Turks, (for the most part) to come into the country, to provide a labor force for the more physically demanding jobs.

    If prophecy for Europe were to play out ala an Armstrong Model, in the next 30 years m it will likely be from an Islamic Europe!

  6. I haven't seen his whole article, however in that short sample provided he mentioned HWA &GTA many times and didnt even mention his Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.

  7. HWA preached his fear mongering of Germany to prey on the post WW 1 and 2 generations. Those wars were fresh on the minds of every American/British person who were scared shitless to have the Nazis march down Main Street USA and smash tiny babies against brick walls. He totally used these mind tactics. purposefully, to offer a way to avoid certain death and captivity. I know, I cut my teeth on these sermons. Fortunately, the world is no longer buying this tripe. Marky would be better off using different tact. (He was a pompous twerp as a teenager anyway, what do you expect?)

  8. Too bad Mark had to grow up under the shadow of Herbert and Ted. Herbert flew around the world pretending he was meeting with kings and world leaders. What did he accomplish. Nothing! Nothing he predicted has come to be. Who on the world scene even know who he was? GTA was a good speaker but who remembers anything he preached? Most people who knew him remember him as a guy who could not keep his pants up. I feel sorry for Mark. I wish he could have gotten a job and accomplished something with his life.

  9. Anon, here is the link to the hall of shame:

  10. Connie, are you saying the real assyrians will attack america with a religion that is anti christ?



  11. Does anyone here know Mark Armstrong? I wonder if he really wanted to be doing what he is doing or whether family pressure pushed him this way. Perhaps he had other dreams when he was young and is now just as stuck in this religion as some of his members feel they are stuck. Perhaps going into the family business was just too damn easy and felt the safer choice than taking a chance in the real world. I don't know, just speculating.

  12. And speaking of the Germans... Another "prophetic insight" was the reunification of East and West Germany, and there was a lot of hype over the Berlin Wall. Of course if HWA's WW II prophecies had come to pass, there wouldn't have been a division of Germany and Berlin. And HWA never considered the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

  13. Mark is little more than a meme-news regurgitater. He never seems to have much original to say.

  14. As the old saying goes...like father..like son...only today it's more like meth...or some new
    kind of "happy pills"...maybe it's the "opioids...you can get really spaced out on plain, old
    aspirin....like 20/day...hmmmmmmmm....does prompt one to "wonder"...??? I know...it's a new
    version of going down that Yellow Brick road & HWA did have his "Dorothy". Wonder what Mark's is???

  15. America: You have two cows. The government takes both and gives them to illegal immigrants.

  16. Hey! What became of BB? I miss him. Hope he is well.

  17. Honestly I feel sorry for Mark and his father, GT. From what I understand Dick was supposed to be the one "anointed" by HWA to follow in his footsteps into the ministry. But, Dick tragically died in a car accident. I recall reading that GT didn't really want to be a minister, but an actor. However, after his older brother's death possibly felt the pressure to follow his father into the ministry. Now sadly it seems history repeated itself in that Mark I can imagine probably felt obliged to follow in his father and grandfather's footsteps to become a minister. It's not uncommon I think for a pastor's son to feel pressured to become a pastor just like it's not uncommon for a son (or daughter) to be groomed to join the family business be it a law firm, political office, doctor's clinic or even just a humble farmer. It remind me of the old adage that says "Those who can do. Those who can't teach. And those can't teach, teach teachers." I'm sure you can rephrase it somewhat to fit the Armstrong legacy of 3 generations of ministers who obviously couldn't find success in some other career so ended up being ministers and training their own denominational ministers. In one word SAD! I pray for God's True "Two Witnesses" including the True "Elijah to come" to come soon preceding the return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and His eternal Kingdom! God speed that day! Amen! :-)

  18. What became of Ramona Martin, HWA's second wife. I imagine she could write a book on her experiences with HWA, though she probably has some sort of gag order in the divorce decree. What did she walk away with (house, money, jewelry, car?) in the divorce, which the tithe payers funded?

  19. Anonymous 1:36
    I wonder the same thing. Being raised by GTA and having HWA as his grandfather must have been rough. I mean, having your brain washed as thoughly as his was... But then I could be totally off the wall on that one because I'm pretty sure he could see the hypocrisy going on, see and hear behind the scenes (unless he was totally sheltered), in which case that would make him in the same caliber as his father and grandfather. We don't know his heart, but what are his fruits? I don't know much about Mark, but I feel sorry for him nonetheless. Why? Because my own ancestry sure isn't anything to brag about, unless I was just like them (which, thankfully I'm not).

  20. dd, i realize the germany issue is sensitive to you, given the fact you are german american, and the fact that you have often censored my comments regarding germany, but the fact is:

    both george bush and donald drumpf are of german descent, and the corrosion of this nations power has occurred on their watch: this is not a coincidence, but, rather, Gods Wrath being executed upon the children of israel for their sins: so simple a child could understand...

    c f ben yochanan

  21. 7.23 AM
    When a person posts on this blog, they have entered a contract with implicit terms and conditions. Your comments have been censored because you violate that contract. So simple, a child can understand.

    1. well apparently stating the facts is a violation of the terms of this blog; and frankly the only implicit detail here is that one should never offend the writer of the blog...

      and speaking of fact i think it interesting and how you have drawn a conclusion knowing absolutely none of the facts...

      fact is i was responding to a comment about why i refer to donald trump as donald drumpf, and i spoke of the fact that the drumpf surname is indeed a german surname, and also happens to be the surname of his grandfather...

      as near as i can tell, this blog was offended by the mentioning of documented fact of mister drumpfs grandfathers occupation and business when he was here in america...

      indeed certainly a deflection was merited given the premise of my original statement...

      c f ben yochanan

  22. Yochanan..

    Dennis does not delete posts here, I do. I only do not let through posts if there is extreme profanity or something completely off topic that it have no connection whatsoever to the original post. I personally don’t agree with much of what you say but I don’t delete your posts. It should be quite obvious by now that I let a fairly free flow of postings here, something that most end time prophets or church groups does not.

    1. well, i respect the fact that you let me post at all, but i never said you delete my posts; was simply referring to the posts having never shown up on a number of occasions...

      and yes, i admit i can be off topic, but i generally am responding to others posts on the threads in question...

      my response regarding donald drumpfs german surname was in response to someone what chided me about calling him donald drumpf...

      c f ben yochanan

  23. Yochanan I doubt that NO2HWA censors comments on his blog as I can attest to the fact that sometimes using a mobile device I'll spend a good 30 minutes writing up a comment and then post it, but it never gets published. I then write it up again(!) and post it via my PC and this time it gets published. I've noticed the problem usually is on my iPhone it doesn't give me the "Please prove you're not a robot" security feature, which I have to go through on my PC and so I've surmised that it's possible that it doesn't work properly on some devices because of this. So now when I'm writing something up on my mobile device I usually make sure I copy and paste it elsewhere (eg Notes app) so I have a copy of it and don't need to mentally rehash everything I wrote from scratch again. I used to get all paranoid and think "WTH why didn't my comment get published?!" But, now I've mellowed and understand using Occam's razor that it's more than likely it just got lost in the cyber-ether and it's not some big conspiracy against me LOL! ;-) So I suggest you make a copy of your comment before you post it and then wait a few hours or even 24 hours to see if it got through and if not then just copy and paste it and send it through again and hopefully this time it works. Peace bro! ;-)

    1. each comment has to be approved by the moderator...whenever we make a post and after having gone through the gauntlet of pictures read the message that is highlighted in yellow...

    2. your comment will be visible after approval is the message highlighted in yellow that appears after you submit ur post...

  24. Indeed! As the Apostle Paul stated in 1st Corinthians 12:3 - "...and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit." - From the words of the Apostle Paul – IF YOU CAN’T SAY THAT JESUS CHRIST IS THE Χριστός (the CHRISTOS; the Anointed One, Messiah, the Christ) then maybe you don’t have God’s Spirit! And concerning the quoted article, looking over the 43 page PDF - he only uses the name Jesus Christ 3 times in 43 pages! He mentions his grandfather 7 times and his father 16 times! VERRRY INTERRRRESTING!


  25. Garner Ted Armstrong (GTA) was so bad that he finally had to be openly put out of the Worldwide Church of God (WCG) by his own father Herbert W. Armstrong (HWA). Rather than even pretend to repent this time like he had in the past, Garner Ted Armstrong then spent all his time trying to destroy his own father Herbert W. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God.

    Garner Ted Armstrong then started his own competing rebel cult called the Church of God, International (CGI). When Garner Ted Armstrong was so bad that even his own CGI rebel cult could not stand him, he started yet another competing rebel cult called the Intercontinental Church of God (ICG).

  26. Yes I too would like to know what happened to Ramona Martin. Does anyone know? I tried to find out a few years ago if she was still alive, and as best I could tell she was then.

  27. Garner Ted Armstrong (GTA) was so bad that he finally had to be openly put out of the Worldwide Church of God (WCG) by his own father Herbert W. Armstrong

    Most church historians would disagree with this. There is no mention of any sexual mis-behavior in the 10-page disfellowshipment paper. It is well known that Stan Rader was maneuvering to get control of WCG (and its millions), since HWA was thought to be close to death. GTA was the heir-apparent, so he had to be dispatched. Many other contenders were similarly thrust out or damaged as Rader cleared the deck for himself.
