Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, September 1, 2018

When Unconverted People Drop In, Let's Talk About All The Bad Stuff Going on!

Oh, the pangs of trying to keep the Law exactly. 

Unconverted friends (well, that's the first problem, isn't it) come over on the Sabbath. And the first thought is to dismiss them. But no one wants to do that. So, they do what every good COG person does - writes headquarters. 

The first suggestion? Guide the conversation to be constructive - like talking about World News. 

This had to have gone over well.

"Hi, Marcia! We'd just thought we'd drop over and see how your family is doing!"

"Oh, HI, Karen! We're doing great!"

"Good to hear! Hey, did you watch that episode of ______ Thursday night? What a hoot! When Billy Bob went...."

"Oh, Karen, yes, but let's talk about Beirut. Did you see what happened in Beirut? What an incursion!"

"...why would I want to talk about Beirut? Anyways, Billy Bob was SO funny! he..."

"Sixty five troops stepped over a mine and, oh yes, did you hear about the..."

I guess it'd be fun to see how that one went, wouldn't it? 

"Hey, did you hear about that episode of _____ Thursday night? What a hoot! When Billy Bob went...."

"Oh yes, he did go to the bar, I remember. And in the scriptures, it talks about the appearance of evil. See, it's right here, look here...."

Yes, it's keeping the Sabbath that sets you apart from everybody else, they teach. So no one needs to know this - tell your guests only the minimum about it. Can't have everyone set apart - they won't understand it anyway. But do tell them it's just not the day to socialize. 

"Hey did you hear about that episode of __________ Thutrsday night? What a hoot! When Billy Bob went..."

"Yeah, I heard about it, hey, this really isn't the day to socialize, I'm sorry, why not come back tomorrow..."

"We believe in the Sabbath, so yeah, I don't want to see you today."

This is my command, that you love one anotherJesus says.  

Just not today. 

(Letter Answering Department, 1961)

guest writer: SHT


  1. Oh, come on! This stuff’s a bunch of what ifs from the Leave it to Beaver era! These days, when neighhors come over, they immediately pop open cans of beer or fire up a joint and pass it to you! Unless they’re Jehovah’s Witnesses, or neighbors from your local mega-church.

    But, point taken. Back in the fifties, church members had challenges in dealing with socially inclined neighbors that liked them before they “came into” the church, too.

  2. If people read the bible for what it really says, you would be astounded at what Jesus said and did on the sabbath. Whoever wrote that article in the insets above was/is a pharisee among pharisees. How STUPID we were!!!

  3. I'm certainly well aware that no neighbors come over to another persons house these days. At least, not without texting first. If you don't want to get shot or have the police called on you - in some locals.

    This post was made to illustrate a point, not to illustrate current social conditions.


  4. It's attitudes and beliefs like this garbage that helped set the tone for the current state of lack of sociability.

    "I'm better than you, don't bother me." "You're not worthy of my time and attention right now, go away." "I'm busy being holier than thou." "You're not "holy" so you need to leave." "This is God's day and you're not of God so you need to leave now. I may be able to talk with you (unworthy one/sinner) one day this coming week." "I'm busy earning my salvation, please don't screw it up for me talking about anything but God or the bible or world news that relates to the bible, the tribulation and how this world is going to be horribly corrected then it will be all better."
    "Man, all I needed was someone to talk with. I was feeling discouraged and lonely and you shut the door on me. If that's being a Christian maybe I don't want anything to do with you...or your god. Buh-bye."

  5. Haha.

    What a great reminder of ancient times when neighbors and citizens cared about their equals and only communities were gated as compared to houses nowadays.

    And what business did these neighbors have to visit on a working day anyways?

    My mum had to skip school on saturdays being an sda. Weekends did not exist at the time. Neither privacy apparently. "It takes a village." hahah


  6. The unconverted dont drop in anymore on the converted. Nowadays they run the church.

  7. Back in my WCG days I had friends or family that wasn't in the church, at my invitation, come over to my house on the Sabbath because the Sabbath was supposed to be a delight. I needed the company because I lived alone at the time and none of the church "family" would visit me because I lived so far out from the nearest congregation.

  8. "...not the day...to do business."

    seems like the ministry has forgotten that.

  9. Hilarious video on visiting, socializing and dropping by, comparing yesteryear with today!


    (Copy link and paste into browser)

  10. So what if "unconverted friends" come over on the Sabbath! Would Jesus turn anyone away who wanted to talk to him about anything at anytime? The hypocracy of legalism is that it makes people into "less" of a good person.

  11. Paul advises us to approach people the same way they are.
    I don't watch most of the popular shows, but I do like to keep up with what is going on - which is much easier these days thanks to the Internet where you can read summaries or watch short clips.
    If you believe the Bible, then you believe God does the calling, not us - so we can chill out and have a pleasant conversation with anyone who is pleasant.
    Anyone remember the movie - so I married an axe murderer? We definitely should keep well clear of axe murderers....
    Anyway, find some things in common and talk about them.
