Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

The Kitchen Clan Are Accusing Another COG Of "Stealing" Items They Themselves Have Used Without Permission

Screenshot of the Kitchens accusing another COG of using "their" videos.  The Kitchen clan's entire website is filled with Worldwide Church of God material that they themselves stole without asking permission. So much for keeping the law and showing brotherly love in the churches of God!
Barry Buwa responded with XD and commented with the following.
Barry Buwa - "How can Worldwide Church of God still Worldwide Church of God's materials? The content of the video belongs to the Worldwide Church God and it's only the World Tomorrow Telecast that have such reserved right to make such broadcast and not Elijah TV. So, we only thank Elijah TV for teaching from our booklet and past sermon of Dick Armstrong to warn those who were called."
"If you truly believe Mr Armstrong was the END-TIME APOSTLE, Then you are welcome to God's Church. Start showing it by stop fighting over nothing."
That did not sit well with Tim Kitchen.  Nope, not at all!
Timothy Kitchen Jr. - "If you truly believe God's Word and obeyed it, you wouldn't steal from others, and take a video that is not yours. Did you create it? Did you have any part with the creation of it? NO!!! Mr. Armstrong would stand with God and His Law and would not agree with your Sin. You are not the Worldwide Church of God, otherwise you would act like it. Instead of labeling yourself God's Church call yourself for what it is, the "Synagogue of Satan", which say they ARE God's Church but do lie, WHY? Because they do not obey God's Law! Stop stealing the Worldwide Church of God's materials and Name so you can run your own church masquerading as God's. When it is not. The TRUE WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD KEEPS GOD'S LAW. REPENT! And Pray to God that thine iniquities be forgiven you. For you heart is not right with God.
In Jesus Christ's Name,

Timothy Kitchen Jr."
Yep, just accuse someone of disrespecting Herbert, or that they are of the "synagogue of Satan", are liars, are stealing, are refusing to keep the law, all the while using Jesus name in vain, solves all of the COG's problems and makes everyone all kissy-poo. So much for the millennial days, they just celebrated.

Petra is going to be a bloodbath when all of these various COG buffoons show up at the same time claiming they have the original truth. The Jordanians sitting on the hills sides of Petra will be laughing their heads off at all the STUPID self-righteous Americans.


  1. This is funnier than when the COGaWA “stole” the cows!

  2. Next thing you know they'll be stilling each others cows

  3. Over in the Middle East or somewhere don't they cut peoples hands off if they still?

  4. But didn't HWA still all his ideas from other churches?
    It sounds similar to the makers of the movie 'Silent running' sueing Star Wars, claiming that they stilled all their ideas.

  5. Can nobody spell these days ssshhhheeeesh.
    So these saints on earth returned from keeping the feast of tabernacles and immediately launched into a verbal punch up with strangers over a dead mans sermon from 50 years ago.

  6. "Stop it."
    "No you stop it"
    "I'm the true church, no, YOU stop it!"
    "No you! *biff*"
    No YOU! *baff*"
    "HEY! *poink*"
    "Cease and decist! *POKE*"
    "Stop calling yourself the True Church! IM the True Church! *JAB*"
    "You're WORLDLY! *blap*"
    "That's it. You made me say it. PAGAN!!!!! *Blorp-blawp*"
    "Why you... You... You... Ham-Eating SUNDAY KEEPER!!!!!!!!! * Blorgle*"
    "Now you LIE! You LYING APOSTATE!!!!! *bwappp!!!*"
    "You eat MICROPHONES when you pray!"
    "oh never mind. Just STOP IT!"
    "Who here's ordained anyway?"

  7. Where do you find all this stuff? I had never heard of them before.
    Those of still in a Church of God group have to have a lot of humility. HWA used to point out there were more than 400 Christian denominations - now we have about the same just from WCG.
    Why can't we all just get along? It is one of Jesus' requirements that we love one another as He loved us.

  8. I have it from a reliable source that a COGaWA-stilled cow may be on ebay soon.

    I googled it and could only find a picture from the Andy Griffith Show with Otis riding a cow.

    ( https://i.pinimg.com/originals/82/45/a6/8245a6da25ea6893f8648db3280b4747.jpg )

    Knowing what a wacky bizarro world in which the COGs exist, perhaps the picture is closer to the Truth than not.

  9. Can someone explain what the COGWA cow stealing incident was? Or is it a joke?

  10. Here you go:




  11. All this talkin" bout clans and cattle reminds of the sheep and cattle wars back in gunslingin' times when the cog's resided in the territories and I served as the Law west of Peco. Simpler times before copyrights and razor wire did the job of protectin' the fruit of an honest day of laboring under the sun.


  12. Bwaaahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!!
    Whhooooo-boy! What a knee slapper!!!

  13. NO2HWA,

    Check out the Exit and Support Network

    Letters from Those Impacted by PCG

    Another PCG Milton Ontario Suicide

    October 3, 2018

  14. Paul had some choice words about taking your brother to court. You should rather be defrauded.

  15. Exclusive footage of the COG's engaging in battle!


  16. These cows are historic. The incident marks the first time that members of the animal kingdom were affected by Armstrongite splintering.

  17. Chuckle,chuckle.chortle,chortle,etc HeeeHaawwww...................

  18. TLA
    Like many scriptures, not taking your brother to court is not a command of God or a law of nature. Exploitative rule riggers present it as such, but it is not. Rather it is a practical application of Gods laws. Which means that here are underlying assumptions, assumptions which are not always present.
