Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Jesus Flash Christ!

Jesus "The Flash" Christ goes to the Father's throne only millions of miles from here....

submitted by SHT


  1. Pluto, at its closest, is 2.7 billion miles from the Sun. Surely the Correspondence Course would have said "billions" if the throne were more than two billion miles away. As a matter of fact, if the Father's throne is merely "millions" of miles from planet Earth, it may be closer to us than either Mars or Venus!

  2. An elderly deaconess, many years ago, pointed to a spot in the night sky that was devoid of stars and said that's where (someone?) said Heaven must be...

    1. I remember hearing that crap too. Also something about a black hole being "the bottomless pit".

  3. There they go again, turning everything into physical! God is not bound by physical laws! Space, time, gravity, etc, mean nothing to Him. It's amazing to me how ... oh nevermind. It's like talking to a brick wall.

  4. Herbert Armstrong had absolutely no concept of parallel dimensions, alternate realities, the spirit realm, or anything whatsoever that has been discovered over the past few decades. His belief appears to be absolutely physical and completely literal.

    That somewhere, not much farther than Mars or Venus, is the Throne of The Father - apparently completely invisible to us in the skies or cloaked with a Super Spiritual Cloaking Device. Jesus, apparently, was said to have - faster than a bird, faster than a plane - zoomed at Warp 9.3 to the Father's Throne, wherever Herbert thought it was, and then back. Greyhound, Delta, NASA, SpaceX, and the USS Enterprise, you ain't got nothing on the speed.

    Add to this the knowledge of the tens of billions of galaxies in our area of the Universe - with trillions of quadrillions of stars in just that little section - and that's only a grain of sand. And here, we are to believe "the Father's Throne" is an infinitesimally tiny speck that could be "happened upon" - like "Q" in Star Trek.

    The more these things come out the more I see it was just the mind of Herbert's imagination at work. But this would make a pretty awesome Star Trek episode. "The Father's Throne". Which one - Kirk or Picard - should encounter God??

  5. Hoss: That blank region of the universe is where Armstrongism declared Satan fought with God. That is the region Satan fell through to earth. The battle was so huge that the stars and planets were destroyed.

  6. Splinter members, please ask yourselves: Would the true God inspire such a misleading teaching in His very own Correspondence Course? Or are your splinters built on a foundation of humanly imagined sand?

  7. 95% of the universe is composed of dark matter and dark energy - the scientists can measure it, but cannot see it, and do not know what it is.
    How does this and 10 or more dimensions relate to Heaven - I don't know - maybe it does and maybe it doesn't - there are still mysteries, and it is better not to pretend you know or make foolish statements - like the speed of thought being instantaneous - the scientists have measured our brain processing speeds and brain reaction times, and they are not instantaneous.
    I think our brain reaction time is about .2 of a second which is why it is better not to reply too fast - you end up talking over the other person without realizing it for .2 of a second.

  8. That dark spot is where the Klingon Empire's territory is. It's cloaked.

    The battle was huge between the Klingons and the Romulans. Even the Ferengi were amused watching the battle.

    By the way. This is just as fictional as that blank region of the universe being where that battle was. Let's get science involved a bit, shall we? These are VOIDS. There are MANY.

    HERE is a LIST of Voids. Now, let's get Thiel and Malm and the rest of the COG community to battle WHICH Void was THE Void.


    They can spend all their time trying to figure this out using moons, numerology, numbers, Daniel, Chronicles, or the number 1335. Why not. It's just as ridiculous as every other interpretation they've ever conceived of.

  9. You people are sick! Stop taking the Lord's name in vain!!!! You are a prime example of what apostacy does to the mind of those who probably were never converted in the first place.

    1. What do you call apoatacy, leaving a cog? If you are converted what are you doing on an apostate blog? With that said the way the message was portrayed can come across like if they are making fun of the messiah rather than the Cogs. It can turn even some non cog believers off especially those who believe Christ Shouldn't be portrayed in a mocking manner.

    2. What do you call apoatacy, leaving a cog? If you are converted what are you doing on an apostate blog? With that said the way the message was portrayed can come across like if they are making fun of the messiah rather than the Cogs. It can turn even some non cog believers off especially those who believe Christ Shouldn't be portrayed in a mocking manner.

  10. Matthew 28:9 also says women worshiped Jesus. The Son, not the Father.

    And they did that on a Sunday morning.

    Why didn't He correct them for any of that?

  11. Blasphemers? Taking the Lords name in Vain? How dare you stand in judgement, when your idol, Herbert Armstrong, has said nothing but blatant lies, falsehoods, and deceptions, yet you listen to lies and thrive on deceit. Do you have any concept of what taking the Lord's name in vain actually is? Do you know what it means when Herbert Armstrong places Jesus Christ and the Father on a purely physical plane when scripture plainly says "God is Spirit"? Where is the outrage on the false prophecies of Herbert Armstrong? Where's the outrage on the lies? The deceptions? The hurt? The greed? The idolatry? Where's the outrage on the people who lost their entire lives because of one man's greed? Yet we call out exactly what Herbert Armstrong said about Jesus Christ - and you dare call it blasphemy? Look at what your mentor, Herbert Armstrong said, did, and how he acted, the lives he changed, affected, and the conditions of the splinters and churches today, and open your eyes and see all that was done in this post was simply repeating exactly what Herbert Armstrong was saying about Jesus Christ. If you have outrage, direct it at the cause, not at the reporters.

    1. Two wrongs don't make a right. As I said before you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. It is not only COG members that may find that portrayal of Jesus offensive, post like that can actually make those you criticize look good, I don't think it was your intention, but frankly It was distasteful. Would you portray the Muslims Prophet in that comical way?

  12. Dennis:

    Chestnuts. Roasting on an open fire. :) Happy Wednesday night.

  13. Saying, Jesus Flash Christ, is the same as saying Jiminy Cricket

  14. Mick Jagger said that Jumpin’ Jack Flash is a gas gas gas.


  15. I must say I find the drawing of Christ flying like Superman, disrespectful. There are lines that shouldn't be crossed.

  16. Perhaps there isn't a problem between these passages. In John 20:17 the verb means to “cling to”. Thus, Jesus was telling Mary Magdalene, “Do not cling to me”; “Do not hold on to me”. Jesus wanted the women (including Mary Magdalene) to inform the apostles about His resurrection. Mary Magdalene was not to remain in her present location clinging to Jesus, but to “go” and inform the others of the good news. What’s more, the women to whom Jesus appeared shortly thereafter, although permitted for a moment to hold His feet and worship Him, were likewise told to “go” and take the brethren a message from their living Lord. In order to “go” they had to “let go” of Jesus’ feet.

  17. That can’t be Christ because everyone knows that Christ kept his hair cut and beard shaved; ask Dave pack, he will explain.

  18. I don't know.

    Superman was jewish too. The eternal outsider, nerdy, immigrant from another planet after a holocaust that destroyed his original home, turning superhero in his new environment through the conquest of many superhuman obstacles.

    The jew turning American. Just like the political Jesus of many American voters, Jesus in their own image.


  19. Oh my! This thread is just hilarious! Self-righteous hwa idolaters getting their feathers all ruffled, just like the pharisees in Jesus' day getting all upset because "Jesus broke the Sabbath" and such as that. Disrespectful? Disrespect is using Jesus' name to threaten hoards of people with the lake of fire if they don't tithe, give offerings, etc, etc all to get rich and live the high life; abusing the sheeple with fearmongering, etc, etc. Oh my!

  20. the region Satan fell through to earth

    Okay, I guess we didn't get the rest of the story, we just got Satan going berserk in the solar system...

    Recently some YECs were trying to work this out - if Satan was in the Garden on the 6th or 7th day, when was he cast down to Earth? Or is that still in the future, because he is in Heaven in Job... Oh yeah, a day is a thousand years... and so on.

  21. FFS
    Labeling anyone who disagrees with you a Pharisee of Herb worshipper is juvenile. Christians from many denominations, many who have never heard of Herb or his WWCG, would find the 'Superman Christ' drawing offensive.

    1. Correct, I'd expect a past Cog member who is now an atheist to put up a post like that, not someone who claims to hold Christ in reverence. To be clear I am not judging anyone who choose to be an atheist I am just making a point.

    2. I'm sure they'll see worse in their lives.

    3. It’s possible, 3:35, that Jesus Himself might have gotten a kick out of that cartoon when He watched the artist draw it. It depends on the attitude the artist had.

      I believe what might have been going through FFS’s mind is the fact that Armstrongites generally assume that Jesus would have the same attitude towards Himself and authority as one of their own evangelists. I don’t believe you can necessarily project that on to Jesus.


  22. Talk about blasphemy...D Pack learned his lessons well..."at the great ones feet" as he once
    intimated...so destroying families, marriages, lives with his most damnable, despicable LIE
    of "common" in God's name (and the rest of his BS & False prophecies)ranks right up there with HWA's .

  23. The greatest heresy is claiming that Pluto is not a planet.

  24. "95% of the universe is composed of dark matter and dark energy - the scientists can measure it..."

    Not true. They cannot measure it. They can't even detect it. It is totally theoretical.

  25. BB
    You obviously don't read your bible. Umpteen times in the OT God says "but for my names sake" or similar. Repeatedly He affirms His name with statements such as "I am God and there is no other." Try Googling the titles of God. There is a web site dedicated to it. As a side issue, why has there not been articles, sermons on the titles of God. It appears that the 'vicars of Christ' ie Herb ministers, don't want competition.

    It's reverence toward God that keeps beings (human and spirit) on the straight and narrow. It's the glue that holds the moral universe together. It's one of the ten commandments for good reason. FFS and others have a problem.

    Not forgetting, Satan understands the importance of self image and titles when he kept saying over and over to Christ "if you are the son of God." It also seems the ministers understand its destructiveness by labelling members who disagree with them 'unconverted' or 'not having Gods holy spirit.'

    1. I don’t believe you have 100% truth on this topic, 9:02. It is wrong to read human ego and vanity into God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit. That would place limitations on all three of them. Actually, God is providing a representation of His character by making those statements, character that He wants us to realize we can rely upon.

      A number of years ago, I used to participate in a forum mostly consisting of Messianic Jews who attached great importance to God’s names and titles in original Hebrew, and their meanings. One of the forum members who called himself “Sabian” gave me an exhaustive list of all God’s names throughout the Old Testament. It was indeed enlightening.

      Civilized humans seem to have Noahchide law written into their hearts. Many of the world’s great civilizations and empires have this Noahchide law as an integral part of their operating code.

      As an aside, many articles and dissertations have been written on the apparent similarities between Jesus Christ and Superman. Jerry Siegel was clearly informed by Judeo-Christian principles and ethics when he created Superman. Our WCG minister back in the ‘60s told my parents that he often watched Superman reruns because it gave him a small foretaste of who and what he would become in the Millennium. So, comparing Superman to Jesus is in no way blasphemous. Portraying Jesus as the criminal characters in the comics would be another story entirely.


  26. Pluto is not a planet. He is a Disney toon.
