Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Jesus Who?

submitted by SHT


  1. I didn't allow my kids to do the "youth bible lessons".

  2. And what was the topic of the previous 7 lessons? Government is everything?
    So it's blind obedience to ministers first, obedience to the ministers interpretation of the bible second, and lip service to Christ third.

  3. I wonder how Jesus was depicted for the kids. The Jews of 30 AD didn’t pick up on the fact that Jesus was the Messiah, because they expected a warrior messiah to come and liberate them from the Romans. Jesus presented instead as what theologians have referred to as the “suffering” messiah. Armstrongism always downplayed the suffering messiah of the gospels who died so that mankind’s sin debt could be paid, and preached instead the warrior messiah of Revelation.

    It’s as if Armstrongites expect Jesus to be like Duane Chapman, Dog the Bounty Hunter, who is a baddass when he’s taking down the people who have skipped on their bail, but then shows them mercy, kindness, and prays with them as he takes them to jail.


  4. Well, it took from Adam to Jesus, 4000 years to get to Jesus. Maybe they started at Genesis, which is like, you know, the beginning.

    God is evil. It took him 4000 years to get around to sending Jesus.

  5. There seems to be no way to contact the individual writers, which suggests that they are just aliases.

  6. If people really want diversity, doesn't that mean that they want MORE cults, and MORE different, "strange" and wacky religions? And MORE different opinions, which they will then deride as "conspiracy theories".

  7. On my direct blog, which can be found at


    You will find a link that says "Contact Me Directly". This is the way and means you can talk to me.

    I assure you, as I sit here in my home, far from California - I am not an alias of Gary. If Gary chooses to embed that particular page as a means of contact, he is free to do so.

  8. "And what was the topic of the previous 7 lessons? Government is everything?"

    The previous 7 levels were roughly tailored to 5 to 11 year olds. Level 8 was preteen, one more level for the pre-teens and then they were YOU age. The topics were primarily stories of OT personalities - David and Goliath, Samson, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and so on and so forth and what have you. Nothing on building a relationship with Jesus Christ at an early age, or anything about Jesus at all. Plenty about the Holy Days, offerings, learning the books of the Bible.

  9. Every post that SHT sends me includes a link to his blog that has a clearly visible contact information. Mine is on the front page of this blog, clearly visible.

  10. I have not posted personal info yet because I am still figuring things out- right now I am leaning towards Messianic Judaism- the ones who still believe most of the law is still in effect plus puzzling out my family DNA results
