Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, November 5, 2018

Which Self-Appointed COG Prophet Is The Least Respected?

Poor Bob Thiel!  The Bible waving little guy just CANNOT get COG members to like him, follow him, or send him their hard earned money.  It is pretty pathetic when Thiel outranks the three biggest certified liars in the Church of God today.


  1. Are we measuring by dislike and revulsion, or by actual body count? Because Bob Thiel has not been able to attract significant numbers of followers, he has not amassed the body count that the big three have. I'm not defending him though because his intentions are similar to the others'.

    I have this mental picture of each of them going bald and one by one, meeting the same fate. Teenagers walk up to them, saying "Go up thou bald head!" The bears come out and instead of attacking the teenagers, the bears tear up the false prophets! Because they are not Elijah. They are Fert-Elijah.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think a lot of it has to do with the measurement of what "false" is.

    Bob is claiming to be ordained. He was not.
    Bob is claiming to be a prophet. He is not.
    Bob is claiming special understanding. He has none.

    He spends so much time trying to convince people of something that simply was not to legitimize something that he is not. People see right through this. I think that's a big reason people call him "false", regardless of his actual "prophetic record" (which isn't one, with all of the disclaimers he uses as an out.

  4. SHT said, "He spends so much time trying to convince people of something that simply was not to legitimize something that he is not".

    MY COMMENT - Nail meets hammer!!!

    I would only add to SHT's comment that Bitter Bob's animated cartoons are a joke fueling the lack of any respect for this HWA wannabe clown. The double-minded unstable clown (James 1:8) says God has opened the door of animation for "the Work" but I remember watching Rocky and Bullwinkle, Roadrunner, Popeye, etc. when I was young in the 1960s while Herbert Armstrong was a religious broadcasting pioneer saying God opened the door of Radio and Television broadcasting for "The Work". Almost arrested for Sabbath-keeping, doubly blessed Prophet Dr. from a mail order degree mill Bitter Bob Thiel is a day late and a dollar short on his claim that animation is an open door from God - otherwise Herbert Armstrong could have used it, which of course, would have been a joke! Can anyone imagine Herbert Armstrong making cartoons?

    How can anyone take Thiel seriously? But in all honesty, I did not vote in the poll because they are all awful. Is Thiel any worse than delusional clown felon tax cheat Ron Weinland? Or any worse than Dave "Send all your assets in because my business model isn't working" Packatolla?


  5. not that i am defending mr thiel, but what poll is that? where is the proper citation?

  6. It is one of several polls on this blog on the front page, right-hand side.

    1. oh, okay...i had to go from mobile to desktop mode to view these extras...there are many polls there...

  7. Of all the COGs, with the exception of Dave Pack, Bob probably gave himself the most media presence, now including his animations.
    Bob just commented on a Jewish article that mentioned "signs" of the coming of the Messiah. He criticized the author for using non-Biblical sources! O the hypocrisy!
