Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Why has this "short work" taken so damn long?

For decades the church has always trumpeted the claim that we were a little church doing a mighty work in a very short time. The ministers and church leaders who preached this have come and gone as the "work" imploded into hundreds and hundreds of tiny little groups with some of them still thinking they are doing some kind of a work.  Some of the bigger groups hop into cable channels and print glossy magazines and yet no one seems to know who they are.  None have ever reached to the same level that the bombastic Herbert Armstrong achieved.  As much as they try to imitate him they end up looking like complete fools.

Their "work" is a times trite and silly with countless predictions and myriads of rules and regulations that they claim are necessary for salvation by their chosen god.

Imagine a splinter group leader who supposedly make the remark that  "LCG’s influence was like 1/2 a peanut shell in the Pacific Ocean.."  This is a pretty pathetic statement for a man who claimed to have been trained at the feet of Herbert Armstrong and yet though the had the best Church of God qualified to so a "short work."

That peanut shell comment was supposedly made by Rod Meredith to Tinfoil Bob Thiel  in a conversation that no one can prove ever happened. God's most highly chosen splinter leader, after Dave Pack, has this to say  about that short work:
Back in November 2002, the late Dr. Roderick C. Meredith and I had a discussion about that. I reminded him that he said that LCG’s influence was like 1/2 a peanut shell in the Pacific Ocean. And got him to understand that even if LCG doubled it television coverage that this would not fulfill Matthew 24:14. 
Thiel then goes on to say that there was not a single man in the meeting room that had the biblical understanding that he did. The other evangelists sat in awe as they listened to the miraculous words emanating from the golden mouth of the non-ordained "son" of Meredith.
During that meeting, and subsequent meetings with other LCG evangelists, I put forth my view that for a short time, the media would focus on the message of the Philadelphian work–particularly after identifying the King of the North and explaining what he would do (cf. Daniel 11:39-43). All the evangelists seemed like they had not thought of that, but that they agreed with the vision I laid out.
Apparently Living Church of God never recovered from the revelation from Tinfoil Bob and to this day has never accomplished anything worthwhile.  Because of that, Almost-arrested Bawana Bob, the great hero of Africa, determined he needed to step up to the plate and start God's ONLY end time church.
In late December 2017, in the article titled "18 items to prophetically watch in 2018," I wrote:
Jesus taught:
19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:19-20)  
In the Continuing Church of God, in sermons, I have gone over every thing that the Bible records that Jesus spoke in the New Testament. … 
We also have made literature available, not only on the internet, but in printed form and in multiple languages.
Jesus also taught:
14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. 15 “Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand), 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house. 18 And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes. 19 But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! 20 And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath. 21 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. 22 And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened. (Matthew 24:14-22)
Elijah Thiel somehow believes he has preached everything there is to know about Jesus.  (Excuse me while recover from laughing so hard!)

Tinfoil Bob truly believes that he and he alone is doing the most magnificent work the church has ever seen in its history.  No work is more amazing as his.  No one has been on more conspiracy radio programs than hehas, no one has printed more literature in more languages than he has, no one has reached more territories or had so  many viewers of his videos than he has. Dave Pack was seen trembling in his fourth floor office when he heard this. Because of his great work, the end times will soon be here.

Notice that the Great Tribulation happens after Matthew 24:14 has been fulfilled to God’s satisfaction. 
In the Continuing Church of God, we have a booklet, The Gospel of the Kingdom of God, available in close to 100 languages. They can be found at www.ccog.org 
According to AWStats, our websites have been visited by people from at least 220 nations/territories. According to YouTube our online videos have been viewed by people from at least 220 nations/territories. 
More will be done.    
Absolutely right!  The work continues with Banned by HWA!!!!!!  Here is how many this "short work has reached in less time that Thiel has been in operation!

The late artist Andy Warhol was known for getting the idea out that people are entitled to their ‘fifteen minutes of fame.” 
The Apostle Paul wrote that God would have a short work:
28 For He will finish the work and cut it short in righteousness, Because the Lord will make a short work upon the earth. (Romans 9:28) 
In the Continuing Church of God, we are preparing for this through the development of articles and booklets, and in numerous languages. 
We believe that when we publicly identify the coming King of the North and explain that he is pushing a false peace and false gospel, and that he will destroy the USA and its Anglo-Saxon dominated allies, as well as an Islamic power, that media attention will be focused on us and what we teach. 
This will be the short work, and will lead to the fulfillment of Matthew 24:14.
Are you going to watch or support the work? 
Jesus praised the Philadelphians for their work (Revelation 3:7-13), while condemning the Laodicean Christians for being lukewarm about the work (Revelation 3:14-22).
When you read Thiel's screed you will see that he believes he is doing a huge work on YouTube and of course in Africa.

The YouTube video, Something is Biblical About This!, has received over 265,000 views in the past seven or eight days. After showing various leaders covered by the news, the video switches to one of our videos (PESCO and a Great European Army) and shows many excerpts for about five minutes. 
So while YouTube only shows that our BNP channel has so far had less than 600 views, we actually have had a couple of hundred thousand more views than that. 
We in CCOG are leading the Final Phase of the Work and various ones in the media will cover parts of what we teach in the future. Matthew 24:14, which was not the topic of the video that was covered, will be fulfilled. 
Anyway, being featured in another video gives parts of the message we are proclaimed some fame. More will happen in the future. 
Outside media attention of aspects of our views, including from those hostile to aspects of what we teach will help lead to the fulfillment of Matthew 24:14. The media and the short work
So there you have it.  The only "short work" out there will soon be cut short because the world will soon be persecuting the "work" of Bawana Bob.

Why is the god of Armstrongism such an impotent god that it has to rely upon blithering idiots like Thiel and Malm to do its "small work?"


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "It's a short work" because the time is short is THE THEME of the entire New Testament.

  3. I'll give someone a shiny new penny if they can prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that WCG/GCI is the one & only true church. The fact a great "falling away" did happen and all of the splinter groups were made in order to continue deceiving and leading people away from the truth is in my humble opinion proof that the real christians continued to follow, with the guiding Spirit of Christ, Mr. Tkach.

    1. If we are to follow your line of thinking then the Roman Catholic church is the one & only true church.

  4. regarding the "short work" alluded to in Romans 9:27-28 the apostle Saul was quoting Isaiah 10:22-23; those verses quite simply refer to a day of vengeance and the ultimate punishment of the children of israel, even to the point where only a handful would remain...

    i think the armstrongers took a single word, "work", and ran with it, made it their own in the context of their notion of preaching the gospel; misunderstanding old english translation and ignoring the context in which those words were spoke...

    but if one looks at the words of Isaiah 10:22-23 through various versions of the bible it all points to the same thing: the children of israel will suffer greatly just before the Return of Christ...even the apostle John in the book of Revelation says explicitly that at the onset of the Millennium only 144,000 of all the children of israel would be made sons of God, compared to the gentiles of Revelation 7:9, which no man could number...

    c f ben yochanan

  5. What’s true is that someone near the birth of sentient humanity discovered that one effective way to compel modification of behavior involves adding a sense of urgency to one’s arguments. The urgency, or immediacy, is often not real.


  6. 6.18 AM
    I believe that the 144,000 is a minimum number exclusively from Israel. It begs the question of meritocracy pointed out in the parable of the talents. A 'solution' is a second 144,000, the ones who return with Christ on Mount Zion. Only this group has this honor.

    1. "Also, Isaiah shouted this about Israel’s people: ‘There are so many of Israel’s people, that they are like the bits of sand at the edge of the sea. But God will save only a few of them.

      The Lord will not waste time when he decides about the people on the earth. He will finish that work quickly. And he will punish people completely." Romans 9:27, easy english ver.

      the cogers have misconstrued what work God was speaking on...the work God is referring to is the business of vengeance and punishment...

      other versions of the bible allude to basically the same fact: that God will abruptly punish israel, and subsequently only a handfull would remain, and that fewer still (as prophesied in the book of Revelation) would become Sons of God during the Millennium...

      c f ben yochanan

    2. and regarding the 144,000: the cogers used to love to point out that the context of a scripture was paramount...

      well the mentioning of the 144,000 of the children of israel becoming sons of God in the millennium was done in the context of comparing them to the number of gentiles what would become the same, whom, according to John, could not be numbered...

      the paltry sum also fits the narrative of Romams 9:27-28 and Isaiah 10:22-23, and flies in the face of any notion that the children of israel are somehow more righteous than us gentiles...

      in fact, if we would read the whole bible we would understand that God hates self righteousness, hypocrisy (and the refusal to repent), some of the children of israels greatest tendencies...a short work will be made...

      c f ben yochanan

  7. "LCG’s influence was like 1/2 a peanut shell in the Pacific Ocean..".
    This statement was made several times by RCM in his recorded sermons.

    And yet LCG continues - even though they are down to a 1/4 peanut shell.
    Maybe the Cowboy channel will turn things around.

    1. the reason the cogs influence is so anemic is because they have been hypocrites, and have preached a doctrine of pseudo white supremacy and self righteousness, something God will not bless...

      certainly they are not the only ones what have done this, but they do this in tandem with the preaching of the Sabbath and the Authority of the Father; in other words: they have profaned the Truth by mixing it with a doctrine what alienates others that God has Created in His own Image, and hence have made it impossible for their efforts to be blessed...

      c f ben yochanan

  8. 618. 144,000 rerun on Mt Zion...

    You've obviously never seen the dirt hill called Mr Zion

  9. Wow! - Even the microscopic sized nation of Andorra, (located in the mountains between Spain and France) has had a visitor here to Banned!

  10. Common Dennis. Focus on the positive. The parking lot there is not expensive and notva problem to park on the sideways. Trying to find the hill I took a wrong turn and ended up in the valley of rock throwers. Got the hell out of Siloams pool.

    Seen from the valley its a hill. A matter of perspective.


  11. "...the media would focus on the message of the Philadelphian work–particularly after identifying the King of the North and explaining what he would do.. All the evangelists seemed like they had not thought of that, but that they agreed with the vision I laid out."

    Does Bob have a specific "Philadelphian" message? His messages seem to jump all over the place. And a rehash of the WCG speculation that the Beast would be Franz Josef Strauss? How long has Bob been speculating on Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg?

    1. Ah, so Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg is the Laodicean beast???


    2. I guess not before the pcg launched the theory.

