Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Your Duty Today


  1. "Politics AND religion. Ooh!"

    Armstrongism is a cult. Armstrongism and religion are not compatible.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Candidates seldom matter because nothing changes. But vote down those tax increases. Let'em do with less.

  4. My wife is in rehab after knee surgery. The facility is 15 miles from our polling place. The nurses adjusted her brace and helped us practice getting into the car so we can both go together to vote this afternoon.

  5. Should a American vote in a Italian election? No, obviously. Should a Christian vote in a American election? No, and for the same reason.

  6. Whether voting is a right or a privilege, or mandatory as in some countries, I disregarded Bob Thiel's instructions and voted. But I did follow Richard Pryor's lead and chose none of the above...

  7. David Michael
    Thanks for reminding me that only registered voters have a right to express their opinions. Also thanks for reminding me that the first amendments freedom of speech has been revoked.

  8. I voted today for the first time. I AM getting deprogrammed! Hooray!!!

  9. I've been voting ever since the 70s. If you follow Allen C. Dexter on Facebook, you'll find I'm no longer allergic to politics. Quite the opposite. I was even an election observer for the Democratic Party today. I'm a citizen, and I participate. Herb and company can go hang! There is no Kingdom of God coming anytime, anyplace and I owe no allegiance to that figment of my imagination I once groveled before.

  10. "Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world..." John 18:36

    c f ben yochanan

  11. never parficipated in world politics, including voting; nor did my father before me; not that he could, being a black man in the south back in the day...

    c f ben yochanan

  12. It's interesting that some COGleaders (and an outspoken local Protestant minister) appear to be saying that God can only bless America when there is a conservative government...
    Do they still risk losing the 503 (c) 3 tax exemption for telling this to their congregations?

  13. As an Australian Christian I choose no longer to vote in Australian political elections despite voting being compulsory in the country. This is one aspect of the American political system I praise since Australians are penalized with fines if they choose not to vote. I wish we would imitate your form of government's fine example in this regard and make voting optional in Australia as it's wholly undemocratic and in truth unconstitutional since voting is a right not an obligation.

    Having said that I've always wondered why the COGs originating from Armstrong have tended to heavily lean towards the Republican Party when according to the "official" teaching voting in politics was disapproved of since, as Christians, we have "No King but Christ." Yet, a lot of the material that was published in various COG magazines would tend to encourage a Republican view of America and the world.

    Not only that, but perhaps from the BI belief that the British royal family is descended from King David, which various COGs still cling to, the British royal family and throne is revered even though it has been proven from secular history and the Bible itself that this is a complete myth.

    So what I'm basically get at is that although they teach their followers not to be a part of the world by voting or idolizing worldly leaders and yet they are guilty of this by revering and idolizing the British monarch (besides HWA!); and promoting Republican partisan politics and equating all of this as if it counts towards their "Christian-ness." It just doesn't gel together imo.

  14. Anon 935

    When I was in Australia, I worked with a (non-COG) POM who disapproved of the Westminster system and although he was registered to vote in Australia, he didn't. He told me he was sent a $25 fine and was going to use a pathetic "I was sick" excuse to try to get out of paying. I told him he should tell them the truth and pay the fine as a matter of principle. No good. Then I said he could make a claim that it was against his religious belief, and he would probably be exempted. No, he was going to stick to his "I was sick" claim...

  15. 9:35 Interesting take!

    I never got the "pray for our national leaders thing." Sounded fascist to me. Me thinks it is an old northern european protestant custom designed to support the Kings and Queens delivering the protestant nations from the Catholic Habsburg Pharaoh and thus protect the protestant flock.

    Did ancient catholics pray for their emperor? I guess not since it was his inherit divine right to rule the entire world anyway. Stupid Greeks with their democracy fad. Look where it got them.


  16. "Now therefore hearken unto their voice: howbeit yet protest solemnly unto them, and shew them the manner of the king that shall reign over them.

    And Samuel told all the words of the LORD unto the people that asked of him a king.

    And he said, This will be the manner of the king that shall reign over you: He will take your sons, and appoint them for himself, for his chariots, and to be his horsemen; and some shall run before his chariots.

    And he will appoint him captains over thousands, and captains over fifties; and will set them to ear his ground, and to reap his harvest, and to make his instruments of war, and instruments of his chariots.

    And he will take your daughters to be confectionaries, and to be cooks, and to be bakers.

    And he will take your fields, and your vineyards, and your oliveyards, even the best of them, and give them to his servants." 1 Samuel 8:9-14

    "Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, Nay; but we will have a king over us" 1 Samuel 8:19

    and the rest is "rejection of God as our president" history...

    c f ben yochanan

  17. Hoss re your mate who was going to play the sick card to get out of the voting fine he was sent by the AEC I know others who’ve done that too! Lol! Prior to my conversion I used to cross off all the candidates and scribble my own protest on the ballot eg “Compulsory voting is wrong!” or something like that. As a baptized Christian I now send out my personal statement after they fine me explaining the religious reasons for my abstention. I know of small Australian protest groups on FB that are against compulsory voting, but they’re so small to have any meaningful impact. If we had the vast sums of money the tweedledee and tweedledum parties have at their disposal to produce TV commercials we probably could have a better impact at swaying the tide in our favor and repeal compulsory voting. What’s so inconsistent is that the AEC and its state counterparts (eg VEC) have ads asking, “Are you enrolled to vote?” And then later in the same ad asserting, “If you’re 18 or over you must enrol!” It’s like they give the illusion it’s your choice to enrol to vote, but then you’re told you must enrol if you’re over a certain age (otherwise you’ll be penalized)! Most people just don’t see the dissimulation. SMH
