Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Church of God Quality Control Form - Ministers

On a five grade level, A - F - Rate your minister on the following Biblical principles and qualifications for a Minister of Jesus Christ.

A = Yes, Absolutely
B = I Believe So, Mostly.
C = Nothing exceptional, or not sure.
D = He's pretty bad at this.
F = Absolutely not. 

The Pauline Principles (Titus 1:5-9)

1. Is your minister above reproach?

2. Does your minister have children who believe?

3. Is your minister the husband of one wife?

4. Has your minister been accused of rebellion?

5. Is your minister not self willed?

6. Is your minister not quick tempered?

7. Is your minister not addicted to wine (alcohol)?

8. Is your minister not pugnacious? ****

9. Is your minister not fond of sordid gain? *

10. Is your minister hospitable?

11. Does your minister love what is good?

12. Is your minister sensible?

13. Is your minister just?

14. Is your minister devout?

15. Is your minister self controlled?
Does your minister fit the criteria of "One who must be silenced"? (Removed from the ministry by their superiors) (Titus 1)

1. Is your minister upsetting whole families?

2. Is your minister an empty talker and a deceiver?

3. Is your minister rebellious?

4. Is your minister teaching things for the sake of sordid gain? *

5. Does your minister deny God by their deeds?

Does your minister exhibit the Fruits of the Spirit? 

1. Does your minister exhibit love?
2. Does your minister exhibit joy?

3. Does your minister exhibit patience?

4. Does your minister exhibit peace?

5. Does your minister exhibit kindness?

6. Does your minister exhibit goodness?

7. Does your minister exhibit faithfulness?

8. Does your minister exhibit gentleness?

9. Does your minister exhibit self control?

Does your minister adhere to the principles of Basic Christianity?

1. Is your minister sexually immoral?

2. Is your minister an idolater?

3. Is your minister an adulterer?

4. Is your minister sexually deviant?

5. Is your minister a thief?

6. Is your minister greedy?

7. Is your minister a drunkard?

8. Is your minister a reviler? **

9. Is your minister a swindler? ***
* Sordid: involving ignoble actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt.

** Reviler: to criticize in an abusive or hostile way, or to spread negative information about.

*** Swindlers are scammers who con people to make a buck. (Google def. throughout)

**** Pugnacious: quick to argue, quarrel, or fight.

How did your minister do? 

What was your minister's average score? 

What does this tell you? 

How should you respond? 

If you were their superior, would you fire him/her? 

If you would fire him or her, do you not know you still can - by ceasing your relationship with a person not qualified to spiritually advise you? 

Words to think about.


  1. I hear millionaire TKACH's kids long abandoned Christian religion.

  2. So I takes this test for myself in ministry...

    The Pauline Principles (Titus 1:5-9)

    1. Is your minister above reproach?
    No, not really and all the ones I knew who would tell you they were, weren't either. And don't even ask me about members!

    2. Does your minister have children who believe?
    Does Catholic or Mega Church count?

    3. Is your minister the husband of one wife?
    No, I'm single

    4. Has your minister been accused of rebellion?

    5. Is your minister not self willed?
    Who isn't? Next thing you're going to ask is "Do I just use human reason?" What kind of reasoning do you use?

    6. Is your minister not quick tempered?
    This one I got. Not at all.

    7. Is your minister not addicted to wine (alcohol)?
    No, but it can get me into trouble, not to mention Vodka.

    8. Is your minister not pugnacious? ****
    Not really, more a Pomeranian than anything

    9. Is your minister not fond of sordid gain? *
    Right, I'm not fond of it but it comes in handy

    10. Is your minister hospitable?
    No, feeling pretty good so far no Need for a doctor or to put in the hospitable

    11. Does your minister love what is good?
    Sure, that sounds reasonable. Not easy to love what is bad but I know it is possible.

    12. Is your minister sensible?
    Yes I am. Never counted for much or got me anywhere but I am sensible mostly

    13. Is your minister just?
    Just what?

    14. Is your minister devout?
    Not much. Been there done that. Didn't seem to make much difference

    15. Is your minister self controlled?

    I guess I flunk

  3. Dennis - you must have been a fun minister to have - except for the self-righteous.

    Now I have a question for you - did Solomon have his wives wear nametags? Remembering the names of 1000 people you say you love has to be challenging? And I am pretty sure when he adopted false religious beliefs, they did not include Valentine's day.

  4. Love your answers, Dennis. Nobody can say you're stuck on yourself.

  5. "Sometimes in life there is nothing left to do but have a good laugh"
    Buddhist Proverb

  6. The minister at our local COGWA congregation passed this test really well. And it's the only reason I attend there at all. But even some if the elders, who we hear just as much from are honorable and decent men. Their wives and children respect them.

    I think its unfair to paint all cogs with a broad brush. I think the modern tithing laws are lying and stealing combined. And these men ar3 deceived into supporting it.

    But also they genuinely decent. There is some umcured anger against the cogs for many people. I think it's time to start forgiving.

  7. In the ‘60s, we actually did have some fairly good ministers in the region in which I grew up. None of their names ever appeared on the “Wall of Shame” at the PT website. They did their best, considering the fact that they were part of advancing a flawed, false, and corrupt system. A number of them left amidst the many problems which were exposed in the system, the prophecies and the doctrines back in the mid-70s. I would give those who left an A for their integrity.

