Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, December 8, 2018

COG App for Android and IOS Needed

It is getting so confusing in the COGworld not knowing who is with which group or who is still keeping "kosher" that we become overly cautious so we don't get caught saying something we shouldn't.  We need someone to develop an app for us all to have on our phone so it can alert us.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. DPR - are you one of the 30% that does not have a humor gene?
    Is there an app you can get to let you know when people are joking?

    Really funny video NO2HWA. Nothing like a good laugh to spice up your day - if you are one of the fortunate 70%.

  3. Wrapping ones phone in aluminium foil or a Faraday bag for smartphones, will block the phone signal. This makes tracking of ones phone impossible.
    People should be aware that even if a phone is switched off, it's still gives out a signal which enables it to be tracked.
    An alternative is to remove the battery, which isn't possible with newer phones.

  4. A Google search shows that there are in fact apps that allow people to know and track your location if they know your mobile number. This article by NO2HWA isn't just humor.

  5. Some many of the COG leaders and members are so humorless and self righteous that they could never make fun of themselves like this. Some one would invariabley claim it was blasphemous.

  6. DPR - glad you found it funny. Peace brother.
