Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Dave Pack Continues to Delete Himself from the Internet as His Church Crumbles

Things are not looking too rosy in the ivory towers of Wadsworth, Ohio where Dave Pack reigns in seclusion as members and administration slowly abandon him.  It really is a shame that at this rate there will be nothing left for Jesus when he returns to walk around the RCG property and talk with Dave.

After Dave preached well over 130 mind-boggling sermons that were meant to unite the Churches of God to his sideshow, he ended up deleting them all because he had started to contradict himself with what he was saying and not one from any of the top COG's joined up with him or gave him their money, nor did any of the top four leaders get struck down by his god.

Now, after the internet made fun of his Behind the Work film, he has deleted that too from YouTube. Part of the problem is that several people in the film are no longer part of his empire. The poor guy just can't get anything right any more! Jesus will surely have to delay his coming yet again.  Sigh.


  1. What strikes me is that he couldn't stick with the old HWA teachings. That's all he needed to do in order to play church and be king in his little sandbox. Instead he went off on a tangent.
    It's as if the concept of pleasing others is foreign to him. King Dave pleases no one. Rather everyone else must please King Dave.

  2. Consider the product he's trying to sell:

    British Israelism: [Psychedelic Crack-pipe Phantasmagoric Bunk]

  3. I think that perhaps the last straw for Dave was the common doctrine. A doctrine that showed just how corrupt he really was. His covertness even surpassed that of HWA. Dave looked at his members money and could only come up with, 'It's mine, its all mine' reminding us of Golhem in the Lord of the Rings movie, where he continued to say 'My precious, my precious.'

    No, Dave just could not bring himself to say that he had more than enough. He became too greedy for his own good, and now all he can do is watch as his members, ministers, and the money, walk out the door.

  4. Interesting video. I would have preferred the music to 'Breaking Bad' along with the green smoke evaporating away, just like the money is leaving poor old Dave :)

  5. the video was not deleted. Its actually still up, you can see it right now.

  6. On a very personal note, Mr. Pack when he was in GCG started out on the right track. When we knew him in Global church he was rather kind to my husband & I. I'm not sure when he went wrong but we keep him in our prayers.

  7. People can tell when someone is deteriorating. Some leave early on, then it gradually becomes a cresting wave. The people who notice first are those closest. When you can’t retain your hand-picked close associates, it’s not too long before the secret is out and everyone else loses confidence. I suspect that a campus will be for sale, sooner rather than later.


  8. I wonder what will be in Dave Packs sermon series #666 ??

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I believe there is a deep-state like group within RCG's executive arm planning to remove Pack from authority in RCG. That is the only reason i can foresee certain individuals in his executive branch remaining whilst their family/comrades have left.

    They will eventually gather enough evidence to charge him as becoming deranged and lunatic.

  11. As that old saying goes...he's a legend in his own mind...where else? Pluto??

  12. He doesn't even know your names. You think of him every. single. day. That tells it all. You are just a bunch of trolls.

  13. To The RCG TROLL who wrote "he doesn't even know our names" he does not have to. All he needs is his trolls to scour the internet to look for any truth about the REAL APOSTLE BRhaaaaa, Ahem Gods Only Chosen Liar and Fraud Apostle with a crumbling pathetic cult. No, no he is just one of many, a dime a dozen they are. Wake up, look at the FACTS and don't ask the liar why he is not a liar.

    1. You said nothing of substance, just ranted, empty words. Mr. Pack is doing a great job, what are you doing, selling hot dogs on the street, that is why you are so envious and frustrated.

  14. Here is another Dave Pack Censoring video please share and enjoy.
