Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, December 10, 2018

UCG Confesses Income Is Down

Rick Shabi, UCG Treasurer confesses to a 5% overall drop in UCG income so far this fiscal year. 

He discusses this at the UCG Council meeting last week on this video.  However, in the summary report (which is what most members will see) it only admits to "Mr. Shabi then turned the Council’s attention to financial results for the first five months of our current fiscal year (which began July 1), pointing out income and expense “trends” of which the Council and administration should be aware of as the budgeting process for next fiscal year begins. Some discussion ensued in regard to a few unfavorable trends." 

Without them posting the actual negative numbers.  Amazingly, this downturn has occurred during a period of full employment and economic expansion as well. 

From Anonymous source


  1. Being a long time member of UCG makes me have to ask you who posted this, what is your point? Sometimes income is up & sometimes it's down. It doesn't matter if it's United or any other church denomination or even a non-religious organization, income can have it's highs and lows.

  2. Look at the flab on some of those men. It's just like in WCG, where a doughy, flabby HWA led a church that taught members to exercise to stay in good shape. "Do as I say, not as I do!"

  3. Don't these people remember that Vic Kubik was a willing, even zealous, hatchet-man for JWT Sr.? Of course, if he has repented he should be welcomed in the church as a loyal and faithful member holding on to the truth. But to put the fox back in charge of the henhouse? That's just stupid!

  4. Income being down during a full employment economy has got to be an alarming signal. Obviously , age, retirement and demographics, including deaths have got to be major factors.

  5. Connie, as HWA found out during the Depression, religion is one of the best businesses to be in during tough economic times. When the economy is great, people trust in themselves, but when the economy tumbles people trust in God.

  6. 10.04 AM
    The point is Mr Long Time Member, that your Mickey Mouse church is dying. While you're here, why are your church sermons and articles deliberately flat? It's obvious that many of your posted sermons have been edited to remove any motivational remarks. A policy of putting your members to spiritual sleep is hardly pleasing to God, no?
    The United Asleep church of God.

    1. 12:20 PM, I don't know about 10:04, but if you're falling asleep in church, it's because you are not paying attention.

    2. Private Account = ministerial snoop.

      You are not paying attention = Listeners fault, we are high brow intellectuals, perfect in everyway. Ye idiots should be thankful we even grace your stupid presence.

    3. Anon 1:23 AM, Your comment is the most ignorant comment, ever.

  7. Maybe members are taking DNA tests and realizing we have a faulty understanding of human history.

  8. Is the drop in income connected to their desire to change the doctrine about God the Father and Jesus Christ ?

    Anon 10:04 no problems, no issues move along now and diss everyone else, except United.

  9. This video shows quite a bleak outlook for UCG. Their outgoings are up and their income is down.
    Have they over stretched themselves ? Are the too many chiefs and not enough indians to pay for it all ?

  10. I've been attending UCG since it's inception and am disturbed by the rumor that Vic Kubik was a "hatchet man" for Tkach. If it's true, I've been in the dark. Does anyone have any evidence or personal story to support the claim? Respectfully, I'd like to know.

    As far as falling asleep in services--it's nearly impossible not to lately. The sermons aren't even rehashed doctrine--they're all about love and church community. We're supposed to spend more time together and find our salvation collectively. It's sounding Communistic.

  11. When the changes hit the pipeline in Pasadena both Kubik and Webber continued working for the church till they left to form United. During this time they did kick out members for not agreeing with the changes and colluded with Tkach Sr. on other matters as well. While they were kicking out members, they were gathering in a church-owned apartment to plan UCG so that when they left WCG their income would not suffer any. Once the money was in place they went to UCG. All the time they were planning UCG, which was many months, they remained on WCG payroll. I should not leave out Killough and Franks from COGWA. They too were complicit. None of them has ever made any apologies for kicking out and disfellowshipping WCG members who did not agree with the changes.

