Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Ambassador Hall (Hulett C Merritt Home) sells as private residence.

Ambassador Hall has finally sold at a remarkably discounted price over
its orginal listing of $6,800,000.00. 
Part of the issue with this home is that it will have very little privacy due to the gardens and the closeness of the new condo's.  Add to this the association dues and this will never be an inexpensive home to live in.  Upkeep will be significant.


  1. Im surprised Gerald Flurry didn't buy it!

  2. Tonto...

    It's "Me surprizumed Gerald Flurry no buy it.?

  3. Actually, it's

    "Tonto thought Flurry Buy Mansion. Flurry Miss Out On Mansion. Flurry fly big jet go fly to dance. Tonto no like dance."


  4. To borrow a phrase some COG members currently are chanting on social media.... build a wall.

  5. so, let me get this straight: this blog censors me but allows some anonymous person to continually make racist mockery of tonto? typical hypocrisy of they what are in the wrong...

    c f ben yochanan

  6. There will be some bargains when Flurry and Pack start selling-off property from their mini compounds it is only a matter of time.

  7. Almost seems anticlimactic at this late date in the Armstrong movement. The interesting thing is that after a few weeks on campus, all of the old classic mansions became just buildings. The campus became just a campus. People in the field who had only seen pictures were constantly impressed, as were outsiders. But, as students, it all became the new normal for many of us. There were many inconveniences and lacks of personal freedoms which accompanied living there.


  8. All those nice mansions, and they graduated moral twits.

  9. New show for "reality TV".... starring Bob Villa from "This Old House"...


  10. yeah, A-non 9:04. it's what happens when you ruin exquisite surroundings by teaching shit religion.
