Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Dave Pack: Part 144 of the Craziest Sermon Series Ever Given

Below is the latest that was sent to me about Dave Pack.  It contains part of Dave's sermon from the Feast, #144.  In that sermon he said that he knew for a fact that there were only 2 weeks to 6 months left before the creature he calls "christ" was to return, apparently to walk the grounds of Wadsworth, Ohio as "it" communes with Dave in planning the third coming.

He has once again commanded his followers to sell all of their possessions, including homes, and send him their money. He has been saying that for quite a while that the final push is here, yet he goes on spending money on himself and other RCG elites.

Somebody forwarded to me part 144 of the Craziest Sermon Series Ever Given. 
Here is a link
This one was given at the Feast. He opens with it being the final part. But of course he is continuing to this day... The prophecy crack binge continues. 
At about 2 hours in he makes the case that the church only has about 2 weeks to 6 months before Christ comes. 
In that timing context, it's fascinating to hear his latest attempt to get brethren to sell all. It's right near the end at 2:30 mark. 
"Release Your Assets to God! Sell all as you are waiting for the Lord. Even if the Work has no time to use it. Won't change my salary. Won't build any more buildings. But it'll help you! Probably won't help us. But it'll help you! God's looking at your heart."
So he literally has their best interest in mind, right!? He can't even do anything with the money because there is not enough time. He has their best interest in mind as he is fleecing them for their savings, 401Ks, equity in home, etc., etc.. What a magnanimous gesture. 
In the last year they have built more gorgeous homes, built new barns, bought horses, purchased properties, paved everywhere, and on and on.  
Bullshit. (Pardon my french.)


  1. <:-) Do a 90 on that, and you’ll have the portrait of anyone who follows Pack’s command.

  2. One of the worst religious scams out there.

    And people still fall for this.


  3. “At about 2 hours in he makes the case that the church only has about 2 weeks to 6 months before Christ comes.”

    So only about 2 weeks to 6 months before klepto-Dave Pack-of-lies announces that he is Jesus Christ? Well, I suppose these satanic imposter cult leaders do have to try to keep up with the Flurries when it comes to giving themselves names, titles, offices, and positions.

    Giving money to klepto-Dave probably won't help those who do it, but there probably will be plenty more time for klept-Dave to spend it.

  4. Endeavoring to listen to the entire sermon. So far it is confusing, disconnected, concocted and basically theological and Biblical ignorance on full display. At this point I can only conclude his audience is completely and terminally brain dead.

  5. My sense so far is that somewhere down the line in this mess Dave is going to come up as either Elijah to Come or the End Time Moses. Most likely both as well as both of the Two Witnesses, all of the first century Apostles and being all of the 24 Elders who surround the Throne that sing Holy, Holy, Holy day night forever, most likely to Dave....

    This man is a mess...

  6. Pack is a lying thief but an aetheist debating theology and religion is like a vegetarian debating proper ways to grill a steak.

    Pack isn't the only one here with a hidden agenda.

  7. Jon Brisby of COGTE is not like that. Jon Brisby is a true servant of God.

  8. The whole sermon is a proof texting journey through lunacy. Dave is Gerald Waterhouse reincarnated in his speculative tale weaving.

    Someday his campus will probably be a mental health counseling center for the religiously abused and damaged

  9. Why the hell does even a posting that is not mine end up my getting another yet another inane and stupid attack for making an observation about the foolish shepherd Dave? Tell us in detail who you are, what you believe and why. Or is that hidden?

  10. He has ruined and is still ruining peoples lives. Painful to observe.

  11. Since time is so short that he won't be able to use it physically, I'll send him my money in spirit.

  12. At 2:00 to 2:30 he's pitching a blatant 'salvation-by-works' by promising one can earn divine favor with large financial donations as a means to avoid imminent divine wrath symbolized as "stripes", corporal violence.

  13. It is so sad that their are people throwing their future away to follow this scam artist and others like him.

  14. Concerned Christians can accomplish a great deal by patiently sharing Pauline Grace Scriptures - Gal 3 & 4 ; Rom 3 & 4 ; Col 2:16,17.. - with Armstrongites: Patiently explain to them that they don't have to make huge financial donations in order to be saved.

  15. The banks must be ready to foreclose.


  16. So he's describing his cardiac disorder and how he had a dangerous ~140bpm heart-rate, and how - as a 'miracle'? - he had stepped up and gave sermons with this condition and survived.

    But then he goes on to admit he availed himself of Medical Science, and now his heart-rate is 60-70 (this may have involved advanced heart nerve-oblation Surgery?)

    As one who claims to be the custodian of the most undiluted, puritanical Armstrongism, what is he doing using what Meredith described as the "knives,drugs and pills of idolatrous Medical Science"?

  17. Dave has only two end-games remaining.

    Either way, he explains that he is "the Christ" having come a second time. If a dove ever lands on him with people watching, this will be his excuse to do an "adoptionist" thing explaining that his Christ mission has begun exactly then.

    In one scenario, he tells his people that Christ must go to Jerusalem. He liquidates all the assets, sells the Wadsworth compound... and then decides to go instead to a country that won't extradite him back to the USA.

    In the other scenario, he pulls some kind of David Koresh/Jim Jones maneuver, and takes people with him as he dies a gruesome death.

    Either way, he will ruin many lives.

  18. Dennis you seem very angry. Is this possibly because what is being said about aethists is true?

    Don't you believe that criticism should be done openly in a forum like this? Or should only cog ministers have their hypocrisy pointed out to them?

  19. DennisCDiehl,

    This sermon series is "far" i mean wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy far beyond 144 parts. Pack has already claimed he is Elijah, and that Mr. Armstrong is Moses. He says Mr. Armstrong will be resurrected and help him run the small mustard seed kingdom that will arise in Israel and permeate the world before a jewish Anti-christ arises and creates chaos. He also recently claimed to be that prophet and if Elijah is like christ, pack is christ-like too. He went as far as to say that God would have destroyed the earth if it were not for Pack being there. He flip flops back and forth a lot and thinks hes Elijah but claims someone else can also be Elijah.

    As much as pack claims he does not want himself to be the center of attention and adoration from the membership wacko packo has been for a long time making himself appear as an exclusive source of God's truth and a direct representative to Jesus and the father and the third person in line within the government of God after the Father and Jesus. People fear him, they let him verbally abuse them. Even in staff meetings, its a complete shit show, the turnover rate of the staff is baffling. He treats people like they are dumb if they think differently, he's said all peoples of the world are stupid and have no critical thinking, he says the same of his staff, they are "too green" all the time and need more common sense and critical thinking. That they cant cut grass let alone take care of a goldfish. Maybe he is right about that since they seem to stay and listen to his vomit for 2 hours every Saturday and continue to "not prosper" in life as he lives comfortably in a house with a mechanical wall and beautiful and expensive gardens that is all taken care of at the expense of the members. He always intended to live on that campus that is a pet project his accomplishment. Time and again in this series he's touched on aspects of the government of the U.S.A and how the church doesn't have a dog in the fight but regularly promotes the rights's agenda. You can tell he prefers the right more and leans the church that way.

    I am so happy i removed myself from listening to his prophetic babbling and seeing him play out in his head his fantasy of how he sees himself as an integral part of "his" prophecy and making promises on God's behalf of what God will offer his members if they just continue to give all they have. This man is a Joke. And this prophecy series has sounded like something straight outta a harry potter book...When Pack passes away his members will once again learn a very stinging lesson...they should have never given everything they had and worshipped a man who so presumptuously inserted himself as a centerpiece in major prophecies and then left them in utter confusion/chaos with his passing. They will have to once again lick their wounds and figure out what went wrong and how it was not supposed to be that way. And hopefully no one takes advantage of them during that time. I hope many whom i love leave before that happens and like me can get their lives back on track and living normal lives. Like WCG i can see a restructuring of the entire church, government and doctrines after the passing of david pack and just maybe, just....maybe in the future rcg website there might be a line in the about us page about pack like the one on GCI's website: "After Herbert Armstrong’s death in 1986 [insert pack when he passes], our organization began to shift dramatically. Church leaders began to realize that many of his doctrines were not biblical. These doctrinal changes took the better part of 10 years...Today, the leaders of this denomination reject Armstrong’s [insert pack when he passes] doctrinal errors. We acknowledge that our errors were deep and serious, but that Christ has rescued us from them."

    Referencing this post: http://armstrongismlibrary.blogspot.com/2019/01/leaving-cog-and-personal-trauma-it-can.html

  20. Anyone who stays in RCG at this point is a coward. Pure and simple, fearing the lies of a man.

  21. I remember when Pack use to make fun of a group of armstrong worshippers who stand at his grave every year thinking he is going to be resurrected and now Pack thinks it's going to happen.

  22. I ended up listening to the two or three minutes before the referenced 2:30 mark. In it , Pack speaks about the fact that he (supposedly miraculously) survived some type of serious heart failure, He is probably living on borrowed time.

    He also mentions that he has never seen his grand baby, and that he has not had communication with his son for many years.

    Obviously, those who know him the best, his own close family, realize what a weird and dangerous kook this guy is.

  23. Dave has secretly hired a animal trainer. So be warned if a dove lands on Dave.

  24. Even Flurry is saying this now. That they have a little time left and that members should get their affairs in order. It’s amazing also to note that his last flight to Tampa for a Public Appearance Campaign was delayed since the airplane had a malfunction and he had to charter another plane to take him there. The PAC was a failure with only about 60 nonmembers attending and 8 signed up for a follow up bible study. The cost to repair the plane was $80,000 and to charter the other one in addition to this......so he really needs more money to fly him around to feel important.

  25. The mechanical wall is to mute the highway sound.


  26. In the context of warning about false prophets, Jesus said that a bad tree CANNOT bear good fruit. Since false prophets come only to lie, steal, destroy, and kill, you CAN expect them to bear a lot of bad fruit.

    Flurry, Pack, Weinland, and Thiel CANNOT help. They CAN only harm.

  27. I like the part in the message, around 2:29 ish where he tells the brethren that when they send it all in, he (Pack) won't have time to spend it (the money), so it won't benefit him, only the brethrens spiritual well being will be benefitted. Yea, right, and he's got a bridge to sell also!

  28. I could only endure 17 mins of Packs rambling. For all his past bluster and properganda against other WCG splinters he is way off balance scriptually in this 144 sermon.
    His bizarre ideas are preached as new truth direct from God to Pope Pack. That alone should send any true believers running for the hills.
    I dread to think what the other 143 sermons were like.

  29. Armstrongism is getting nuttier and nuttier. I can’t imagine what the blogs will be like ten years from now!


  30. Hey Nate and Dennis I have a quote of Pack Mocking Those who said Herb Armstrong would be
    resurrected and much more to come. Stay tuned

  31. I suspect that many of those attending in these splinters have given up on religion, but can't bring themselves to make a clean break.

  32. Mathematically, 144 of something is a "gross."

    Let's see how far that preaches here.

  33. Jon Brisby of COGTE is not like that. Jon Brisby is a true servant of God.

    Sounds like we need some commentary exploring Brisby. Is he a follower of the incest guy, Herb? Has he condemned Herb's incest? His plagiarism?

  34. 9:16 PM wrote:

    Jon Brisby of COGTE is not like that. Jon Brisby is a true servant of God.

    Does Jon Brisby claim to be worthy to collect people's tithes rather than the donations Paul and other early Christians accepted? If so, he's no better than any of them.

  35. Thanks Nate, that was a nice summary of Dave's current thinking.

    My parents took care of Dave's boys fairly often when they were small and my Dad was an elder Dave dragged all over the place visiting. Maybe a decade ago one of his sons got in touch with me, at first angry about what I was saying about malignant narcissism and his dad etc but then got back to me and said he studied up on it and it fit his dad to a tee. He asked me "I can destroy my father with one letter on the Internet. Should I?" He had also sent me some personal info. I told him no, that's his dad and no matter, that's his dad. Dave would do himself in down the road and he'd not have to feel responsible as a son. He asked for what he sent me back and I assured him I had already erased it, which I did. Dave will do Dave in without any help. It is telling that he has alienated his entire family with his crazy theology and need to be important. NOTHING of what Dave predicts or thinks is actually going to happen...ever. The collapse of RCG will be interesting to see play out.


  36. If anyone listened to all 144 of those vomiting sessions of David Pack's, their mind must be totally fried by now.

  37. "The mechanical wall is to mute the highway sound."

    It's also a means to block the sound of all those shopping carts clanging away at the Giant Eagle grocery conveniently located right next door to the Glorious Campus.

  38. 7:16: Dennis, you clearly don't care about Dave's victims. As long as Dave croaks someday, why save them? To you, Dave and his son are more important than his hundreds of victims. Same attitude the Armstrongs who knew about the incest had about Dorothy. She was more important than the 150,000 people in the church.

    1. Dave’s victims chose to be Dave’s victims. In fact, they choose to continue being his victims every day, until they don’t. Randy didn’t choose to be Dave’s son. Dennis wisely counselled him to avoid incurring horrible guilt and pain bodies by letting time take its course on Dave.

  39. Can the demise of the RCG happen tomorrow? Please, please, please??

  40. 725 In my world A young man changes his mind and asks me to honor his change of heart and return personal documents, I'm going to do it and did. My choice not yours and it would not have stopped Dave in reality. You weren't there. I shared that to illustrate how Dave has alienated even his family not give you ammo to second guess and pass your judgment on me and assign your stupid conclusions about my motives to it.

  41. PS And too, on a weekly basis for years Dave has privately to his staff and ministry and biblically to his relatively few members given them more than enough reasons to wake up. At this point those left are true and brain dead zealots who probably could not actually explain what Dave just said in his confusing and scripture hoping blather.

  42. And finally, church, on the way out and ex church people share lots of things with me by phone and email precisely because I honor and respect their personal privacy and sensitivities. I helped Dave's son go from being angry at me to seeing The personality disorder his dad seems to have and how the effect in him growing up with it. All my family has Dave stories to tell when he was their pastor and my dad getting hauled all over NY in his late 70s by Dave. The calls and email sharing for their own personal help and benefit would stop of it was obvious they could not trust me to honor their confidentiality and request for such. That's the world and the way I grew up in. Works for me just fine. I've had 5000 therapeutic massage sessions with clients the last 4 years here in Portland and confidentiality is kind of a daily practice with me.

  43. Dennis says "Dave will do Dave in." A big contrast to Christ warning away potential victims with his "beware of the Pharisees for they...."

    And as usual Dennis complains about "pass your judgment on me and assign your stupid conclusions about my motives.." If you want to do evil, and get away with it, demand that people don't pass moral judgment. And make it a right.
    Actually, passing moral judgment is a right and a personal responsibility. As in 'prove all things,' and 'beware of wolves in sheep's clothing.'
    Dennis comes here in minister mode, expecting the same immoral privileges as a Herb minister. He has no right to demand to be placed above moral assessment, and be blindly believed. A body of evidence speaks heaps about who he is.

  44. David Pack is the Elvis of religion, the James Dean of Armstrongism, the Bruce Lee of ACoGs. Go, David, Go! Pack them nice and well!!

    -- Leopold


  45. Is that a portrait? -or some kind of hi-tech LED screen Jesus is holding?
    (in order to monitor activities at his earthly HQ in America's rustbelt)
    (and all this time you thought Jesus's HQ was further west in wheatbelt)

  46. "Dennis comes here in minister mode, expecting the same immoral privileges as a Herb minister. He has no right to demand to be placed above moral assessment, and be blindly believed. A body of evidence speaks heaps about who he is."

    The reason I came here years ago was to process my own experience in WCG which is unique to me just as everyone's is. Because of my background in it, I was asked to share it and I share it openly and have for years. I always have. Perhaps you could and in this case, with a real name, where you live and what your experiences with others in your WCG experience do the same? Hanging out behind the wall of you anonymity seems a bit unfair when you can decide you know exactly why I am here and who I am as a person.

    I'll extend the same invitation to you I have to others. Few do. Call me. 864 905 9506. Let's say, Wednesday or Thursday evening after 6 Pacific Time. I'd be happy to chat and answer any of your questions or just get to know each other a bit. Look forward to hearing from you.

  47. PS And too, when you call please say something like "I'm the person who said...." such and such so I don't mistake your for someone else.

  48. I like the live version of "The Conversation", a duet discussing Hank Williams Sr, performed by Waylon Jennings and Hank Jr. As they are discussing the various rumors and gossip about ol' Hank, towards the end of the song, Hank Jr quips, "Waylon, most folks don't know a damned thing!"

    Somehow, that just seems appropriate here at this junction in the conversation. When it comes down to personal stuff, and what's in peoples' hearts, and stereotypes, most folks are clueless. It'd be nice some day to be able to get past the cliches.


  49. Matthew 12.33 tells me "for a tree is known by its fruit."
    Apostate Dennis and prodigal son BB disagree.
    Now who am I to believe? Hmm, let me think...

  50. The people on here who are atheists are atheists because they are on a need-to-know basis. God has decided they don't need to know about him. He does not need their help to run the universe; it runs just fine without them. He's not using them for anything, except to show how bind people can be.

  51. Back to the PCG failure comment. LIving would be dancing in the street if 60 non members showed up . Plus 8 came for follow up bible study. PCG may be a failure but they are stars in the cog world.

  52. Sorry to be brazen, but fifty-four comments and not much about the subject matter of this sermon by Mr. Pack.

    Did the proclamation of the great mountain city to come down beside the existing Jerusalem not move everyone to fear. Or what about the coming resurrection of Judas Iscariot as a type of Baal to become the Anti-Christ and to sit in all the COGs and Jerusalem as well, and who will force all people to eat mice. Then there is the six men with great power who take out 1 1/2 million people in Jerusalem led by the "twig" (Dave Pack). Then there is the coming great fire that will incinerate all the Living Church of God women who are referred to as whores because they can't dress properly and are labeled as the "flock of slaughter" (Zech.). Then there is the fire that will incinerate all that didn't hold fast to believing all that HWA taught no matter what. Somewhere during this time will be the introduction to the world of the "twig" (Dave Pack) and his sidekick the "brilliant green shoot" (Jesus Christ). Another Elijah will come on the scene to hold everything together for 3.5 years because he has more power than Jesus Christ. Then there is the unfortunate stated reality that up to 80% of the members of the RCG and all the women of the splinters that are laden with tattoos and show half there breasts and all the men of the splinters who have horrible dress standards are going into the fire. And all of this is to happen starting October 15, 2018 into the Spring of 2019.

    According to Mr. Pack he has fulfilled the role of Elijah already in preparing the way for the Lord.

    According to Mr. Pack he has fulfilled Matt. 24:14 by preaching the gospel to the world as a witness to all nations for the last 2 1/2 years.

    According to Mr. Pack he has revealed who the Man of Sin is thus triggering the "hyper watch"

    According to Mr. Pack, some have shockingly brought pets to the Feast and thus will not escape the fire because all have to let go of their families just as he has, to be able to make it.

    According to Mr. Pack, it is time to release your assets just as the group of people who heard sermon #143 are ready to do when they "clean out their bank accounts".

    In the utmost of seriousness, there are two thousand people sitting before this man believing everything he says. Will one organization use their resources to help them? Will many of the COGs band together with their resources and help these people? Will all the fine women of the COGs who were completely denigrated in just this one sermon band together to help those people in the RCG? Will just one person help all those people?

  53. seeing that pack and the cogs will all implode on their own, we are all wasting our time here

    other than blaming his victims for being stupid, as if the rest of us weren't, what have we accomplished

    resistance is futile

  54. Armstrongism is getting nuttier and nuttier.

    They are just like progressives. If they stopped getting nuttier they would not be growing.

  55. Hey RCG members!

    Is it possible for the true God to have His true servant set an absolute time frame 10 times and be wrong? Is God the author of confusion? Is it okay to say God inspired him and therefore call God a liar every time he is wrong?

    Is it okay for him to teach that God wants you to murder His enemies in His name...after you become resplendent of course... even though you are still murdering?

    Is it okay for him to call God a failure and a fraud saying that God will fail with so many, get frustrated and kill those that got confused?

    Do you realize that he is teaching a different God, a different gospel and a different salvation? Does it matter to you that nothing you committed to any longer exists?

    You aren't bound when the other party commits fraud.

    Don't fear the lies of a man! Be a man, or a strong woman, and think for yourself!

  56. Well said "What About the Truth"; However, these people need to help themselves. After all of this, if they still follow this man, they are blind. As it has been said before, "it's like the blind leading the blind." Unfortunately, for some reason people continue to follow his delusions. They keep seeking some new truth with itching ears.

    Well Pack is delivering every week something new and exciting. It's almost like he cannot stop, the latest and greatest has to always be outdone. Just like his statistics, just like the buildings, just like his endless sermon series, (at almost 3 hours each.) It cannot be stopped, or the let down would be too much to endure and his members would get bored. (And start to actually use their brains.) They are prophecy addicts, addicted by the every changing "high" got by some new and exciting proclamation.

  57. I am married to a member of the RCG and believe me, they do not want to hear anything that just might prove that they are being lied to. I have asked my spouse very pointed questions, such as what the qualifications are for being an apostle, where is common commanded in the NT, exactly what was told to various persons regarding salvation and the requirements of such, why do they think they need to be told what to do and how to do something from a man when they are clearly told to follow Christ himself, where in the NT are food laws and tithing commanded, why do they consider it necessary to keep the law when it's written that the law can't save anyone and many other such questions. I get a total shutdown and absolute denial. They have no interest in what the truth really is nor do they have any interest in researching it for themselves. My spouse gets angry and has threatened to move out on at least 2 occasions. At this point I don't care if he moves out or not.

    1. My spouse goes too. Can’t even discuss it here. Told me that others at RCG are perfect people. Told me that church family is more important and loved than family here. Shuns good family here at holidays and is borderline rude. So tired of the dietary nonsense. And so negative about future. Non patriotic, cynical, and arrogant. And Dave is proud. I can hardly wait for his cold heart to fail and let him drop dead. He is a terrible man who enjoys protections and wealth from the system he criticizes. Traitor

  58. 8.42 AM
    The sad part is that what you describe is what the old WWCOG and the splinters have always taught. That is, blindly believe your minister and be passive. Assertive mindsets are taboo and slapped down.
    You have my sympathy.

  59. So i remember sitting during the start of this prophecy series and the first major point that Pack wanted to outline was that Mr. Armstrong taught something called:

    "The Rigid Rigid" Doctrine.

    Meaning that You could no longer question/prove again the doctrines of the church After baptism. You were to have proven these prior in order to qualify for baptism. Once you were baptized you no longer had any reason to prove the truth about the sabbath, holy days, if RCG was God's church, Holy days, tithes, offerings, on and on and on...This was a clever way for him to then slide in a subpoint and say that as he is bringing new truth into the Church and proving it, you cannot go and question it, he basically took that right away from members and asserted he is doing it as apostles revealing scriptural truth.

    1. That is an artificial construct that they have created and imposed on the members, 1:46. And, because members were not informed of it during the time leading up to their baptism, it also becomes an ex post facto law.

      What are they afraid of? If something is provable truth, it will survive numerous attempts to prove it again and again. This no reopening, and no second opinions tells me that deep down, they realize that the so-called truths of Armstrongism are fragile and tenuous.


  60. One major point you left out Anon 1:46 PM concerning the "Ridged Ridged" doctrine was that Mr. Pack introduced this theological construct as the number one doctrine of the church. This invoking of doctrinal hegemony upon his membership was for the purpose of squashing any disagreeing thought as the early wave of ministers and members were leaving. Mr. Pack then later followed that "locking of the front door" decree with his proclamation that Peter, Paul, John and HWA got some things wrong and "why isn't anyone cutting me any slack". So he now effectively "locked the back door" because now if you question his errors, you question the biblical Apostles and you then by extension question the bible.

    With both the front and back door locked, Mr. Pack has now fulfilled John 10:10; for the thief comest not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:

  61. To Anon RCG spouse 8:42 A.M.

    To get through to your spouse even just a little bit involves a three step process. The first step is to become silent. Eliminate any verbal arguments because as you have said it is not working. The second step is to understand where his Apostle claims to be getting all his understanding. Mr. Pack publicly stated that John 16:13 - "the spirit of truth" was his source. The third step is to become a picture artist. All the pictures can be as different as you like (get creative) except for one thing. All the pictures must have the same sentence incorporated into them all. That sentence would be: How does the Holy Spirit which is the Spirit of truth, lead the only end time Apostle into error on the way to leading him into (supposed) truth? Place your new creative pictures in strategic locations within your house.

    Day after day and week after week he is going to see these pictures and some day that sentence is going to make him pause and think, and maybe just maybe, the acknowledgment of reality will be a turning point in his life and yours.

  62. To What About the Truth, 8:06, I get what you're saying, I'm not sure I care enough anymore, I do but I don't. The past 2 years have been the worst, I don't think I would trust him if he came and said he was leaving the church, he's played me several times when I thought I could trust him, I've learned the hard way. He's on the internet several days per week listening to what Pack is spewing out, I think he's so poisoned he doesn't know which way is up anymore. I don't argue with him, he doesn't see that there is any error.

  63. Anon 5:28 A.M.

    The unfortunate truth is your husband along with the rest of the members of the RCG have had one theme drumbeat-ed into their heads for the past number of years. That theme is; prepare to and give up your assets, prepare to and give up your houses, prepare to and give up your families and prepare to and give up your life!

    Mr. Pack who is preparing his church for the resurrection of Judas Iscariot as the tyrannical Man of Sin Antichrist doesn't remotely know, nor his members, that he is acting perfectly in that role himself right now. It was Judas who vociferously condemned the giving of a costly gift unto a loved one who in this case was Jesus Christ because in his mind it could have been "sold" (or stolen) and given to the poor (or not). Mr. Pack believes and teaches and demands the absolute same of his membership. It doesn't matter to Mr. Pack whether there is family in need or a non member spouse objecting, your physical possessions are to be liquidated and given to him for some perceived message to the unidentified poor.

    Mr. Pack acts and conspires and instigates in the most egregious act that Judas Iscariot committed. That act was a flagrant betrayal of a loved one. I have experienced the disdain of non member spouses by the ministry who quickly council divorces of non agreeing mates because they have no care for the institution of marriage outside of those wholly within the RCG. Mr. Pack willfully and knowingly drives wedges into marriages by his demand of "get your 50%" or prepare to "let go of your family". That is guilt by accessory to the act of "putting away" of a spouse which was condemned by Jesus Christ.

    Mr. Pack demands that his membership dress like him or he tells you how to dress, and Mr. Pack demands that his membership believe like him, and Mr. Pack demands that they act like him directly or by following his lead. Your husband like many others have become an extension of Mr. Pack himself who has become a mirror image of Judas Iscariot.

    Unfortunately your husband has unknowingly committed the same act as Judas Iscariot did and betrayed the one person who gave up their physical life for him. And when the act of betrayal is committed within a marriage it is easy to see why it "doesn't matter anymore".

  64. Dave is proud. I can hardly wait for his cold heart to fail and let him drop dead. He is a terrible man who enjoys protections and wealth from the system he criticizes. Traitor

    Dennis is one of those responsible for your marriage problems. Pack's son was poised to destroyed Pack but Dennis told him not to. Dennis thinks the victims get what they deserve. One thing he does not see are the unseen victims who are the relatives of the church members.

    1. Yeah. What’s up with that Dennis? I don’t agree with the he’s your dad thing when we’re talking about a con man criminal narcissist who is hurting so many people. Why does he deserve protection? Some COG ministerial fraternity thing? That sucks.

  65. Unfortunately RCG does promote divorce from couples who are with non-believing spouses, if they interfere with Pack's "give all" doctrine. Anyway, you might be better off without someone who is not going to support you, or your family. Even the bible says that someone who does not provide for his family is worse than an infidel. So if someone is giving all to Pack, it doesn't leave much for groceries. Let alone the mental abuse of someone ostracizing their own spouse because they are not crazy like themselves and following Pack.

    Pack has so many failed prophecies and unchristian fruits, that it should be obvious by now that he is not of God. People, read your bibles warnings about such men, it tells you to forsake them. God is testing everyone, and those in Pack's group are failing. God wants to see if you can recognize false prophets, and you cannot. And you expect to rule over others and protect them from the wolves! How will you know when you see one? Because they will all look like Pack, a wolf in sheep's clothes. And RCG members cannot see thru him, not even after all of his failed and ever changing predictions.

  66. I hope Pack's son reads this and does the right thing despite the advice that Dennis gave him.



    The Major, Worst, False Prophets (with Extra Demons)

    David C. Pack [RCG]

    Fired from the WCG by the Tkaches. Next, fired from Roderick Meredith's GCG splinter group. Then, started his own Restored Cash Grab (RCG) cult. Made it sound like he was a doctrinally stable guy who was always getting in trouble for standing up for the truth. Might not have told the whole story.

    Originally tried to attract former WCG members and their wallets by claiming that he was going to restore everything that HWA had taught at the time of his death in January 1986, but then actually went on to make up vastly different nonsense. It was an extremely cruel doctrinal Bait & Switch scam. To make it look really convincing, Satan even had Dave write some booklets that he was later to delete, such as one that proved that HWA was the prophesied Elijah, and one that proved that Jesus was That Prophet of Deuteronomy 18:18-19. Furthermore, Dave had specifically reassured everyone by telling them that Satan would not have him go to all the trouble of writing so much just so Satan could have him go bad in the end. Nevertheless, over time Dave promoted himself to an Apostle, Joshua the High Priest, Elijah the Prophet, and even That Prophet.

    David Pack had originally taught that the understanding that HWA was the Elijah who was prophesied to “restore all things” was a great wall of defence against doctrinal heresy, but then later decided to promote HWA posthumously out of the way to the office of Moses so Dave could promote himself to the office of Elijah with the power to restore (make up) whatever he wanted to. He backed this up with “130 PROOFS” that did not really prove it. He makes up hundreds of so-called “proofs” for things that do not really prove anything, such as his 56 “proofs” that something would happen on August 31, 2013.

    David Pack is exceptionally covetous and greedy. He demands precise triple tithing, continual fundraising from everyone, and use of third tithe for his own purposes. He restored a “common” theft scam, saying that everyone had to send him virtually everything they had (money, savings, retirement plans, houses, possessions, etc.), or no salvation if they don't. The money does not get distributed to anyone else as they have need.

    Dave makes up extra long and extra crazy new prophetic nonsense about a “first dominion” as he vomits all over his hearers week after week, until their minds turn to mush. Extra yelling. Extra spitting. Extra high staff turnover at RCG headquarters.

    Klepto-Dave Pack-of-lies gets away with engaging in some of the worst, fraudulent, criminal behavior around simply by doing it all in the name of religion. He demonstrated brilliantly how he and Satan could be more cunning and deceitful than most could imagine. Extreme devastation and destitution are in store for his followers.


  68. The Dave Pack Story (short version)

    Just a whole lot of yelling and spitting, lying and stealing, destroying and killing.
