Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

False Prophet Lectures Us On 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, 6G, 7G, and 10G Cell Phone Technology And How Satan Will Use It To Attack True Christians

The self-appointed Chief Overseer and self-appointed end time prophet is getting all in a lather over the new 5G technology that the cell phone industry is rolling out as if this has to do with the end times.

Doubly blessed, Elijah, Joshua, Amos, Bob Thiel is reacting to the ludicrous story out of Russia from a Russian Orthodox Patriarch who claimed Satan will be using 5G technology. In the equally deluded day-dreaming false prophet's mind, he believes that Satan is currently attacking him and his work on the Internet, Facebook, Youtube and other avenues of persecution.
What is 5G? Does it have prophetic ramifications? What is 1g, 2G,3G, and 4G? What about 6G, 7G, and 10G? Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill tied some of these technologies to the Antichrist–could there be any truth to that? Could some of these new technologies assist in the fulfillment of prophecies related to Revelation 13, buying and selling, and 666? Are there health risks associated with 5G? What have some suggested? Will these technologies only provide benefits or might the Beast and Antichrist use them for harm? 
This deluded liar has no idea what persecution is and has never suffered any.  As he sits in his warm home in Arroyo Grande, living the good life while peddling holistic quackery pills, and travels around the world, he has no concept of what persecution is.  Other than spout traditional Church of God malarkey on perceived persecution or fantastical future predictions, he has no idea what real Christians face on a daily basis.

As Christians are killed in Pakistan, Nigeria, Syria, and Iraq, God's holy-dreamer dreams fantastical tales of doom and gloom while living a life of privilege in California.  As Chinese Christians have their churches torn down, Bibles destroyed, are thrown into prison, with many being forced into communist education camps, the lying false prophet lives a life of unpersecuted privilege.

The government has ordered an independent review into the persecution of Christians across the globe after 250 Christians on average were killed every month because of their faith last year.
Jeremy Hunt, the foreign secretary, announced the review today, saying it would make recommendations on the practical steps the government can take to better support persecuted Christians.
In what the government described as a dramatic rise in violence, 215 million Christians worldwide faced persecution because of their faith last year. Christianwomen and children are particularly vulnerable to persecution, and are often subjected to sexual violence as a result of their beliefs.

Mr Hunt said he hoped to use the review, which will be led by Philip Mounstephen, the bishop of Truro, to consider some “tough questions” and shape Britain’s foreign policy response to ensure the level of UK support reflects the scale of suffering.  UK government vows to do more to protect Christians from persecution worldwide after 'dramatic rise in violence'
If Bob Thiel really wants to put his shallow faith into action then let us see him start a massive campaign in India, Pakistan, China and Nigeria.  Let him boldly proclaim his god, without consequence.

Don't count on it happening though.  It is much easier to sit in his warm home and say idiotic things as he spreads one false prophecy after another as he claims mounting persecution.


  1. I am so sick of Thiel's self-righteous hypocrisy. It is time for him to put up or shut up! He is a man of inaction. All talk and no substance.

  2. Yes, for Bob, persecution has more to do with critique from blogs such as Banned than letters from his African leadership claiming harassment, fines and imprisonment of CCOG members.

  3. That little snippet of Thiel illustrates how his "prophecy" works. He wrote a question:

    Are there health risks associated with 5G?

    If no 5G health risks are discovered, he'll move on to other things. However, if some study finds a health risk associated with 5G, he'll trumpet it as proof of his status as a prophet.

    Bob needs to find a boyfriend and settle down into retirement.

  4. Keeep this going please, great job!

  5. Here's the game. And I don't think that COG "leaders" (I say in jest) even get what they are doing.

    They are distracting people with every possible worry and scenario of what "could" happen (the "What if's) - which is usually full of absolute bunk, and is determined after the fact (prediction) to BE bunk - to fill the members' minds of everything besides the reality that is in Jesus Christ. This is what they do. They have always done that, they do that now, that's what they continue to do.

    They do it with speculation. They do it with guesswork. They do it with the most idiotic reasoning. (Think back to the 40s when RADIO was the big thing that was going to bring on the apocalypse with radio's warning message.) Now, it is with levels of cellular technology. Everything they have ever speculated has been proven in the bowels of history to be falsehoods that have done nothing but stoke worry, stoke fear, stoke paranoia and eventual panic for what turns out to be absolutely no reason. Then, they go to church on Saturday to hear more sermons about more speculation, falsehoods, and avoid Jesus just like they have always done.

    This is the framework of the belief, doctrinal, and worship system that has made COg members comfortable with spiritual starvation for over 50 years. This is what has made them comfortable with repetitive junk sermons over and over again, prophetic lies, abuse, with little or no substance. They have been trained for many decades to believe anything of Substance (like, say, Jesus?) is uncomfortable or too "Protestant". They sit in their chairs drinking the poison of the fecal sermons like kool-aid in addiction mode, not realizing just how poisonous it is - while paying for it week after week after week with 20 to 30 percent paycheck cuts. They've bought into the game - some, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of crap.

    But it's worked for the "leaders". They've convinced their members that what they have is "better" than anything out there. They've adjusted to the darkness. And the worst perpetrators of the deception are the ones who seem to believe the strongest that they aren't deceiving.

  6. I am not worried until they get to 666 or 2520 or maybe 40 or 12 - or should I be more concerned about 7?
    Maybe one of the inspired prophets will let us know when our number is up.

    BTW - in 2 weeks, I will give you my prediction for the SuperBowl winner and tie it to some scripture in the Bible - much safer this way - worked for British Israelism in forecasting past events.

  7. I thought that saying "G-WIZ" , was verboten COG speak, (as a euphemism supposedly in taking Gods name in vain).

    However , it now appears that Thiel is not just using it , but has himself become "The G-Wiz" !

  8. Bobby Thiel is now an expert on the "G SPOT"??? I doubt it!

  9. Read books like Christophobia. The system's intentional destruction of Christianity takes a more subtle form in the West than it does in China, but it is still happening.

  10. Except for HWA who sort-of blazed a new trail, and started a new organization, none of the COG leaders are actually leaders. They might be managers but they are not leaders because they are not doing anything really original. They are followers.

  11. Hey 11:25 AM
    Now that was a really good comment!!
    Short statement, a lot to digest.
