Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, January 13, 2019

London Newspaper Sinks to New Low, Quotes Bob Thiel As An Authority On Prophecy

Many London newspapers are known for their tabloid features and conspiracy theories along with various photos of partially dressed women.  The London Express, a middle market tabloid prone to right-wing conspiracies and religious quackery included Bob Thiel in one of its religious tabloid stories recently. They have an article about the blood moons idiocy infecting conspiracy-laden American religious nutcases.  I suppose it makes sense then that The Express reached out to an American religious nutcase who has set himself up as an "authority" on the Bible, prophecy, and end times malarkey.

Instead of reaching out to men and women who have a real biblical education and understand eschatology, they reached out to a mentally disturbed American cult leader.

Blood Moon prophecy 2019: Is the Super Blood Moon a portent of DOOM?
The prophetic passages about the apocalypse have led doomsday preachers around the globe to warn devout Christians an “event of biblical promotions” is brewing on the horizon.
Evangelical preacher Paul Begley from West Lafayette in Indiana, US, is a prominent supporter of the Blood Moon apocalypse theory.
The firebrand preacher dubbed the Blood Moon eclipse a “harbinger” of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
There are biblical experts who dispute this, however, and instead believe the Blood Moon is not a sign of the end times.
One of these experts is Dr Bob Thiel, of the Continuing Church of God, who told Express.co.uk the January  is “not the fulfilment of biblical prophecy”
Dr Thiel said: “The Super Wolf Blood Moon expected in January 2019 is not a special message from God.
“Years ago I denounced the view the Blood Moons of 2014 and 2015 could mean Jesus would return or the Day of the Lord was about to start.
“Those who pushed that then, as well as later, have been repeatedly proven wrong. 
Thiel has been setting himself up to as an authority upon everything that comes to religion, particularly when it comes to prophecy.  Given the track record of the appalling legacy of failed prophecies of the Church of God, Thiel has set himself up as another failure. From Herbert Armstrong's pathetic record to the many lies of Rod Meredith and others that Thiel claims as his source for prophecy, he now imagines himself to be greater than any other COG leader to ever have existed.

So it is no surprise to see a tabloid from England promoting as an "authority" particularly one which has faced numerous lawsuits over its stories and bad reporting.


  1. Unfortunately, this is one of the ways in which name recognition is built. You have to start at the bottom. Kind of a baby step, but let’s see if he catches any momentum.

    Hopefully, there’s a Banned regular in the UK who could write a letter to the editor of the Express explaining that amongst the Armstrongite Churches of God, “Dr.” Thiel is not held in very high repute, and is certainly is not an expert in the realm of prophecy. This tabloid should be given the biographical research compiled by Gavin Rumney, which is still conveniently perpetuated at the Ambassador Watch Blogspot.


  2. the same paper that quotes that Begley guy...and you thought Dr. Bob was off balance!

  3. if that rag had quoted this blog you people wouldve been singing its praises...

  4. Thiel probably feels flattered that he was quoted by a major newspaper. Reminds me of when HWA got a photo op with a second rate leader. Like much of HWA, as long as and his ministry/college looked good on the outside, all is well. He wasn't concerned with real academics at AC. Outward appearances is what mattered to him. Look good on the outside and inflate your credentials. "Look, I'm a theologian, educator an Ambassador for World Peace." No you're not, you just an empty suit.

  5. It's not called the London Express newspaper. That does not exist.

    It is the Daily Express newspaper tabloid that is sold throughout the entire British Isles.
    It is not a high brow newspaper.
    It is famous within Britain for warning every winter that the worst polar freeze is about to happen.

  6. Thiel said: “The Super Wolf Blood Moon expected in January 2019 is not a special message from God.

    …. BUT....a low pressure system is?

  7. The Super Wolf Blood moon is God trying to tell us the moon formed when a Mars size planet hit earth at an angle tilting it as we see today, blowing off part of the mantle into space which reforming as the moon. It is why moon rocks are so much like earth rocks. They are earth rocks.

  8. The English newspaper "The Daily Express" needs to have a "BREXIT" from Bobby Thiel as soon as possible!

  9. Authority on prophesy or not, Bobby Thiel is right that a super blood moon is no harbinger of the end times. We should at least give him credit for saying that.

  10. Hopefully, there’s a Banned regular in the UK who could write a letter to the editor of the Express ...

    Trying to get other people to do work you are too lazy to do yourself? That will be hard to do now that regulars in the UK know you don't like "Limes" as you call them.

    1. 12:48, there is no such thing as an ethnic slur against white people. We just laugh at ‘em. You have to actually add angry modifiers to give names like cracker, casper, or honkey an offensive tone, and even then, it’s just the modifiers that are offensive.


  11. It is famous within Britain for warning every winter that the worst polar freeze is about to happen.

    That gives them the same credibility as Al Gore, who predicted Denver would be under 20,000 feet of water by now.

  12. RP. You don't get credit for stating the obvious! 😂

  13. I predict the head of the biggest USA Internet retailer will make a total ass of himself.

    Can I backdate this prediction?

  14. a letter to the editor of the Express

    From my experience with British tabloids, they probably won't let facts get in the way of a good story. And remember Dave Pack appeared in a program on the History Channel...

    is not a special message from God

    Celestial events such as eclipses are predictable and this has been exploited. I read where one of the Chinese Emperors executed his astronomers for missing the date of a solar eclipse by a day - he missed his chance to impress his subjects.
    Bob did appear to lean toward accepting Global Climate Change until the pope pushed it - now it's apparently part of the Ecumenical agenda.
    Compared to climate, weather events are less predictable - so Bob can explain them as punishments as he pleases. But his prophetic gift is limited to predicting these weather punishments after they happen...

    1. The absolute worst thing in the world that can happen with an existential threat is that talking heads would politicize the issues, based on their core base, and begin dictating science as part of a party platform, rather than on working together on solutions.

      Hot rodding has always been one of my passions. Because of it, initially, I hated environmentalists for many years. Last evening, I passed on buying a badass car that I really wanted. When I fired it up, at first I got really excited about the rump of the cam. As it idled at about 1400 RPM, my eyes watered from the exhaust, and I knew I’d have to hold out and find a similar model with a late model computer controlled engine that had equivalent horsepower, but cleaner technology.

      Most of the changes environmental scientists are recommending have become totally doable with science and technology. Fortunately, those are things I’ve always been into. Even hot rodders can be good stewards these days. It’s really not that hard.

