Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Prophecy Addiction: Former WCG/UCG Members Claim They Have True Timelines Of Prophecy For Us

It has been a long time since we have featured Steve Collins here on this blog.  He is a former Worldwide Church of God and later United Church of God member who is wrapped up in British Israelism and prophecy timelines, as only an Armstrongite can do.  Like any Armstrongite addicted to prophecy, he has been an abject failure in his predictions.

Collins is also the idol of many COG members who feel the need to get wrapped up in conspiracy theories and outright lies of prophecy addicted COG ministers and members.  This addiction leads members into making their own prediction.  These prophecy addicts do not like having their pet prophecies made fun of.

A reader here was none too impressed with this blog and the opinions of others and made this comment before sending us over to read the prophecy gobbledygook of Collins:

Lee ClarkI appreciate objective journalism, but you guys are just plain slanted and evil, so go to your reward.
I'm setting dates: And if you don't like it, maybe you just shouldn't be in the game ...

If you did not get your fill of the seven-year time cycles of Herbert Armstrong and other COG false prophets you will get your fill of it Clark's timeline.  Its all about land sabbaths, jubilees and other old covenant expectations.  You will see scant writing about Jesus, other than the dude is really pissed due to all of the delays he has been held back with by his angry Father.

A regular COG snooze fest.


  1. The false prophet bells and whistles started to immediately go off for me when he states we are here in prophecy and the scripture provided talks about the desolation from wild animals let loose and his interpretation is: virulent political opposition, immigration invasion, child abduction and slavery - then petrodollar evaporation, UN takeover? military invasion and occupation? military tribunals? EMP?. Where is the loss of all of our children and livestock by wild animals and the empty roads to follow?

    Note to the moderator: can you please bring us a prophet who can read his bible?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Collins is also the idol of many COG members who feel the need to get wrapped up in conspiracy theorys and outright lies of prophecy addicted COG members and ministry.

    I can vouch for there being some truth to this statment, as i recently to my astonishment sat through a UCG sermon totally dictated from a Steve Collins book.
    Scripture was used as mere back up to Collins theorys. You would have thought Collins book WAS scripture.
    What the greek and hebrew words in scripture actually translate as was not considered, nor what UCG is long supposed to believe in either.
    It must be the latest trend.

  4. I'm confused I know of a Steven M. Collins, but who's Steve Collins and Lee Clark and this apocalypse anonymous website?

  5. "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." Just take that one thing that Jesus said (it's in John 13), and these self-righteous and self-absorbed, vindictive, blind, pathetic souls prove [oh, that word!] that they are not from God, or of God, or however they express it.

    They may have attractively made charts and timelines, but they still just are saying things that boil down to, "We'll show you! We'll show you we were right after all!"

    What's there left to be right about when you've been wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong ....

    Hey, "prophets," Herbert was NOT a great man of God! He invented a religion to get rich, and he got rich (I helped him get there), and then he died and his House of Cards came down. Why don't you see?

  6. I am disappointed. Last night was a blood moon, the last of a decade. I was expecting to go to heaven ( I know most would say hell) but alas I woke up this morning still here. I guess I will have to study the next prophecy. We need to hurry up these prophecies I don’t have much time left.

  7. Prediction addiction, some people will never get enough, just like any other addiction.

  8. @ 3:01 AM, surely you know the Scriptures, don't you? Love isn't some syrupy word-salad tolerance of sin and ignorance.

    Love is doing what God commands (1 John 5:3), and believing the truth rather than lies (1 John 3:18).

  9. 1975 In Prophecy Is True! It all happened right on time, we just weren't "spiritual enough" and didn't "sacrifice to the work" enough to experience it! !

  10. """Anonymous said...
    @ 3:01 AM, surely you know the Scriptures, don't you? Love isn't some syrupy word-salad tolerance of sin and ignorance.

    Love is doing what God commands (1 John 5:3), and believing the truth rather than lies (1 John 3:18).

    January 21, 2019 at 8:37 AM"""

    Yeah, what he said..... Like eating the shewbread if you're hungry. We'll accept absolutely no disobedience!!!!!!


  11. Tonto said...
    1975 In Prophecy Is True! It all happened right on time, we just weren't "spiritual enough" and didn't "sacrifice to the work" enough to experience it! !

    January 21, 2019 at 10:30 AM


    Sorry Tonto, got to disagree with you here but 1975 in Prophecy will happen right on time, it's just that Dionysius Exiguus got the correct year of Jesus' birth wrong. So we're not really in 2019, but we'll know exactly when 1975 is because that's when Jesus will return.


  12. OMG Lee! If you really think you pulled one over on the people of the blog you are sorely mistaken! You played right into their hands.

  13. Jules Dervaes. That's the name of the guy who used to park his van outside the Auditorium and wrote, "The Letter to Laodecea." So Flurry stole the guy's book and built a church around it. Mophed it into "Malachi's Message." What a con artist. You gotta love these guys. There is no end to the laughter.

    OK, then I came in contact with a guy who sent a paper about The Mystery of the Ages into HQ, and he claims HWA stole his concept and published his own book. I guess outright plagiarism was a common and accepted practice in Pasadena. I have another source that told the exact same thing. Evangelists (can you guess which one) were known for stamping their names on papers sent in from the staff or the brethren. Nice people.

    Hey, can't thank you guys enough for the great work! We've got a lot of great people here! Fabulous work!

  14. Lee Clark no one will take any notice of your opinion when you put blasphemous remarks in capitals in your comments.

  15. To Kevin above,

    You equate God's commandments with the tabernacle law that prohibited anyone but a priest from eating the shewbread, but the two are not the same. You should know this because we don't enforce circumcision today for salvation even though God commanded that too. Even though this command was given to the priests by the Lord, Christ judged David to be blameless by showing mercy. (Mt 12:5) So the higher law of mercy trumped the lower tabernacle law of prohibition. The commandment to show mercy was shown to be of a greater law, the one that Christians should keep. And Christ has the authority to overrule or suspend punishment for violation of a tabernacle law because He is the One who is GREATER than the tabernacle and temple laws. (Mt 12:6) Your foolish offhand comment brings you into condemnation because you imply that David should have been executed for breaking a "commandment of God", forgetting that to show mercy is also a "commandment of God".

  16. To 1:45pm above.

    I'm confusing nothing.

    When David and his men ate the shewbread it was the law at that time for them not to eat it.

    Not being under the old covenant today is irrelevant.

    My comment was sarcastic because the anonymous person who I was writing to (most likely you, but who knows when cowards don't identify themselves) made it a point to say that love is doing what God commands. To which I showed that isn't always the case. Sometimes God grants mercy when warranted.

    If you're too ignorant to realize that my comment was indeed pointing directly at God's mercy when disobeyed, then you should start reading a little slower and quit jumping to conclusions!t

    Laws don't "trump" other laws. Mercy is not one law trumping another. Mercy is when God favors you so much he's willing to forget some things.I

    David's men weren't starving. They could have waited to eat. God knew David's heart and he willingly allowed David to break one of his commands.

    I don't "imply" that David should have been executed, the law that David was under at the time said he was to be executed. Lev. 22

    Again, my post was meant to show that God is merciful, and that anonymous 8:37am's legalistic post was judgmental.

    Jesus said, if "YOU" love me keep my commandments. He didn't say "If you love me then tell everyone else what my commands are so that you can determine if they love me'.

    Anonymous 8:37am's post was judgmental, condemnatory, and quite boastful on their part in trying to convey that if you don't do it like I say then God will condemn you.

    As I said, you are most likely the one who wrote the 8:37am post and your accusatory attitude is glaring.

    Good bye!!!!!!!

    Kevin McMillen

  17. Kevin, I was not the one who wrote the post. And the fact remains that love is equated with keeping the commandments. Even though you said it sarcastically, the impression you gave was that David didn't walk in love when he did what he did, and that John's testimony in 1 Jn 5:3 is technically wrong, that one can go ahead and break any commandment and still receive mercy. "They weren't starving and could have waited to eat", you say? Nay, they were on the run from Saul and hungry. Besides, isn't it showing love to one's fellowman when you feed the hungry? Now we have two commandments or laws at play here. This is why David received mercy when he did what he did, but also why he received condemnation and guilt when he committed adultery and arranged a murder (The latter two laws being greater commandments than the tabernacle law). You can laugh that David went unpunished in 1 Sam 21 but you can't laugh at what happened to him when he broke the higher commandments.
