Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Why Are So Many COG Members Attracted To Such Crazy Men As We Have Leading COG's today?

When Herbert Armstrong was alive, the church had its fill of crazy men rising up with all kinds of lunacy, BUT they never gained much of a following due to Armstrong's threats, his magnetic personality, and his stable of henchmen threatening salvation issues. Self-appointed prophets, Elijah, and others regularly delivered messages to the front desk at the Hall of Administration of the Worldwide Church of God. Each and every one of them ended up being massive failures in their prophecies.

Fast forwards to today and we have a whole stable of crazy men who have actually diverted members into their perverse ministries.  From Gerald Flurry who now imagines himself a King and in possession of the new coronation stone that Jesus will come back to sit on. Dave Pack, who declared "all things in common" in order to shame members into sending him all of their retirement funds, cashing in stocks, selling homes and basically bankrupting themselves in order to obey Dave's commands. Then there is James Malm who has whored himself out to the law in such a sick manner that Jesus is surely shaking his head in heaven in the biggest "WTF" moment he has ever seen. And then...then there is Bob Thiel.  Even God the father is appalled at the sheer arrogance and self importance that drips like putrid honey from his mouth.

As crazy and as mentally ill these men all are, nothing compares to another man who is attracting COG members to his message. That person is Tim Carpenter of "I Saw the Light Ministries."  A lot of his stuff sound just like Armstrongite ideas, until you weed further down into his writings.

Here is some of the things he writes about:

Help for Vampires

Leviticus 17:10-11
10 And whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, that eateth any manner of blood; I will even set my face against that soul that eateth blood, and will cut him off from among his people.
11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.
To learn the different kinds of real vampires please visit the Vampires Studies website. They are NOT affiliated with us and they are not necessarily meant as a help to vampires but rather as a research and study page for people to learn what real vampires are. I recommend reading it with caution only after prayer and only if you think you may be a vampire. Then return here for help to recover from this satanic affliction. When you click on their link above, it will first come to an internet archive page (because their webpage is no longer active). Click on the word "impatient" and the page will come up quicker!
For help in recovery from vampirism, read our "How to overcome anything" article.
Also, Be sure to take daily supplements of Vitamin D at least 1000-4000 mg per day. Also take Garlic capsules or even better eat real garlic in your pasta dishes. This boosts your immune system to fight any virus that might be related to that kind/type of vampire. Sun exposure is important. Be of Gods Light, not of darkness, avoid all appearance of evil, be transformed by the renewing of your mind in Christ Jesus. Jesus is the answer for all kinds and all types of vampires. By Christ Blood YOU can be HEALED!!! 
And then there is this:

Who or What Are Aliens?

Aliens and UFO's are a fascination with many people. What are they? The truth is that many of the UFO's are top secret government and military operations.
  • BUT there are also real aliens and ufo's.
  • BUT they are NOT the type of aliens that many people believe in.
  • They are actually half human and half demon.
  • Some of them are 100% demon.
  • They are NOT something to be fascinated with.
  • They are real and they are in scripture.
  • There is no reason to focus on them.
  • You should not focus on them. You should not be giving them attention!
  • Don't feed their desire for attention!
  • Don't be fascinated with them, we have much more power then they do!
To learn more about these demonic beings, please go to the following websites which explain in great detail what they are and what the Bible says about them!
And this:
Satanic snow globes 
Gazing Ball, Crystal ball, garden gazing ball, glass orb, witches ball, snow globes
Far from harmless, these glass orbs open a direct line to the other world. Used for divination (fortunetelling, scrying, clairvoyance...)when the heavy crystal balls were too expensive, witches often used glass-ball fishing floats, colored glass balls, or magic mirrors. They do not keep evil away. That is a myth. Pagan objects do not keep evil away. Think about it. These garden balls are also related to the UFO sphere orbs. Remove these crystal or glass balls from your property! Would Jesus have a gazing ball in his house? The Almighty has powerfully confirmed to me that the snow globes are also evil. They are the same as the gazing balls & are open doors for evil spirits.  

Paisley (design or pattern)
The Paisley design or pattern is very common on clothing, purses and do-rags (du-rags, bandanas, skull caps). It is of Iranian origin and has connections to the antichrist religion of Zoroastrism. 
Statues, dolls, nik naks, figurines of people, angels, Jesus or animals, including stuffed animals
These are Graven images. The Bible warns us to not make any graven image of anything alive, whether it be on the land or in the air or in water. An graven image is a 3D shape of any thing that if it was alive, it would move. It doesn't matter whether it is made out of plastic, wood, metal, gold, silver, glass, cloth, cotton or whatever. 
 There is much, much more here: Common Household Pagan Symbols / Housecleaning
People like this make some people feel special because they have supposedly received god given information that will set the apart from the deceived people around them. What is really happening is they are following liars and frauds that deliberately keep them away from the one the should be following.


  1. "What is really happening is they are following liars and frauds that deliberately keep them away from the one the should be following. "

    This is exactly it and this is exactly what it has been for the entire crux of Armstrongism.

    Self-appointed know-it-all people who get people's minds on anything and everything but the focus of Jesus Christ. Teddy bears, for crying out loud? Patterns? SNOW GLOBES? They would have you living in fear over a lampshade, if they had their way! They'd make you ban garden hoes because they're named HOES! They would have you stop eating cucumbers - and you know why - if they had their way! Anything and everything with an origin here, an origin there - you cannot live with their oppressive fear mongering, Jesus-denying, fear-mongering tactics which don't mean a pile of beans to anything. It's pure idiocy.

    UFO's? Aliens? That should never be the focus of anything. Focus on Jesus. Why not try that?

    These things were the "back of the hall" subjects or "on the drive to church" conversations that never ended up anywhere - until now, when all Armstrongism's glory has melted and now all we see is the garbage strewed about.

  2. Don't think about a pink elephant. Now, don't think about aliens. Stop thinking about aliens. Here is a list of 10 reasons to NOT think about aliens.

  3. Actually some good advice there for how to deal with Malm, Flurry, Pack, Weinland, Thiel , et al...

    "They are actually half human and half demon.
    Some of them are 100% demon.
    They are NOT something to be fascinated with.
    There is no reason to focus on them.
    You should not focus on them. You should not be giving them attention!
    Don't feed their desire for attention!
    Don't be fascinated with them, we have much more power then they do!"

    However , garlic won't help. What "pulls the plug" is simply STOP giving them ANY money!

  4. These spiritual snake oil salesmen are taking advantage of people not doing their required prayer and bible study. If people aren't close to God, they come under the undue influence of religious and/or political quackery.

  5. He forgot to mention dragons and witches and brewing pots and brooms and frogs and newts and warts and stcks (wands) and gargoyles and playing cards and hats and rabbits and capes and masks and face-paint, etc etc etc. WHAT LUNACY!!!

  6. Why Are So Many COG Members Attracted To Such Crazy Men As We Have Leading COG's today?

    Gerald Weston is not crazy. He is repressed. The only way to understand his Putin-robot exterior is to recognize that he is working desperately hard not to reveal whatever his true self might be.

  7. Repression of self is actually one of the doctrinal bases of Armstrongism, 7:59. It’s the way they think they are “qualifying”.
