Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, February 8, 2019

The Terrible Track Record Of Sabbath Keeping

This is what James Malm and Bob Thiel continue to do to this day.  It is more important to be Pharisees than it is to follow the one they claim to follow.  It is the petty trivial things that are more important than ever being a Christ follower.


  1. People keeping different days or holidays do not bother me one way or the other. Special days often bring special happiness.

    However, when a group teaches that the seventh day sabbath is a test commandment, and that teaching and keeping it makes it so that God’s unlocks the understanding of end times prophecy for them, and then the prophecies are not fulfilled? That does raise suspicion! Nobody’s ever gotten a nice juicy bite of that particular carrot.

    Saturday is an awesome day on which to decompress following a vigorous 5 day work week, but when people start talking about two and three hour brainwashing sessions and a couple hours of travel, they lose me.


  2. The argument presented here is a cherry picked straw man, with a prejudiced conclusion.

    Moses, David and Jesus were all Sabbath Keepers. They do not have a "terrible track record".

    There is not necessarily an if/then relationship between Sabbath Keeping and bad behavior. Sabbath Keeping does not necessarily imply either bad , nor good behavior, no more so than "not committing murder" makes you a good or bad person or produces general behavior in other areas of your life. .

  3. When I was in WCG, we all felt we were special because we did something. Keep the holy days, the sabbath, no pork, pay tithes, everything was performing a certain act. It wasn’t till I left WCG that I realized life was more than living my life behind the closed doors of “the church.” I now know my neighbor up and down the street I live on. I see neighbors helping one another. I see people doing good unto others etc. I see more Christian love here than I ever saw in WCG. Why would I ever want to be part of a judging self righteous church again. I don’t see much difference between any of the ACOG,s. Some are more wacky on the surface, but they all look back to WCG as their model. I once told the register at AC, Bill Stenger (spelling) that we need to teach the students how to make a living. He told me, no we teach them how to live. I said then they are going to starve. There is life beyond ACOG.

  4. Moses, David and Jesus were all Sabbath Keepers. They do not have a "terrible track record".

    David was a murderer. How many of your friends are murderers? If none, why don't you extend to other murderers the same forgiveness you extend to David?

    Moses was a bad-tempered fellow, who left Pharaoh's presence in anger, and who smashed the first tablets of commandments God gave to him. How many of your friends are given to that kind of rage, a degree of rage condemned in Scripture?

    The ancient Israelites in general had such a bad track record that God divorced them, and chose instead to marry His New Testament Church. Not such a great testimony for the Sabbath.

    If you grew up in WCG you have no other basis for comparison, but those of us old enough to have had friends inside and outside of the Church can make some generalizations. In my observation, the average WCG member had less godly character than the average non-member with whom I chose to associate, yet the WCG members thought themselves superior to the non-members.

  5. Test commandment for Christian Church:
    John 13:35
    “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”

    Both Christians and Jews agree on the 2 greatest commandments:
    Matthew 22:36-40 King James Version (KJV)
    36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
    37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
    38 This is the first and great commandment.
    39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
    40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

    BTW Anon 10:09AM - part of living is having a trade or profession that allows you to earn a living. Paul was a tentmaker. I don't think knowledge of the Bible was as important as knowing the 18 or 20 truths as per HWA.
    I believe it is good to keep the Sabbath as long as you don't leave the more important things undone. The Sabbath does not absolve you of keeping the more important things of the Law - love, justice, and mercy.


    Please Share and expose this fraud. Thank You


  7. In the Old Testament, those that worked on the Sabbath received the death penalty. Mr. Malm, Theil, Pack, you need to go into a Walmart on Saturday and show who is boss. Murderers like Cain received no death penalty, jut move to another city. Live out your life. Murderers like David had a little baby put to death instead.

  8. The author of this swill must be consulting a demon between drags off his crack pipe.

  9. Don't forget how important it was to them after they crucified Jesus to get home before the Sabbath began. Deny Christ but let's celebrate Sabbath!

  10. Sabbath arose organically out of Babylon (cultural evolution) just as man arose organically out of Africa (biological evolution.)

    I find this model of creation more exquisite than the simplistic concepts of the ancients.

  11. Wikipedia doesn't give nearly enough emphasis to the Babylon new moon sabbath and sidelines it to the (corrupted) Hebrew/Christian perpetual fixed sabbath no doubt because it's edited by the orthodox majority. But the issue is not going to go away, as the Seventh-day Adventists are finding out: http://www.bible.ca/7-lying-for-god-Kerry-Wynne.htm


  12. “The Terrible Track Record Of Sabbath Keeping “

    The Roman Catholic Church and its numerous Protestant daughter churches do indeed have a terrible track record of rejecting God's Sabbath commandment in order to keep their own unbiblical, man-made, pagan-based tradition of Sunday keeping.


  13. About a billion Roman Catholics observe Sunday and are set in their ways.

    About a billion Protestants observe Sunday too and are set in their ways.

    About a billion Muslims consider Friday to be their day of assembly and are set in their ways.

    Evilutionists want people to work 24/7/365 without a break and are set in their ways.

    A few million Jews and others observe the biblical Sabbath.

    Former WCG people are not so stable. They quickly forget everything that HWA taught them and listen to all sorts of nuts telling them to observe some lunar Sabbath nonsense and all sorts of other endless calendar confusion.
