Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, March 15, 2019

5 Minutes Before Sunset, OH NOES!!!!!!

This is not unique to SDA's, but happens in COG too.  Of course, keeping the letter of the law was never a strong point in the COG. If you were in Pasadena, various department heads had you work on Saturdays or before sunset was over, particularly if they had scheduled a Saturday night concert in the Auditorium.  The biggest abuse was having students and members dress up in Sabbath wear and work the WATS lines on Saturday as "volunteers" taking phone calls.


  1. The Sabbath in Armstrongism was never restful. Up early Saturday morning, drive god-awful distances to church. Then help set up all the chairs and tables needed while the deacon turds stood around criticising everything and everyone. Then stuck listening to the most uninspiring sermons imaginable. Then having to help take down all the chairs and tables, sweep and mop the floors, empty the trash and then a long drive home. Then at least twice a month there was some stupid YOU activity organized. My kids hated it. Never have you seen a family so grateful when we left as ours was. Free at last!

  2. They do the exact same thing to us in UCG. We’ve gotten to the point we take the kids out to the zoo or some other activity instead of being bored in church.

    1. Anon 5:37 Going the Zoo on the Sabbath?? Why carn't you and your family get a live sermon link up with UCG in another area or try COGWA live link ups on YouTube??

      Or is this a fake report ?

  3. At my LCG church we have skipped service a lot over the last year. Just how many times do we need to hear the same sermon preached by the same minister? I’m tired of all the doom and gloom and sex talk. Give it a rest!

  4. By the time I was ready to leave the church, as a mother of littles every week I would completely dread the Sabbath. I had to make sure all of my "work" was done before sundown and then after I still did everything for everyone else. Plus all the "volunteering" and making sure my children were perfect angels at services where I never actually got to sit through an entire service. By the time I got home I was plain old exhausted. By the end I also missed services a lot, and they all wondered why. Um because the Sabbath was more work than during the workweek.

  5. Anon 1:58, why shouldn't Anon 5:37 take the kids to the zoo on the sabbath? We used to take ours as well, it was something that they enjoyed and so did we. Why would any kid want to stay in something as an adult, that they hated as kids? I would not want to live in your house.

    1. As anon 1:58 i wouldn't want you in my house either. That we can agree on.

  6. I'm not aware of any of the "big name" churches that actually keep the Sabbath. They all give it lip service, but in practice they pollute it, or downright ignore it. Maybe that's why they are in constant turmoil.

  7. Why limit your thinking to the churches in a dying movement, 1:58? Nearly every community has a Seventh Day Adventist congregation. There are also COG-7 congregations, and Messianic groups from which to choose. These churches do not teach British Israelism, they don't have overbearing church authority, and they are reasonable about their financial demands.


  8. And BB you forget to share their love of the trinity. It is your opinion that its dying.

    1. Oh, man!!! You still believe that God the Holy Spirit is an impersonal force, and not an interactive, sentient being?

      By the way, statistics over the past twenty years provide an evidentiary trail supporting the dying thingie. In fact, the gradual death of the movement might even be directly tied to their lack of understanding of 1/3 of God.


  9. A big difference between the ACOG sabbath culture and that of the Adventists and CG7 is that those folks typically have their own buildings and the sabbath becomes a day-long community celebration. Sabbath has a different complexion in those circumstances.

  10. A good video - and I sure can relate. I've had more "Race to the Sabbath" moments than I can remember - and they started hours earlier. Buying groceries, doing online projects, picking up dinner, etc.
