Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Dave Pack: Wadsworth's Most Electrifying Man

Never has the Armstrong Church of God ever had such an electrifying man in a leadership position as it has in Dave Pack. Even Herbert Armstrong, James Malm and Bob Thiel cannot even come close to this electrifying human god.  Dave's fellow ministers and his members are so turned on by his message and the IMMANENT return of the creature they call "christ" that they are in a permanent state of electrifying ecstasy. 

It will be interesting to find out what "electrifying" things he says in his sermon he is going to preach this week!


  1. Dave has a tendency to confuse being "electrified" to being shocked in disbelief at the nonsense they have to put up with. This year at Packover they will probably hear more about Dave than Jesus, again.

  2. And too...Dave is introducing new truth this year. During the Packover service, instead of Foot Washing, to exemplify humility and love amongst the brethren, there will be Ass Kissing to demonstrate compliance and obedience to authority... Dave's of course. Those who don't go along will have to suffer though The Night to be Much Dismembered. Those who do will have to suffer the Days of Unleavened Buns gyrating in their seats during sermons fit for falling out the window and being taken up as dead.

  3. The brethren being electrified is caused by snowmelt and a leaky roof. The dripping water is making contact with electric wires.

  4. Of course the brethren are electrified- it's from those colossal high tension wires that span the Glorious Campus! You can hear the buzz from the parking lot of the celebrated Wadsworth Giant Eagle.

  5. If David Christ is executed by the Ohio authorities, it won't be by electrocution. Ohio now uses lethal injection exclusively. Will the next generation of David Christ's followers wear little syringe pendants around their necks?

    Oklahoma allows death by electric chair, so if That Prophet falls into the hands of a modern Pontius Pilate he might meet an "electrifying" demise.

  6. Shall we do a mass email to the RCG members of some old Electric Prunes classics, like "Too Much to Dream", and "Get me to the World on Time!"? Those songs were considered to be trippy when they first burst on the scene, but somehow seem eerily appropriate to Dave's church and personal condition. Come to think of it, we might also add Count Five's "Psychotic Reaction", TheTemptations' "Ball of Confusion", the Chambers Brothers' "Time has Come Today", oh, and uh, "Fire" by the Crazy World of Arthur Brown.

    Now, that's what I call a sermonette!


  7. I learned more about the man but seeing his handwritten signature for the first time now than i could learn from the words he has written. Handwriting analysis is not widely deemed credible in North America, but it has been a useful tool of employee selection in Europe and parts of Asia.I would not hire him.

  8. In what began as a simple to understand point A to point B message some four years ago, Mr. Pack has taken his membership on a wild ride in a ungrounded electric car to the edge of a high mountain cliff.

    While the average person will be going about their business in the next few weeks, the membership of the RCG will be getting themselves ready for the Advent upon Wadsworth Ohio to usher in the validation of and the giving of "Exsousia" unto their God titled leader to give him unstoppable power to execute 1.5 million Jews and multiple billions worldwide by the edge of his sword for next 100 years.

    The return of Jesus Christ is secondary in the Greatest Story Never Told, this years long sermon series has been about revealing to his membership of all of the biblical titles he could attach to himself and of course all of the fulfilling of prophecy that only a very special man as himself could fulfill.

    Five years ago when I walked into services for what was supposed to be the return of the whole splinter remnant, the Decon was standing in consternation wondering how many extra chairs he should put out for all the returning people that never came. I wonder what will be the reaction of the headquarters church when the big chair for the Son of Man sits empty in the next few weeks?

    We can all conclude that Wadsworth is suffering from severe electrical problems, but for some reason, the Wadsworth sewage system is working better than ever.

  9. Gordon, could you please give us your analysis of these LCG bigwigs' signatures?

    1. I don't want to gossip. I will think about this though.

  10. David Pack sermon aftermath.


  11. Gee Dave! Couldn’t you have come up with an metaphor which used a blue tip match?


  12. looking forward to an electrifying article from dave's son that will destroy this evil monster and free his mind-slaves

  13. That was trippy, BB. One of these days, David's time is gonna come.


  14. Thanks for posting this letter. I’d like to see the whole document; every week. Dave is cautious who gets this propaganda because only those who have been thoroughly brainwashed can be trusted to keep the ramblings if a psychopath secret lest he be criticized for the ridiculous BS. Like minded. Classic cult behavior. Need to keep the pressure on this conman to hold him at least a bit accountable.

  15. People that are forced to sit still for too long, suffer from electric shocks. It is commonly called 'going to sleep.' One can only sit very still for a relatively short time. In Pack's members, I would estimate that their bottoms start 'going to sleep' after 40 minutes.

    As for the high voltage wires overhead, it has been stated that those living under such conditions are subjected to unhealthy radiation. Eventually, this affects the mind. Some may call it being zombified.

    I would not be surprised to learn that Dave has a book listing every adjective known, and picks and chooses those that cause a stir. I am surprised that he didn't copy HWA's method of capitalizing the adjectives that he does use, in order to electrify them.

  16. You're not missing anything 10:33. They just summarize the most fear-bating articles on drudge and fox-news, which isn't hard since many of them are, and then say "see, this means Christ is returning soon!"

    Then add some highlights from different departments to say "we're doing a work".

    Finally, say we need money to do more work. And something about praying for us and we are praying for you.

    Its all very formulaic, pretty sure an astute 5th grader could write them.

    In the last few years they have added comments on how "excited" the brethren are. Of course if they aren't excited they get "talked to", so its similar to how much North Koreans love dear leader...

  17. I wonder what will be the reaction of the headquarters church when the big chair for the Son of Man sits empty in the next few weeks?

    It won't sit empty. A dove will land on David Christ (maybe a bar of Dove soap, for all we know), and he will reveal that he is the Second Coming.

  18. looking forward to an electrifying article from dave's son that will destroy this evil monster and free his mind-slaves

    Not going to happen. The kid approached another minister for advice, and accepted the minister's advice that it is better to let the disaster play out without family attempts at interference that would likely only make things worse.

  19. 521 noted: "Of course if they aren't excited they get "talked to", so its similar to how much North Koreans love dear leader..."

    That's a very good point and very true. When the leader tells the audience how excited the other audiences that they have no access to are, it is very suspect. This is especially true with the exaggerations that come from Dave Pack's mouth when telling the audience how unified, very sure and could not be more excited his Council of 16 is over Dave explaining to them how it all is. However, we never actually hear from one member of that council who confirms the rapturous approval and recognition of Dave's truth. Actually we hardly know who they are and I imagine can't access them to get their actual views. Well, actually they would be too compliant and fearful of losing position to tell their real feelings if they have any left

    One's first hint of fake enthusiasm being announced is if no one in the actual crowd you are in knows about it or feels it themselves and it is about the seat gyrating experienced sight unseen.

    I recall going to a Ernest T Bass, or no, Ernest Ainsley revival in Pasadena when a student to write a report etc. He announced that his time was up and that he could not bring out and heal all those in wheelchairs in the back , out on stage, so he did it behind the scenes and there was great joy back there. That said, I got up and went around back stage for a look see. Just a few dozen folk sitting wheelchairs looking pathetic

  20. Dave's council of 16 does not exist anymore. Over 1/2 of the ministers that were in it, no longer attend RCG. Pack may have replaced some of them, but there is nowhere near 16 anymore. He probably couldn't pay them anyway!

  21. Church leaders telling members how they should feel is a abusive cult trait.
    This is like sandpaper on wood. Members are non stop, being ground down. Truly Borg like. Star Trek didn't pull the Borg out of thin air. It's a copy of mind controlling abusive cults.

  22. In that letter, Dave mentions a "senior minister." Nowadays in RCG, a senior minister is someone ordained more than 5 years ago.

  23. Star Trek didn't pull the Borg out of thin air. It's a copy of mind controlling abusive cults.


  24. I believe he has eaten to many electrified prunes.

  25. Dave "I'll take ALL your assets" Packatolla said, "God is still revealing astounding elements of His soon to unfold plan".

    MY COMMENT - When is Davy "tithe gravy" going to explain God's original plan for Herbert Armstrong and the 19 year time cycles culminating in the 1972 Great Tribulation and German attack on America, and the "1975 in Prophecy" return of Jesus Christ? What happened to THAT plan?

    Seem these alleged true ministers of the True Church - these HWA wannabees in the Armstrong Churches of God - make a hell of a lot of plans for God.


  26. Speaking of Rev Ernest Angley…


  27. Perhaps Davey will have an ending as "electrifying" as fellow sociopath Ted Bundy had in the Florida State Prison electric chair!

    1. Far fetched suggestion because it doesn’t appear as if Davey has committed any capital crimes. But the recent idea/suggestion for a class action tort/civil suit for fraud is plausible.

      And the hints for Dave’s son (I believe his name is Randall) to come out is probably never gonna happen, thanks to Dennis’ paternal advice. :/ But Dave really does need to be stopped, any other good ideas?

  28. Earlier in this thread, someone asked me to analyze the signatures of a couple of LCG guys, and I said I'd think about it. I have, and I will. This is a public forum, so what I write will not be posted in secret. It can be challenged. Further, the subjects are public leaders who ought to expect scrutiny.

    Signatures are not as rich in information as are several lines of cursive handwriting. It isn't the content of the writing that reveals, by the way. It's the characteristics of it that derive from a person's psychology. But there is some indication that it can work in reverse. You want to change your personality? Then change your handwriting. It's a complex universe.

    Here is some of what the Weston and Ames handwriting samples say. There are some attributes the two have in common. They both think more with their hearts than with their heads. By that, I mean they make decisions impulsively much of the time. More so than analytically. It's one thing to go through an analysis (and Gerald's writing shows he is an analytical thinker); it's another to act on the analysis instead of how you feel. They both are very sensitive. They can be easily hurt when nobody intended hurt. They both care a LOT about what people think about their ideas.

    There are some differences. Gerald shows a strong interest in things spiritual, and more than that, he finds fulfillment in his spiritual activities. This is not to say Richard isn't the same....it's just that his signature doesn't contain letters that would show it one way or the other. Gerald's is the writing of a closed-minded person. You are not likely to persuade him of anything new. Richard's handwriting is the opposite. He'll look at new ideas and concepts. They are both men who are discreet: they can keep secrets. You wouldn't have to worry about them telling everyone your business.

    That R is Richard's name ---- I don't know what to make of that. There is a style of t that is made by people who set themselves up to be used and taken advantage of, and it is somewhat similar to that R. I wonder if it means the same.

    I don't have time to take it further, but this is what immediately jumps out at me. I don't know either of them. Before seeing the handwriting, I had little idea what either is like. I do now though.
