Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, March 11, 2019

Dave Pack: When Will His People Ever Learn?


  1. Some have a rationale for throwing good money after bad.
    No layman tithe-slave recovered anything from the demise of the WCG. At best, those who got out at least cut their losses, others chose to continue down the slippery slope.

  2. If you are another human being's person, you have failed, whether you are one of "Dave Pack's people" or "Donald Trump's people" or "The Dalai Lama's people."

  3. Is this current, from 2019 or from years past?

  4. Hoss...you sure got that right......
    A couple of "sayings" come to mind here- fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and shame
    on me.. And that old "saw" a fool & his $$ are soon parted. Especially when the fool could
    & should know better, even more so when the person is so WILLINGLY gullible, even to cheat
    person's own children out of their inheritance in order to comply with Packs diabolical,
    greedy, lying, damnable doctrine of "common". SAD to say I know of someone that's still stuck in that "mindset". We can choose our friends, but not our relatives (by birth/marriage)etc. What makes it worse is that all this BS still goes on & on. :-(

  5. "I've often said the False Prophet would claim to be "The Elijah"

    "In so many ways I have the Elijah personality"


  6. As I listen to Flat and Scruggs - Run Little Rabbit Run, I am truly wondering how so many that I attended with in the RCG sit there unmoved whether it be a thunderstorm, a hurricane, a tornado or a pack of Beagle dogs unleashed upon them by their Apostle?

    The true dichotomy of a man bemoaning the possibility that some may leave giving up it all - the truth, the government, the church, the "work", the college, the literature is that this is a man that has done it all himself and more than once.

    I know there was not even one brain cell that even got a quiver of thought in my mind about the possibility that I was leaving any of the supposed godly institutions of Mr. Pack's creation. And there lays the crux of Mr. Pack's consternation, for the possibility that some would reject him as god by rejecting all his creation within his millennial campus creation does not sit well in the mind of a man who hopes he didn't get it all wrong AGAIN.

    Mr. Pack established his church upon the basis of holding fast to all that Herbert Armstrong taught and following truth (government) as was instituted in the WCG by HWA. ALL of that is what made him (Pack) and his church so special at one time that "it" - following HWA, was the only factor in identifying who was the one and only true Church of God. Now, having chucked in the garbage bin most of what the supposed greatest Apostle that ever lived taught, Mr. Pack has raped the minds of his his members into forcible belief of his new paradigm.

    Mr. Pack has set himself up as a Goliath of biblical fame in a mind un-fenced to the reality that the true all powerful God can some day if He were to choose, call to His service a shepherd boy with not much more than a pebble and a sling, to take down the mind overrun with biblical wanderlust.

    The many that didn't wait for a thunderstorm to happen for them to be wise rabbits and run out of the doors of the RCG left for the simple reason of rejecting Mr. Pack himself, along with, all of his multiple biblical personalities. These people didn't buy into the new paradigm of giving all that they have to fund the worldwide announcement of "WHO I AM".


  7. Remember that what David C. Pack did was a Bait & Switch scam. DCP initially attracted HWA's old followers by claiming that he was going to faithfully restore everything that HWA had taught at the time of his death in January 1986. DCP criticized every other group for having departed in various ways from what HWA had taught.

    DCP initially taught that the understanding that HWA was the Elijah who was prophesied to “restore all things” was a great wall of defence against doctrinal heresy. But DCP later deleted his own booklet that had proved that HWA was the Elijah and replaced it with half a dozen hours of noise containing “130 PROOFS” that DCP was the Elijah, and conveniently promoting HWA out of the way to the office of Moses. One of the great proofs was that DCP had “restored” his “common” theft scam.

    After people had listened to DCP and supported him for a number of years, he started to make so many colossal doctrinal changes, such as in his series of insane “First Dominion” noise. At this point it became psychologically very difficult for DCP's victims to accept that they had been deceived and betrayed so very badly. Rather than being special chosen ones who were standing up for the truth in God's one and only true church, they were actually the victims of an extremely diabolical fraud. Amazingly, after re-writing a lot of the old WCG literature in his own words, DCP had even reassured everyone by saying that the Devil would not have him go to all that work just so he could go bad in the end. But, alas, the Devil did do exactly that. And DCP did go bad. Very bad.


  8. “1-EX-sheeple” said...“A couple of 'sayings' come to mind here- fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and shame on me.”

    COG saying: Fool me two or three times, shame on you. Fool me ten or twenty times, shame on me.

  9. David Pack has a phobia of "not-being-in-charge".


  10. "Mr. Pack established his church upon the basis of holding fast to all that Herbert Armstrong taught and following truth (government) as was instituted in the WCG by HWA. ALL of that is what made him (Pack) and his church so special at one time that "it" - following HWA, was the only factor in identifying who was the one and only true Church of God."

    hmmm, so apparently DCP has never followed God, but started out following a man, HWA...so it's no mystery why he's sunk to the level that he has...he was a false prophet from the start. (the same can be said of all that put HWA, or any man, ahead of God.)

  11. David Pack's people will learn soon. David Pack is getting old. He will eventually assume room temperature. His body will rot away. His prophecies will fail. His church will fall apart. The bank will repossess the property. Someone else will live in his house. At some point his trees will be cut down. It is over.

  12. Substitute David Pack for Ozymandias.


  13. "Who is we." RCG members are told they will be healed pseudo god-beings and their first task will be to use their new powers to kill, ie murder, all of "Gods enemies."

    "Gods enemies" has been defined as all splinter members, the splinter leaders, all Catholics, or all Christians, depending on the sermon and mood.

    Regardless, upon finding out they were going to personally kill between 100s and millions many told me that was a very exciting sermon. I kid you not.

  14. 7:59

    People found "Inferno" starring Tom Hanks exciting.

    Will he beat Bertrand Zobrist?
    I will find out this weekend.
    I would not like it if rcg members post spoilers.


  15. It's similar to alcoholism or drug addiction. For meaningful change to take place, the one with the disease must first bottom out, and desperately want to change. The good thing that Pack's victims have going in their favor is that RCG is like a very bad drug, or Sterno cocktails, things to which only very desperate individuals would cling. As with other addictions, the earlier the one with the disease becomes clean and sober, the less permanent damage is suffered.


  16. Pack makes the Television series "Breaking Bad" seem like watching the "Brady Bunch" !

  17. "The bank will repossess the property."

    I live in the Wadsworth area. People who should know say no bank, all cash for land, buildings, and houses. They have barrels of it so "Breaking Bad" reference seems appropriate. Landscape suppliers happy. The poor not so much, but of course it's all their fault for not being in the cult. When DCP goes expect another battle for control of all those tithes, just like WCG with everybody de-fellowshipping everybody else. I watched HWA on TV as a teenager and figured out fairly quickly what he was. Now the scam is in my town. Small world.

    I hear rumors of a "landing pad", not seeing it on Google Earth but his house shows up pretty good. Will he yield that to the "big guy" when he lands here to take over world government? "All that you have" is the way to go - right? Logistics of world government from Wadsworth Ohio should be interesting. Maybe we will get a new airport and great Internet. By the way we are in Medina County (think Islam). Not sure "King David""Passover" Pack, living in town named after ELIJAH Wadsworth has really thought all this through, other than the money angle of course.

  18. David C. Pack:
    "Say my name!"


    "You know it. Now SAY it!"


    "You're DAMN right!"


  19. Sadly, though, he seems to be a successful religious conman. Regardless of how he is criticized and taunted, despite calling his followers zombies, ninnies, or whatever, Pack is succeeding in his endeavors to build an empire. He apparently has more money than most men do, and he is winning now. Yeah, I know, he will get old and die someday; but he looks like he’s in pretty good shape for 70s. HWA lived 20 more years than that and he wasn’t even trying too hard. Dave could live to be 100 because he uses health technologies and quietly lets the doctors fix his ailments. I’m really bummed to think we might have to put up with him for a long time to come.


  20. “Dave Pack: When Will His People Ever Learn?”

    Hundreds of DCP's victims have already learned the painful truth, and left him. More of DCP's victims are still in the learning process.


  21. Anonymous on March 12, 2019 at 11:29 PM said...“Sadly, though, he seems to be a successful religious conman. Regardless of how he is criticized and taunted, despite calling his followers zombies, ninnies, or whatever, Pack is succeeding in his endeavors to build an empire. He apparently has more money than most men do, and he is winning now. Yeah, I know, he will get old and die someday; but he looks like he’s in pretty good shape for 70s. HWA lived 20 more years than that and he wasn’t even trying too hard. Dave could live to be 100 because he uses health technologies and quietly lets the doctors fix his ailments. I’m really bummed to think we might have to put up with him for a long time to come.”

    Yes, yes, yes.

    That is the sad reality of life.

    Reminds me of that other piece of dung, Gerald Flurry, in that other pile, the PCG. All that alcohol that Gerald guzzled will give him the clear arteries to last who knows how long. Bummer.
