Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, March 14, 2019

How One Single Event In California Has Invalidated ALL COG Self-Appointed Prophets

How many years have we heard various self-appointed prophets of doom in the Armstrong Churches of God that the recent California drought was a direct punishment from their god? From James Malm zealoting in his kitchen to Bob Thiel claiming that gays had caused the California drought, the list of causes is endless.  Of course, add to this the mindless bellowing of Rod Meredith, Ron Weinland, Gerald Weston, Gerald Flurry and many other COG leaders and you will have heard the same message for over 7 decades. God is pissed at Manasseh and the other British Israelite nations and is punishing them for their sins. Drought is the favorite trial that the god of the Armstrong church leaders loves to use. Drought leads to pestilence and starvation and these guys get turned on by that. Once pestilence sets in, people are weakened and they are easy targets for the rampaging hoards of Germans, Chinses, and Muslims that will take over the nations.

That all came to a screeching halt this month in California.

This winter, California has been inundated with rain and more importantly snow.  With 300 - 500 inches in the Sierra's, California is now considered drought free.

Since scripture tells us if any prophet makes a prediction and it fails, he is a liar and is not to be followed.  Now that so many of the Armstrong COG leaders are certified lairs, why is anyone following them?

California drought free for first time in over 7 yearsLOS ANGELES — California is free of drought for the first time in more than seven years and only a small amount of its territory remains abnormally dry as a very wet winter winds down, experts said Thursday. 
More than 93 percent of the state is free of drought or dryness, and areas of abnormal dryness along the Oregon border and in parts of four southern counties amount to less than 7 percent of the state, the U.S. Drought Monitor said in its weekly update.

California drought officially over after more than seven yearsThe National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration tweeted that weather in 2017 helped matters, but moderate drought persisted. Rainfall this winter further alleviated the drought, although 7 percent of the state remains "abnormally dry." 
"The storms this year have really helped snowpacks, the reservoirs," said Jessica Blunden, a climatologist with NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information. Colder temperatures also helped prevent snow from melting off, she said. 
This winter — the meteorological winter starts on Dec. 1 and ends at the end of February — has been the wettest in the United States as a whole since records started being kept in 1895, with an average across the nation of 9.01 inches, which is 2.22 inches above the nationwide average, Blunden said. 
That precipitation has not just benefited California. "It’s been a great winter for the West," she said. 
The U.S. Drought Monitor website, which is an effort by several agencies including NOAA and the national drought mitigation center, says that well-above precipitation in the West helped build snow pack and fill reservoirs, and that normal conditions have returned to the Salton Sea in the southeastern part of the state. 
The Los Angeles area experienced cool winter temperatures that brought the fifth-longest streak of 41 consecutive days with a high temperature below 70 degrees since records began in 1877. Rare snowfall was reported in parts of the Los Angeles area in February. 


  1. Know you not, oh vain man, God giveth California Moooooooore Time! Rejoice and be glad for in times to come, shall again be drought and plague, fire and water, earth quaking as they come with stars ceasing to shine. Then shall they march like warriors and advance like fighters on their way...or something like that. Oh...and the sun and moon become both black!

    Besides, Bob has all of this Spring to revel in with tornados in , ummm...tornado alley to show and screech just how God is trying to get our attention. And after that, there is the heat of summer, excessive leaf fall in Autumn and of course, dampness and rain, or snow depending in Winter.

    Smile brethren!

  2. Droughts occur due to very complicated atmospheric variations we simply do not fully understand. The dust bowl of the thirties In the Midwest is one example. That same extended phenomenon hasn't occurred since, although there have been short term droughts in some areas. Better farming methods have certainly helped. It's time to abandon those superstitious doom and gloom prophecies of idiots who try to bend spurious scriptures to fit their program of fear induced financial windfalls for themselves.

    Most of Herb's suckers who sabotaged their own futures to keep him in luxurious living are now dead and gone. More are disappearing every day. Those vaunted splinters who still deceive the unwary into supporting them will soon go the way of the Shakers and several other now defunct groups. Those still living fairly well off the suckers who remain had better be seeking some other way to provide for themselves. There are steadily fewer and fewer of those suckers around.

  3. does a drought have to be permanent in order for it to qualify as punishment from God?

  4. It's patterns in weather that needs to be looked at, not just one year.
    You left out that God has given American manufacturing to the Chinese. The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away. This is why there are so many college educated bar tenders, waiters and waitresses.

  5. does a drought have to be permanent in order for it to qualify as punishment from God?

    I don't hold that someone who claims to be a True Prophet would only explain the reason for "punishments" after they happen. And a True Prophet would also tell you if the "punishment" was permanent, or even better, when it will end... even if "conditions apply".
    Instead, we have people ascribing their pet peeves as the reasons for certain events that have occurred.

  6. No, no, no. You do not understand. God is blessing the Work of Bwana Bob Thiel, Overseer and MFWIC of the Continuing Church of God. To show His blessing, he is giving MOST of California a reprieve from drought, with just one tiny portion remaining as a sign of His wrath on the rebellious nations.

    Also, it's a sign that God loves effeminate men. Including Bwana Bob.

  7. Get with the program, NO2HWA:

    "MUDSLIDES and FLOODING are a sure sign that God is literally POURING His wrath out on California!"

  8. They are hoping we don't remember that far. In many cases the turnover is so high that few have been in long enough to hear the drought predictions from 5 years ago.

  9. Every New Testament prophecy, speculation or promise of Jesus return and the times they lived in failed. From Paul to Revelation, they failed miserably. Most of the New Testament Apostles, by Old Testament standards should have been put to death. But that rule is never enforced because all prophecies fail which would wipe out a lucrative religious calling and prophecies can be fast forwarded to any age by applying the proper excuses and apologetics.

  10. Very typical CA weather pattern. 4 to 5 years of dryness, then a couple of years of extensive rain. Nothing unusual in the least, for both types of cycles. Is God mercifully rewarding California because the Los Angeles Dodgers lost the World Series, and Los Angeles Rams lost the Super Bowl???

  11. We are being punished with a never ending supply of false prophecies...

  12. The drought, if it were specifically planned as a punishment from God (as opposed to being part of normal weather cycles) would continue until it had the effect that God had in mind. Like the Ninevites repenting, the Israelites and Jews never again worshipping false gods, Pharaoh finally getting the point, etc.

    I wonder how many members of the GLBT community emailed Bob Thiel to let him know they had repented. Maybe if he gave us an accounting we could decide for ourselves if that's what caused the drought to be over. (snicker)

