Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, March 22, 2019

RCG: Future Homemakers of RCG Make Dinner For Select RCG Ministers

The women of the Home Economics Department gained experience for their role as a proper helpmate for their future husbands by fixing dinner for their adored Pastor General Dave Pack.  Nothing could have been more exciting than this grand culinary evening than to learn their place in a proper RCG household...in the kitchen, cooking and serving.  Dave likes that!


  1. Hum...nothing like a phallic symbol in the plate of the Pastor General! Of course, Dave is for sure, bigger.

  2. That could be David giving a middle finger to the poor in his church that paid for this evening.

  3. Fascinating:
    How this 'Armstrong-doomsday-Cult' endures much longer than similar apocalyptic cults like the 'Christadelphians', for example..

  4. I would have loved to see the 12 servers help themselves to "All things Common". This does not look so common.

  5. Why are there no women sitting at that dinner table for the meal? Is there some strange homoerotic thing going on between David Christ and the men who adore Him?

  6. This is Dave Pack's home. Look at all the luxury paid for by those selling all to give the gospel to the poor.

  7. Looks like a situation just made for stink bombs. Hmmmm. Probably nobody brave or clever enough. What a shame.


  8. "Ambassador Center Home Wrecker Economics" would be a more appropriate name for the group and event!

  9. The whole scene is stuck in a time warp. Pack himself is stuck in the 60s and seeks to impose old world standards on his followers as the true standard of righteousness. Sadly, as a former HQ minister, I once partook of this insanity. Thankfully I woke up and reclaimed a normak life while plenty of it still remains. I am sad for the folks still there who remain despite the total madness of what is being taught.

  10. Since this is an annual event, Mr. Pack has established that in his kingdom realm - the greatest among you shall be the greatest! This evant is just another example or teaching that is anti-Christ emanating from the RCG.

    The students and alumni would have been better educated and touched in the spirit by serving that four course meal to the poor at the local food bank. And better yet, the gold painted plates and fancy silverware and the royal furnishings could have been sold and donated to the same local food bank.

    What I find most shocking about this picture is the lack of an extra chair. Mr. Pack has been talking about the imminent return of the Son of Man to Wadsworth for how long, and here the apostle is with his fellow ordained men eating in a room in shock that events haven't happened as they thought, which would be a perfect opportunity for Christ to appear through the walls as he did long ago only to find all the chairs taken this time.

    Does this picture foretell what it will be like when Mr. Pack gains his ten cities as a reward and sits as king? How to serve in a royal setting will probably be first on the agenda in the reeducation of the world during Mr. Pack's millennial reign.

    1. Hey. There WAS an empty chair. It's just that Dave decided it was properly his. Everything is his.

  11. I was told I couldn't have a Valentines Day dinner by my husband, who of course is in RCG, but look they did! I guess pagan is as pagan does.

  12. To What: The empty "Elijah's chair" is a Jewish Passover thing. Check back with them in April about that.

    I also couldn't help noticing this event took place on what the pagan world calls Valentine's Day. Why couldn't they wait until Friday night the 15th, and have a type of the Sabbath "marriage supper"?

  13. Just a word of warning. You have pissed off some busybodies in Wadsworth. They are not happy that something meant for members only is now public. ROTFLMAO!

    1. Can’t imagine why, WBT. First, this material appears to be from some sort of official church publication, not some secret photos taken “under cover” by one of the attendees on a cell phone.

      And secondly, Dave appears to be copying HWA’s custom of dinners and special occasions in his home, pictures of which often appeared in church publications. So, wouldn’t this be seen as good PR?

      And, finally, if there is concern regarding some sort of leak, Dave would be left to contemplate the fact that one of his members sent the materials in to Banned. Displeasure with the staff or membership may result in a witch hunt, and the freeing of one of the slaves. So, something good may even come of this.


  14. The body of evidence is there that Daves church is a spiritual Looney bin. The ministers dishonor themselves by remaining in this church.

  15. After Dave had too much to drink, one of his ministers asked him "did you really swim 7000 miles in your youth?" To which Dave replied "Ha ha ha ha. The fools believe whatever I tell them. Ha ha ha ha."

  16. They are dining like kings while ruining members lives with their common doctrine. This makes these photos repulsive.

  17. David Pack is certainly living the live of one expecting the eminent return of Christ. He is frugal person. He is putting everything into the work. I mean his house. The average church member lives in similar dwellings. Since everything thins is common, feel free to move in to Mr. Pack's house. I am sure he has a spare bed room.

  18. I would have loved to see the 12 servers help themselves to "All things Common". This does not look so common.

    Maybe this gives us a hint about the multinational dinner theme: All Things Cumin ???

  19. looks a bit high cholesterol to me. Where are the greens? It all looks a bit lumpy and not very appetizing.

  20. Very high ceilings in the Pack mansion by the look if it, I'm estimating 12'

  21. Thank you to whomever is sending in this RCG info. Obviously, they are starting to see the light about Pack's organization, or would not be sending this in. Dave would be upset. As a former member, it is interesting to see what is going on in RCG. Things do appear to be atrophying in this organization. Until you leave, please keep sharing, hopefully others can be helped to see the light.

  22. Dave and his cohorts are enjoying the bad fruit of their wickedness. I hope that they enjoyed their meal as in the near future they will have their last meal in the lake of fire.
