Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, May 20, 2019

Dave Pack: Hear This...You will be burnt in literal ovens all over this world if you reject my words


  1. How passe and obsolete! Cant we be burned up in MICROWAVES now??

  2. I find it amazing that this nut job is still walking the streets. How would anyone who has a modicum of intellect would follow him? I think he is finding his island of sand getting smaller and smaller as people leave the nut factory.

  3. Hmm, sounds like he's copying the Roman Catholic Church of old. The we burn you if you forsake us thingy. It's extortion.

  4. Being incinerated would be less torturous than having to live under Dave in the RCG.


  5. When I didn't think there couldn't be anymore titles attached to Mr. Pack, it is now clear that he firmly believes he is the arbitrator of condemnation concerning those in the COGs who might be wavering in belief. So the flock of God not only has to worry about the coming man of sin and false prophets and evil men and deceivers, they now have to worry about the "oven master".

    In the crescendo of threats that would make the Akron mafia feel envious, Mr. Pack has all the more tightened the noose on his members' minds. Just a few short years ago, any one leaving his church was called just a heretic by Mr. Pack. Then a little later they were told the would be leaving everything "god built", the campus, the books and booklets and internet programs. Then it got ratcheted up to anyone that leaves, completely or almost completely loses the Holy Spirit. Now the wayward member is going to be burnt up in a oven.

    So lets look at what the cumulative tally of victims are going to be from the decree of death issued over the last couple of years by Mr. Pack. He said he is going to kill 1.5 million Israeli Jews in Jerusalem who refuse to listen to him. He said he is going to kill multiple billions in the world who refuse to listen to him. And since he has said over and over again that 80% of the people comprising the COGs will not make it, that means he is possibly going to kill 20,000 members of the Church of God who refuse to listen to him.

    Mr. Pack just doesn't realize that the people are not rejecting plain scriptures or even vague scriptures or vague scriptures made plain. They are quite plainly rejecting him. In this massive multi year sermon series titled The Greatest Story Never Told, one major theme stood out over and over. That theme was this was always a story about a person. So what could have been a truly captivating story about how God was going to execute the redemption of life in a world held captive, the story became "The Greatest Man Never Told". And that greatest man was none other than Dave Pack himself.

    It is quite a contrast to think that 2000 years ago a man walked the earth with a message about the restoration of and redemption of life and all that was required was repentance and belief. Now we have a man walking the earth stating boldly that all are going to die because they don't believe his plain words.

    So regardless whether a person is in his church or not, and regardless if that same person has repented and believes in the Redeemer, there is only a fiery oven awaiting them because they don't believe the plain words of David Pack.

    Once again, this is another example of Mr. Pack putting himself above Jesus Christ and God the Father. This isn't the first time nor will it be the last time but it has always been PLAINLY evident that this man believes he is above God.

    1. Agreed, WATT. Fear is the lowest type of motivator on the human scale. The problem with using fear is that people build a tolerance to it, and therefore the fear monger must constantly increase the level of fear. Is not this what we are witnessing in Dave’s behavioral patterns?

      Fear is used by stupid people who cannot grasp the higher forms of motivation. When used, it is insulting to the people upon whom it is inflicted, because it presumes that they are also stupid. It’s a cheap shot, a careless bombshell dropped to achieve compliance “quick and dirty”. Unlike inspiration, fear builds resentment and hatred. And of course the fear mongers are going to jump all over you about your attitude if you fail to comply, or speak negatively about their methodology.

      If Dave’s lifetime goal is to unite all the Armstrongites under his rule, he has failed miserably. That failure has got to be driving him crazy, hence the desperate moves which we keep learning about.


  6. Pack said he is "That Prophet". Jesus Christ is "That Prophet". Is Pack saying he is Jesus Christ?

  7. it has always been PLAINLY evident that this man believes he is above God.

    In principle, David Christ is no different from the scores of AC-trained ministers who have come to believe that because they are loyal lackeys to their human leaders, God is be bound to "bind" every decision they make. Dave is making God work harder, but in principle he is doing exactly the same thing that the Flurrys do, and that Rod McNair (Dave's nephew) does.

  8. What About the Truth said:

    "So the flock of God not only has to worry about the coming man of sin and false prophets and evil men and deceivers, they now have to worry about the "oven master".

    LOL...thanks for the new title for Dave. You got a good laugh out of me!

  9. I think he has an abnormal fixation on wanting people to die and finding reasons why they should, he thinks it should be by his doing as well.


  10. “Dave Pack: Hear This...You will be burnt in literal ovens all over this world if you reject my words”

    NO, hear THIS: You will be burnt badly if you listen to klepto-Dave Pack-of-lies.


  11. Anonymous on May 21, 2019 at 5:04 AM said...“I think he has an abnormal fixation on wanting people to die and finding reasons why they should, he thinks it should be by his doing as well.”

    Satan and the demons--the evil spirits behind David Pack's behavior--also have an abnormal fixation on wanting people to die and finding reasons why they should, and think it should be by their doing as well.


  12. David C. Pack: The Burning Man

    If you listen to David Pack, 100% of your assets will get burned up. Maybe 200% of your assets if he also gets you to borrow from the bank to support him. Worst of all, your mind will get badly fried too. After experiencing the faith-destroying David Pack treatment, the Lake of Fire might seem like just a little bit more heat.

    Interestingly, David Pack had written in the early years of his splinter group that the understanding that HWA was the prophesied Elijah who had “restored ALL things” was a great wall of defence against doctrinal heresy. If people truly believed that, it could now save them from listening to any more of David Pack's heretical nonsense. David Pack later went on to claim that he himself, and not HWA, was the Elijah with the power to “restore” whatever he wanted to, such as his “common” theft scam.

  13. Burnt in ovens? Dave Pack is an idiot. When the camp commander at Auschwitz was sentenced to death, the Polish judge said he presided over a camp at which several hundred thousand died. Not four million as we are usually told. There were only enough ovens to cremate those who died of "natural" (for wartime) causes, like hunger, sickness and old age. Even the Germans were nearly starving.

    1. Anonymous, you've just denied one of the main secular doctrines of modern history; i.e., that of the Holocaust. For that you could be indicted, tried, convicted, and imprisoned in several countries. Kudos for daring to oppose false orthodoxy!

  14. 3.51 AM
    Exactly. Several of my ministers had put themselves above God. It was obvious. They ignored scriptures when it suited them. To this day, they all know that the bible condemns lording behavior, but they do it anyway. They build up members from the pulpit, and slander others, usurping Gods right to exalt or abase. They are like Satan who desired to exalt his thrown above Gods.

    Perhaps Dave is projecting. After all, it's fire that will consume him and his like minded ministers.

  15. 9.58 AM
    Nazi Guy strikes again.
    Auschwitz is the most famous camp. But there were many others as the Wikipedia article "Extermination camps" points out. The article says that Auschwitz used "extermination by poison gas, but also through extreme work under starvation conditions."

  16. When Dave was a young man involved in WCG exorcism. He has told of other fellow Ministers contacting him for advice on exorcism. I wonder did Dave Pack really know what he was doing. What he was messing around with. With the remarks he says one wonders.

  17. @ 11:58 AM, NaziGuy stupidly conflates two phenomena, minimizing them both.

    There are international humanitarian guidelines even for prisoners in labor camps. Those guidelines are often ignored, as in Cambodia and Nazi Germany. Consider, however, that if you imprison as traitors a jeweler, a banker, a professor, and a farmer, there's a pretty good chance that if you make them do hard manual labor for 12+ hours a day, the farmer will be the last to collapse, and you just might kill the others if you keep up such a schedule.

    There is legitimate scholarly debate as to how many Jews died in the Holocaust, and what proportion were worked to death rather than directly murdered. Nevertheless, we know through the records kept at Yad Vashem that a minimum of 3.5 million deaths are accounted for, and no serious scholar posits a number below 4.1 million. Yes, "six million" is a shorthand that is probably unsupportable, but the scale and the scope of the killings is demonstrably vast.

    One of the saddest things about these Nazi trolls is that the same people who say "Six million Jews weren't holocausted" are often the ones who, when pressed in the right way, will concede, "It would have been better if more Jews had been killed."

  18. Nazi-Guy believes that poor little Hitler was just misunderstood and what he did was not that bad. People have to die anyway and that was just a side experience of the humanitarian camps Hitler set up to keep people employed. Most of his stuff I don't put through, it is too disgusting.

  19. I was reminded by this of “Twilight Zone” the movie, in which Vic Morrow’s character as a racist is transported back in time into situations which were faced by Jews in Nazi occupied France (WW-II), African Americans in the 1950s South, and as a soldier in Vietnam. I found myself thinking, wouldn’t it be nice if that same service could be performed for Nazi Boy? That’s about the only thing which could educate him from his foul world view. Either that, or if his children were to marry some of the minorities whom he hates, and he would learn some valuable lessons from his half-minority grand kids.


  20. If Pack was involved with an exorcism, whatever he was trying to remove probably went along with the game and joined itself to Pack instead. Maybe it realized that it could cause a lot more damage by jumping ship.

  21. Fire, I'll take you to burn
    Fire, I'll take you to learn
    I'll see you burn
    You fought hard and you saved and earned
    But all of it's going to burn
    And your mind, your tiny mind
    You know you've really been so blind
    Now's your time, burn your mind
    You're falling far, too far behind
    Oh no, oh no, oh no!
    You're gonna burn
    Dave Pack

