Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Is America the beast power?

Is America the beast power?
There are some people who believe the USA is the modern Babylon? 
Some of their reasoning is not really “reasoning”, but maybe they are on to something. 
 Babylon was the big bad empire in the last days of the Judean kings. 
Today, the USA is the undisputed military power – and some of its detractors consider it the big bad empire – or worse. 
 Who can make war with the beast? 
The USA has a strong interest in Israel – could they end up sending troops there? 
 You can make a case for the USA being the beast of Revelation. 
The problem you run into, is who is the false prophet? There are so many to choose from – and that is just in the COGs. There are also so many other contenders. 
 Now maybe you are wondering about the miraculous powers of the false prophet. 
Well, wonder no more. With today’s technology and some smart tech, you too can call down fire from heaven. The USA does it all the time already with its smart bombs. 
Having drone aircraft rain down fire is an easy one for people with the right tech. 
 Now, we are still left with the two witnesses – two people with an Internet connection broadcasting live from Jerusalem, studying the weather forecasts for droughts and floods, and local news for fires. 
Could this scenario be true?
No idea, but the COGs need a new prophecy line to get some excitement and recruits with money.

submitted by TLA


  1. The second you start an observation with "What if?" , then any kind of conclusion can be derived.

  2. not exactly

    the USA/NATO/Israel block is the beast power of Rev 13, led by the King of the North, Trump. (aka the antichrist)

    Iran is the King of the South (Dan 11:40-44)

    Russia/China/BRICS are the Kings from the East (Dan 11:40-44)

    all leading to Armageddon (Rev 16:12)

    "America" comes from the god "Ama Ruka", and means plumed serpent, ie satan...it's on the back of a one dollar bill.

    clear enough...??

  3. When the early catholic church fathers were finally forced by Constantine I to put together the NT canon in the mid 4th century, the Apocalypse of John was not a very popular book. Even at that time, the early catholic church fathers couldn't figure out who wrote it and were mostly were of the opinion it was a forgery. It was the last book to be voted into the canon. In Eastern christianity, it never was accepted, so it never even appeared in Eastern canons.

    By the 4th century there were hundreds of christian books floating around. There were at least 40 different gospels, at least 20 different apocalypses, 20 books of acts, and dozens of extra epistles, and these are just the more popular ones we know about. There were some tentative canons that had been proposed but no definitive consensus yet. The problem was, the information needed to sort out this chaotic mess of forgeries had was lost a long time ago already. If it hadn't been for Constantine forcing the issue, there would undoubtedly be a lot more disparity between canons than there already is.

    Into this soup of pseudepigrapha the early catholic church fathers were prodded to dip their ladels and draw out something from the tohu and bohu. But did they get it right?

    For starters, we already know that only 7 of the 13 Pauline epistles were written with the same hand, so at minimum, 6 Pauline epistles currently in the canon are forgeries. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. The canonical gospels, Acts, Hebrews, 1, 2, and 3 John are nine more books that were written anonymously, and the late attributions which have been hung on some of them ought to be scant solace. And just because a book claims to be written by someone, that is no guarantee it actually was. In the ancient world it was a common tactic to write up your opinion and attribute it to someone authoritative in an attempt to provide traction for your ideas. In short, the early catholic church fathers didn't have the information they would have needed to sort out the sheep from the goats, and what's more, we know they failed.

    Despite this crisis, christians everywhere, including those in the COGs, respond by sticking their heads in the sand and pretending there is no crisis, and hanging their faith on what's known to be forgeries. Yes, despite their rejection of almost everything catholic as tainted and faulty, COG christians continue to accept a catholic canon that is known to be faulty.

    Why do they do it? It's easier than biting the bullet, I guess.

    How do they do it? Just like the myths and legends behind British-Israelism which they spin into gospel truths, they like the myth and legend that "John of Patmos" must have been John the disciple, and that he's the one who must have written the apocalypse, and that when he finished doing that, he canonized the New Testament, and that things never descended into chaos. It's a nice tale, but there's literally no reason to believe that's where the NT canon came from. It was voted on by the early catholic church fathers, and a lot of that voting process is still preserved in catholic writings. And that's how we know the Apocalypse of John was the last book that was finally dragged, amidst much kicking and screaming, into the canon. Yes, the canon we have came from chaos, and it still contains the chaos out of which it was born.

    And if it weren't for Athanasius of Alexandria, who tirelessly campaigned for its inclusion in the canon, it would be just one more pseudepigraphical eschatology, along with all the rest.

    1. Thank you! A rare breath of understanding forgeries and the less than "God breathed" nature of the NT including The Revelation of "John". Where have you been! 😉👍


  4. Anon 453 said..."the USA/NATO/Israel block is the beast power of Rev 13, led by the King of the North, Trump. (aka the antichrist) Iran is the King of the South (Dan 11:40-44) Russia/China/BRICS are the Kings from the East (Dan 11:40-44) all leading to Armageddon (Rev 16:12)

    I don't know if you're actually serious, but I gotta disagree. The KOTN is Europe. Since the rise of the 3rd beast (Greek Empire) it has been the central location fulfilling Bible prophecy. So it's safe to assume it'll be a European power that fulfill the KOTN prophecy in the future. The KOTS is going to be a nation south of Jerusalem (and with it a combination of nations that includes this nation at its head). The KOTE I agree are Russia, China, India, and others yet to align.

  5. USA is the great melting pot for all the original beast nations plus for many other nations.
    Let’s get real here- Europe has focused on material goods - their military does not frighten anyone.
    If USA and Russia and China would follow their lead, the world would be happier- except for the prophecy buffs who are looking forward to mass destruction.

  6. What I want to know is, whose place of safety do you boogie down with? What pharisaic ACOG leader can you rely upon not to reinstitute Old Covenant stoning? If your leader is a real prick now, can you imagine him without the good ol’ constitution and bill of rights restraining him???

    Fortunately, we don’t need to worry about this during our lifetimes. Hopefully, in 225 years, Armstrongism will have been stamped out!


  7. anon said:

    I don't know if you're actually serious, but I gotta disagree. The KOTN is Europe. Since the rise of the 3rd beast (Greek Empire) it has been the central location fulfilling Bible prophecy. So it's safe to assume it'll be a European power that fulfill the KOTN prophecy in the future. The KOTS is going to be a nation south of Jerusalem (and with it a combination of nations that includes this nation at its head). The KOTE I agree are Russia, China, India, and others yet to align.
    May 16, 2019 at 8:42 PM

    ROME was/is the King of the North, and it is NORTH of Jerusalem, just like Brussels is, home of the NORTH Atlantic Treaty Organization.

    the USA/NATO block is the military might of the KN, and is the fourth reich of the Roman Empire.(and last reich)

    Mecca and Medina are SOUTH of Jerusalem, and Iran is now Islamic, and is the KS.

  8. There's no "king of the west" in Bible prophecies that I know of (which the USA would definitely fit). There's only references to "king of the north," "kings of the east" and "king of the south" which would mean the USA won't be a major player in the end time. It'll probably be a vassal state to the European beast power or a combination of powers (eg Europe, Russia, China, etc) which might be due to a financial collapse leaving it susceptible to invasion by within and without.


  9. There's no "king of the west" in Bible prophecies that I know of (which the USA would definitely fit). There's only references to "king of the north," "kings of the east" and "king of the south" which would mean the USA won't be a major player in the end time. It'll probably be a vassal state to the European beast power or a combination of powers (eg Europe, Russia, China, etc) which might be due to a financial collapse leaving it susceptible to invasion by within and without.
    May 19, 2019 at 9:01 PM

    ever hear of John Bolton?
