Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Kevin Dean Sentenced to 40 Years In Prison, 2nd Case Pending

From one of Kevin's victims:

The PA called me this morning to let me know the good news.... Kevin Owen Dean pled guilty this morning and was sentenced to 40 years. He will do at least 20. There is another case pending in Cob county. That bastard is going to rot in jail for the rest of his life!!! I am so full of emotions..... 


  1. He is a pedophile that sexually abused Imperial and church girls.

  2. People Search lists Dean as 68 years old. He will minimally then be in jail until the age of 88. Life actuarial tables show that only about 30% of 68 year olds live until the age of 88. This is of course assuming that he is released just as soon as possible, and that additional charges will not be added.

    Odds are that Dean will die in prison, eating off a plastic plate, in jump suit, far away from the glitz and glamour of being part of the HWA entourage and jet setting around the world.

    1. Who even knows what his health is right now? If he’s not part of that “lucky” 30%, he could actually have a terminal disease as we speak.

      This isn’t a white collar crime like Weinland’s tax fraud. Kevin will have a much rougher go of it in prison. There is no sympathy for pedofiles anywhere on the face of the earth. Lowest human life form!


  3. Tonto, have you considered that this may be the best thing that ever happened to Kevin Owen Dean?

    Dean spent most of his life in a quasi-religious bubble that taught him to put on a façade of righteousness but didn't require him to heal his wicked heart. Now, humbled and ruined within the confines of prison, Dean may finally be moved to repentance and conversion, and may secure for himself a better place in the afterlife than the scummy Joe Tkach Jr. and his crew. Tkach will go to his grave having spent a lifetime trusting in the riches of gullible tithe-payers, and I fear for his eternity. Dean will now be at the bottom of his new society's pecking order, as child molesters are despised even by murderers and adult perverts in prison. If Dean isn't dead within a year in a mysterious "accident" brought on him by inmates who hate child molesters (many inmates were themselves victims of such molesters), he will be on the road to confronting his past, repenting, and making what amends he can.

  4. Good..hope they catch and charge every single one of these pervs from the COGs past and present. That would wipe out half of them.

  5. I wouldn't assume that 68-year-olds in prisons survive to be 88 at the same statistical rate as 68-year-olds in the general public.

    Wouldn't be surprised if 68-year-old pedophiles in prisons do not survive to be 88 at all.

  6. 2.05 PM
    This man has had every opportunity to repent. If such a person hasn't repented by age 68, chances are he's history. That's the way the real world works.

  7. Despite all the reporting (good job), I actually have no clue as to what he really did.

    I may have different standards regarding consent, the age of consent, what constitutes a minor, or for that matter the length of sentences. (based on Mary's or Empresses lilke elisabeth of austria"s age)

    My comment is not in any way intended to defend atrocities.

    It is triggered by a complete lack of knowing what actually transpired and a 40 years sentence which in the entire western world any many other nations would be regarded as insane and barbaric. (mostly 20 years for murderers, often shortened to 12)

    Perhaps I'll bump into a site that transfers that info to form my own opinion, since I'm not actively seeking that information. (I miss Conny for providing such.)

    40 years sentence does suggest terrible deeds I admit. I'm just not willing to take or trust Saudi standards or any others (Georgia) for crime unless they match those of the rest of the civilised world.

    Otherwise, good riddance and congrats to the victims.


  8. Sexually abused his stepdaughter and an underage girl from Imperial. These are only just two of the girls he sexually assaulted. When I was in Imperial we heard stories of a number of girls that he preyed upon. Imperial had several pedophiles as teachers. Both girls and boys were the victims.

  9. 11:14

    That is a horrid account 11:14.

    I'm just inserting my take as one not willing to witchhunt people like Woody Allen (Soon Yi), or Michael Jackson for that matter. But I'm all for prosecution of abusers of trust, power, authority or work related relationships within the hierarchy.

    I heard a book is out claiming 80 percent of catholic priests are homosexual.

    I'm willing to defend the catholics on certain points and even Harvey Weinstein in perhaps 50 percent of the accusations, for the other 50 percent he may rot in gehenna.

    I heard Alabama just moved to the strictest laws regarding abortion. I'm willing to defend liberty and freedom everywhere anywhere and of course limit that freedom according to the latest science.

    (btw the latest scientific research does not find any redeeming power in the American prison system, punishing yes that's all fine and dandy)


  10. Its hard to believe that HWA didn't know about this. On the other hand if he did he didn't care because he himself was a pervert and should have been put in jail for what he did as well. I urge every armstrongite to take a long hard look at this. This was the culture of the old WCG. This was the "true church of God"? The fruit says otherwise.

  11. Nck, are you forgetting that Dean several years ago fled from his previous trial? I'm sure that one big motivator of the 40 year sentence is not the molestation, but rather his decision to flee the country before being captured and brought back for the trial that should have been finished seven or eight years ago. Had Dean submitted to the legal process eight years ago, he might have received a 20 year sentence, served eight of those years already, and with good behavior be looking forward to release in 2021. Dean is the one who chose to flee, and by doing so aggravated people's perception of how he himself viewed the seriousness of his crimes.

    Also, about those crimes, remember that Dean was charged with 13 crimes, including "aggravated" molestation. Without his going fugitive, he might not have received a 40 year sentence, but his alleged crimes are much more than some guy fondling a teenage girl's breasts. In Georgia, "aggravated" child molestation means either that the victim was physically injured in a serious way, or that sodomy was performed.

  12. This man has had every opportunity to repent. If such a person hasn't repented by age 68, chances are he's history. That's the way the real world works.

    Fortunately, Jesus Christ disagrees with you, having accepted the repentant attitude of the thief on the cross just moments before his death. Dean spent most of his adult life in a privileged bubble which told him that he had already repented and was one of the elite. Prison should give him his first real opportunity for genuine repentance, if it doesn't get him shanked by some inmate who is still resolving the traumas from his own molestation.

  13. I heard a book is out claiming 80 percent of catholic priests are homosexual.

    So what? According to Jesus Christ, nearly 100 percent of heterosexuals are murderers by His standard for murder. The book says that it is almost impossible to get a good statistic about homosexuality in the Catholic priesthood, because many homosexual priests successfully keep the same vow of celibacy that heterosexual priests keep. Nevertheless, the percentage of sexually active homosexuals in the Catholic priesthood is scandalously high, probably in the 25-30 percent range.

    Remember, too, that the percentage of pedophiles in the Pastor Generalship of WCG was at least 33 percent.

  14. nck, the Georgia court record shows that Dean was charged not just with aggravated child molestation (anal penetration with his sex organ), but with two counts of aggravated sexual battery (forced penetration with something other than his sex organ). This wasn't just an old man fondling a young woman.

  15. 3.15 AM
    "Fortunately, Christ disagrees with you."

    No, it's only you who disagrees with me. Claiming that your opinion is the same as Gods, is bullying, and intellectually dishonest.
    I remind that that the parable of the sower is applicable to those with a "repentant attitude." Some repentant Christian start off well, then fall away. Common experience in any church congregation or denomination confirms this. Prisons are notorious for having gifted inmates who have failed to develop their gifts due to lack of perseverance.
    The way the world "should work" and the way it really is, are often very different.
    And no, Dean wasn't a child. He knew that he wasn't repentant.

  16. Well, if this was all non consentual I rest my case. As a matter of fact there is no case to be made in favor, its good riddance then.

    Yes I did consider the "fleeing to Assyria" part. He could have gone the way of Assange.

    I don't mind the catholic priests being homosexual. It would be 100 percent logical concerning the job description.

    It would be worrisome though considering the culture of child abuse among the clergy during the ages.


  17. He can preach 'the truth' to his fellow inmates, like that other felon who murdered his wife.

    1. And the one who didn’t pay his taxes and committed fraud.

  18. tares do not a church make...

    c f ben yochanan

  19. He deserves life for the murder of his wife

  20. Pardon the Ocelot are you saying Kevin Dean has murdered his wife ??

    1. Not what he is saying. A recent event focused on another COG ministurd who went to prison for killing his wife.

    2. What's that got to do with this thread ? Anon 2:21 And who said the Ocelot is a he ?

  21. In the court systems, they deal primarily between corporations via maritime law. So when they brought charges against the corporation "KEVIN OWEN DEAN" they wanted someone to take RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY FOR THE CORPORATION.
    And since the flesh-and-blood Kevin Owen Dean came to the courts that day the courts wanted him to be the liable party. The one who would fulfill the remedy if any damages was proved by the state.
    So Kevin Dean flat the courts and his corporation was found guilty by default. The charges could have been erroneous but because there was no representation for the corporation, the corporation was handled by Court officials and therefore defaulted to a loss.
    This new case is when they got ahold of the flesh and blood Kevin Dean and now all holding him as a reliable and responsible party for the corporation that was charged years ago.
    So the alleged crimes was charged against the corporation by default because there was no representation at court proceedings. So I only see legal Babble, being used to say Kevin Dean is guilty. Where is evidence? There are many legal trappings that can make someone look guilty even if they are innocent. Just because he didn't make a court appearance doesn't mean the charges are legit. Reminds me of the Jesuits and how court proceedings art to make innocent people look guilty.
    Where is the truth?

  22. 2:21~ Ssshhhh! 9:18 is probably one of the members of the forum quoted in Gary’s “Dark Year” post! Yuk, yuk, yuk!


  23. Being charged guilty because a case went into default(do to not showing up in court), does not mean the man or woman is guilty of the alleged crime.

    1. Sam, you don't sound like you were there. There are hundreds of us who know KOD and others that may or may not get justice in this life are guilty as all fuck.

  24. Of course not Sam.

    It's just that IF guilty the sentence is likely to be higher than lower if a person flees the court.


  25. So I only see legal Babble, being used to say Kevin Dean is guilty. Where is evidence? There are many legal trappings that can make someone look guilty even if they are innocent.

    Samuel Kitchen, you are one sick puppy, calling the testimony of raped women "legal Babble." I fear for the vulnerable young women in the Kitchen family.

  26. Well Samuel Kitchen if Kevin Owen Dean is innocent then doing a runner from court and fleeing to the other side of the world, is not a wise way of going about proving his alleged innocence.

    So Samuel Kitchen can no-one from Ambassador College sin? Can no-one baptised be punished for crimes ? Your absurd comments raise more questions than you can ever answer.

    I find it astonishing that when horrific crimes are committed with the evidence stacked against them you have
    A. people from who think it's amusing and react oddly.
    B. people who defend the undefendable.

    On these acts alone you realise the COG movement is in dangerous waters.

  27. But fleeing a district, unto a another jurisdiction, in fear that no justice will be provided, is a smart move too, especially if you are innocent. Even the apostle Paul appealed unto Ceasar.
    From what I heard, is that the accuser in 2010 was falsely charging him in order to get him jailed.(she had done similar things before?)
    In Georgia if someone is charged with 20 charges, they automatically get jailed from what I heard.
    And 12 of those charges were said to have taken place in a building...but guess what that building wasn't built yet!
    Now when a crooked county, and a judge looking to make her career off of your case, stands there ready to railroad you, I would do the same. And so just because the case went into default, and on paper says you are guilty, doesn't make you guilty.
    What testimony? I read a piece written by No2HWA, saying it was a quote, but no source was listed and nothing was there to corroborate the story. This is how the media spins the story, yet nothing is made available for readers to make up their own mind about the facts and truth! They are just told what to think, and told how guilty someone is. That's not going to cut it!
    I don't condone heinous deeds and sin, but I don't believe every windbag that wants to slant the story. Fake news anyone? Or dig for the facts and truth? I choose the latter. You guys want people to have prejudice before any facts come out. That's one red flag for me.

  28. Mr Kitchen,
    Seriously? You are comparing Kevin Owen Dean to the apostle Paul, and also playing the 'Fake News!' card?

    Among other red flags, the fact that you said, "I would do the same.", makes me wonder why you'd relate to him like that.

    I do realize, though, that there are those who were once in Armstrong's 'church', who find comfort in having a persecution complex.

  29. Samuel Kitchen wrote:

    fleeing a district, unto a another jurisdiction, in fear that no justice will be provided, is a smart move too, especially if you are innocent.

    That's true if you are not trying to practice Christianity. The NT doesn't teach, "obey authority unless you are falsely accused." It doesn't teach, "seek to avoid unjust suffering." Christians are taught to obey the civil authorities, and if they are treated unjustly to take it with joy, knowing that in their unjust suffering they are united with their Savior, Jesus Christ.

    We are told that we can judge a tree by its fruits. We can't say whether or not Kevin Dean is guilty of the molestation charges, but we CAN say that if he is innocent he is NOT a Christian.

    1. What about David fleeing King Saul? He should have just stayed still? What about Elijah the prophet when hunted down? What about the Christians who fled during the middle ages? Should they have just stayed? Bah! What kind of logic is this? And how is it based on the Bible? A great deal is based off a misunderstanding of Romans 13.

  30. Samuel Kitchen, I am wondering what you think about the Stephen Allwine case, the man who was convicted of murdering his wife. It seems the jury unanimously arrived at a verdict in a very short time. I think he was in United. Not sure which one Kevin Dean is/was in.

    Do you also think that Stephen Allwine was innocent, he claims he is apparently? And at least at the beginning many church members came to the trial to give support. I am not sure if they drifted away when they heard the evidence. Of course when someone is murdered you do have a body, and we all know how unreliable females are when they talk about sexual assault etc.

  31. I have not seen Aaron Dean ever mention his brother when he pops up from time to time on forums.
    Samuel - you would be more believable if his brother also defended him.

  32. Anonymous said...The NT doesn't teach, "obey authority unless you are falsely accused." It doesn't teach, "seek to avoid unjust suffering." Christians are taught to obey the civil authorities, and if they are treated unjustly to take it with joy, knowing that in their unjust suffering they are united with their Savior, Jesus Christ.
    May 17, 2019 at 12:01 PM

    Aside from whether Dean is innocent or guilty of the charges I don't see anything in Samuel Kitchen's comments that contradict or undermine the Bible. Some might accuse anyone of being guilty simply because they make a run for it and go into hiding--it doesn't mean they're in fact guilty of whatever the prosecution is charging them with or their accusers are alleging they did. You don't even know what you'll do in similar circumstances since you might claim at present that you'd never do this or that if you were in such and such circumstances, but not until you actually are in those circumstances will you know. It's easy to judge someone when you're not facing the same kind of circumstances. I know of one lass who was opposed to abortion and heard her friend had an abortion. She was adamant saying "I'd never have an abortion. It's terrible what she's done. etc" And yet years after marrying and having 2 kids she aborted her 3rd child because she was afraid he'd inherit a gene that would make him susceptible to a terminal disease later in his adulthood.

    And what about Peter who the angel released from prison (Acts 12). Are you implying that because a way of escape was granting him he shouldn't have taken it? He should've stayed put in prison to face whatever Herod was planning on dishing out to him? That it was unChristian of Peter to go into hiding away from Herod and his accusers? I highly doubt it!

  33. The frightened and confused mind of Anon 9:39PM seems unable to distinguish scriptural analysis from personal attack. The truth of Biblical guidance, when it agrees with itself and when it contradicts itself, stands or falls whether or not I would follow that guidance myself. Whether or not I would flee a false accusation (or a true one) has nothing to do with the Bible giving contradictory example and advice.

    Besides, it's just silly to think that someone would hide out in Germany and Mexico to escape a potential 20-year prison sentence that he had to know would become much longer if he were caught. Had Dean gone forward with the trial years ago, he might easily be just a year or two away from release right now.

    I'll close by pointing out that there is a world of difference between avoiding arrest and fleeing a court proceeding. There's also a world of difference between obeying an angel and seeking one's own way. Of course, the mere fact that David or Peter did something doesn't mean that they did the right thing; that's for God to decide.

  34. Correction I'm neither "frightened" nor "confused" Anon 4:53 I think you're projecting. All I did was merely point out 12:01's selective proof texting of a couple Bible passages to support their narrow and simplistic interpretation of how they think a Christian is supposed to act when charged with a crime, while ignoring the many other verses and examples from Scripture on the subject. I will say this, your closing words are commendatory as they answer 12:01's false assertion that "We can't say whether or not Kevin Dean is guilty of the molestation charges, but we CAN say that if he is innocent he is NOT a Christian" namely "that's for God to decide."

  35. If people are truly concerned for Kevin Dean, and feel that he has suffered a miscarriage of justice, then put your money where your mouth is. Mount a defense. Initiate an appeal.

    Otherwise, about the only thing you could do for him at this point is to send him tubes of Anusol.


  36. KOD and many higher-ups that helped cover up years of abuse are guilty as sin. There are plenty of us who were there. This mess is not over yet.

  37. None of you know the harm he has caused many of us that met him under his alias while he was on the run. He continued to prey and manipulate, he had us all convinced that he was a good person but he is pure evil. He targeted unknowingly young uneducated women with young children. I even found my own son's picture on his office desk along with the 4 year old daughter of his young (domestic maid) girlfriend but not one picture of them. I was with him when he was captured and blamed by his aiding and abetting friends to the extent that KD had a hit man call my boss and fabricate blatant lies in an attempt to get my boss to pay the hitman to have me murdered. The criminal left 30 audio clips that I have now heard and have turned over to the police. The first clip had "Rocky" introduce himself as calling on behalf of KD. My life has been a nightmare since then, and NO I did not turn him in, we were at the airport having a business meeting before his flight. It's naive to think that he wasn't be hunted. I have known him now 7 years and he's evil. He manipulates, lies, steals to get what he wants. I wish I had never met him. He is today and will always be dangerous. If I meet my demise, he will be behind it. He continues to try and communicate with people from Jail, hopefully his efforts will stop in prison or maybe not. All I want to say to all of you is, I can only speak of who, what and how he portrayed himself while on the run and he's not a good person. Oh and my son caught him online once while at our house once looking at child pronography, he told me, I confronted him but he denied it. I didn't have proof other than my son's word and would have never thought that it was possible that he was that type of person. As years went by we all saw him in action and his method of segregating people and playing them against one another to gain control. He's many things but for sure what he's not is a Christian. I have only touched on a few things and struggled with whether or not it's wise to post this but I think it's important insight for all to consider so you can form informed opinions.

  38. I made a separate post with this. I am willing to post anything you want to send me. No2HWA@yahoo.com
