Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, July 8, 2019

Dave Pack: God is Leading Me


  1. "It all sorta came to fit". Inspiring words while his members were having after services brain storming sessions complete with maps and story lines trying to figure it all out.

    That he got much of the dissertation wrong is shameful enough. That he had the audacity to add himself into the "prophecy" as almost every biblical figure that there is was a classic way of doubling down on wrong.

    Right now the puzzle maker is shifting the pieces once again trying to get the Son of man to come to Wadsworth gardens. And if it takes another 100 sermons his people are ready and ready to be electrified.

    It all came to fit in his mind, but where is the COG remnant? Where is the appearance of the Man of Sin? Where is the third temple? Where is the Son of Man? Where is the worldwide announcement of who I am? Where is a whole church membership empowered with "exousia"?

    For a man who claims he is working under the inspiration of God in the age of increased knowledge there is a long track record of WRONG and FALSE associated with this man. Yet he wants me and you and the whole world to believe he has correctly understood and completed the puzzle.

    Puzzling is the word, and puzzled is what most of his membership is, and who is looking to buy his puzzle?

  2. I'm sure Pack's god is leading him. It just doesn't happen to be Jesus Christ. That would explain everything that comes out of his mouth.

  3. Sounds to me like he needs to be in the local psych ward.

  4. God leads his enemies into perdition. Once we realize that, it is so easy to understand the underwhelming Pack phenom.


  5. The god of this world is leading Dave Pack.

  6. The good thing is that when Dave is absolutely 100 percent convinced of something being absolutely true, cannot be denied, we can rest assured it isn't and is deniable. . Knowing this rule allows one to get on with their actual life without fear, guilt or the shame Dave pedals to keep his forgettable church going.

  7. The real Elijah and also Jesus Christ , raised people from the dead. How many people had Wacky Packy raised from the dead??

  8. The real Elijah and also Jesus Christ , raised people from the dead. How many people had Wacky Packy raised from the dead??

  9. So Dave's words are words direct from Gods mouth. And what are these words? They are 'give me all your money. I want it all. Bags and bags of the stuff.'

  10. Top Six Signs Pack Is A Narcissist

    1 - Grandiose sense of self-importance
    2 - Lives in a fantasy world that supports their delusions of grandeur
    3 - Needs constant praise and admiration
    4 - Sense of entitlement
    5 - Exploits others without guilt or shame
    6 - Frequently demeans, intimidates, bullies, or belittles others


    1. Spot on. I witnessed this daily at HQ during my 10 years there as an inner circle minister.

  11. If Pack really is being led by a god, he seems to be being led only into temptation and delusion, sorta like Ahab in 1 Kings 22.

    Matthew 6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

    Pack: "No, both of those are fine. That's where I wanted to go."

  12. Pack seems to have PK disease.

  13. Anon 1:01 PM, Pack seems to prefer Psalms 23:4. Let's not forget that Rod and his staff caused the present problem by comforting Dave for five or six years instead of responding to the many warnings and complaints sent to HQ by Global Church of God brethren.


  14. This is not going to end well.

    Pack appears to be practicing a form of occultic spiritualism.
    He admits to being led by a spirit being. He says this spirit being is talking through him.
    He admits he does not know where puzzle pieces fit. Thus admitting this spirit is confusing him and he does not know whats next.

    Packs spin is to claim the Spirit being is God the Father or Jesus Christ. Anyone with a basic understanding of scripture knows this to be false.

    Either the spirit being will change it's mind about visiting the compound or this situation will go even worse.

  15. Anon 9:03PM + Anon 3:59AM + Anon 2:55PM

    We were some of those Global Brethren.. AND got close to Dave Pack for a while..

    Dave has evil spirits with him, we saw evidence(which we can't repeat)...not to mention the suicides in his NY churches years ago!

    This situation is very serious RCOG people need our prayers:
    * Dave has long ago pushed the Real God out of RCOG
    * RCOG people should realize the warning I Sam 16:14 may apply
    When the leader departs from God, disaster to a church just
    like to Israel then
    * RCOG people still don't recognize a False Prophet right in front of them


  16. In Revelation, the people of the church in Philadelphia were told to hold on to what they have so that no one will take their crown. Trying to hold on to biblical truth and morality is a very risky and dangerous task. Satan is now so angry at people who try to do it that he sends raging, lying, stealing, betraying, vomiting, false prophets like David Pack to utterly destroy them.


  17. Anonymous on July 10, 2019 at 5:51 AM said...“Dave has long ago pushed the Real God out of RCOG”

    The real God was never in David Pack's RCG, nor in Gerald Flurry's PCG. Both were satanic frauds from the very start. Some people think that these false prophets and their satanic imposter cults were originally good and only later went bad. The fact is that Satan was behind both of them from the very beginning. They both pretended to be faithfully holding on to what HWA had taught so they could attract his followers. Then, it became all about Gerald Flurry and David Pack and all their new revelations about how great they supposedly are.

  18. Anon 8:29AM

    I'm Anon 5:51, and I almost put that disclaimer in my original post, as in "the REAL God was never in that....." Look, I cited Dave's long ago behavior!

    Your point is valid, AND I'll add to your post that Gerald Flurry stole/fabricated/lied and wrote up "Malachi's [so-called!] Message from Juan Devares' letters to Laodicea! So PCG also started based on lies/fabrications on top of him being a false prophet too.

    Let's warn God's People everywhere about how serious these days are.

    From scripture we should remember;
    1. Satanic Frauds which were frauds all the way from Day 1
    2. The tragedy of men and groups that start out with good intentions
    only to morph into something very bad later
    (Look at example of King Saul and King Solomon)

    Finally, I know former employees/members of RCG. Some very well meaning and smart people, taken in.

    RCG and PCG (among others) they need our prayers
