Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Dave Pack: My Family Has Abandoned Me


  1. When you abandon sanity, decorum, and stability, or embrace addiction, abuse or adultery, then one should expect that ones family has the right (if not the duty) to place barriers on contact and engagement with them.

    Pack, realize that it is not because of hate, but rather loving concern for both you and for their own families that this is happening. You need serious mental counseling and a repentance from your demonic thought processes and megalomania.

  2. Nobody feels sorry for this psychopath.

  3. The kids are responding to their fathers love. There was none. Just harshness and misery.

  4. Didn't Jesus warn Christians that they were supposed to love Him more than they love their families? Why does Dave hate Jesus' command?

  5. Dave's family members have disfellowshiped him?

  6. Plain and simple. Dave is a spiritual Pepe LePew, the little skunk incapable of realizing just why nobody else considers him lovable or adores him.

    Introspection, Dave! Take introspection and then try to become a real human being!


  7. What I don't understand is why hasn't his family had him committed? Not just for his own good but for the good of his followers. If Jim Jones family had done that then history might read differently.

  8. It’s because your obnoxious Dave. And they know that you are a scammer and in it for the money, they have seen and heard the behind the doors truth and they know what a liar you are, what a hypocrite you are. They can’t stand to be around you because you are a bad person and they don’t want their children (your grand baby boys) abused emotionally like you abused them. What’s the end game Dave? What is your goal? You will die and become worm food just like your role model Herb. What you predict will not happen if you are basing it on some mystery code that only you understand from the Bible. I predict that you will be remembered as a loser. You are a loser David C. Pack. Your fortune is I’ll gotten from the con job you are pulling on the gullible and naive. You should have stuck with selling vitamins. You have really screwed up my family. I will celebrate your heart attack or stroke. I hope you get arrested for fraud. It is extortion through coercion. Gettin all loud and spit flying out of your stinking mouth. No wonder your family has left you. Damn shame how you let your first wife die from a treatable condition. Despicable how you courted her nurse while your wife was still alive, then married her less than a year after your Shirley died. And you wonder why your kids don’t want to be around you. If they tried to explain you would interrupt them and get loud and try to justify your outrageous behavior. It’s easier to just avoid you. That’s why Dave. No big mystery. But you really don’t get it. Obviously

  9. I hope you get arrested for fraud. It is extortion through coercion.

    The First Amendment allows Dave to make all sorts of ridiculous religious promises that cannot be prosecuted as fraud. However, if in his hundreds of hours of recorded sermons, Dave ever made a physical promise in exchange for members' donations, that's exactly the kind of mistake that could open him to prosecution. The other likely opening for prosecution would occur if Dave solicited money for one purpose but auditors can document that he spent it for something else. Dave is just slippery enough that I doubt either of these scenarios will apply.

  10. The comments so far have failed to indemnify where Dave is coming from. A trait of psychopaths of one of ever tightening the noose around their victims neck. Dave is conditioning his victims to accept the negative consequences of accepting his lies as somehow virtuous and the price of successful Christian living. It's rigging the rules and twisting his members sense of normalcy.
    This reminds of a former vile minister criticising me for avoiding church crazies. The wolves don't want their victims escaping their clutches.

  11. Most corrupt COG leaders have forgotten about free moral agency. God doesn't force us to obey Him yet false prophets like DCP and others just expect people to do as he says, even if it is contradicts The Bible. Left RCG 15 years ago, and never looked back!

  12. 11.59 AM
    HWA ministers rejected free moral agency from the very beginning.
    It's a major reason why these churches keep shrinking rather than prospering.
    But things won't change since power lust (mis-labeled "administering Gods government") is everything.

  13. "God doesn't force us to obey"

    Exactly! That's why I think so many are confused about covenants and law, they are two separate things.

    I believe God's law has existed from creation but God did not force anyone to obey. It was voluntary.

    When Abraham obeyed God's laws, statutes, commands, etc. God made a Promise to him that humanity's savior would come from his lineage. God did not require obedience from his children, obedience was still voluntary.

    It was 430 years later, because of transgressions, that God added a second covenant requiring obedience. I personally believe he did this because disobedience had gotten so bad, and it wasn't quite time for him to send Jesus, so a covenant demanding obedience to slow the disobedience was required.

    Under this covenant, the Mt. Sinai covenant, the law was no longer voluntary, it was mandatory. However for the rest of the world obeying God's law was still voluntary, but by this time all had forgotten God's law. (This tends to support the belief that God is allowing mankind to do his own thing until Jesus' kingdom is established)

    Once Jesus came the Mt. Sinai covenant requiring law keeping ended. Now obedience to God's law is once again voluntary for everyone, including the church.

    The purpose of the New Covenant in Jesus' blood is to forgive sins, not to give a new set of laws. (law of love) If the New Covenant required law keeping, even the "law of love", once one got angry with another without a cause, he would be guilty of breaking the covenant.

    This is why it makes no sense for the New Covenant in Jesus' blood to require anything except faith in Jesus.

    However anyone breaking God's law, even though it's a voluntary law and not mandatory, still requires either death or redemption through the New Covenant in Jesus' blood.

    The New Covenant in Jesus' blood does not do away with God's "voluntary" law, it does away with the death sentence that we've all earned from breaking it.

    This is why gentiles, who were never party to the Mt. Sinai covenant, are sinners and require a savior just as much as Israel.

    Not trying to preach to anyone, the above quoted comment got me thinking and I just wanted to put my thoughts in virtual ink.

    Feel free to disagree and or delete. We're all free!

