Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, July 5, 2019

Earthquake in LA: Let the Countdown Begin Till Our COG Prophets Claim It Is God's Punishment

Los Angeles had a pretty good earthquake this evening.  It will only be a matter of time for our COG prophetic fools start spouting off that it is God's punishment or some other asinine reason.

Bwana Bob Thiel will claim he predicted it.  Sex Therapist James Malm will claim it is because people are not zealous.  Gerald Flurry will claim it is punishment on CA because of the doctrinal changes and the selling of the Pasadena property.  Dave Pack, well, he will be Dave Pack and give 155 reasons why an earthquake hit California because 4 of the top COG leaders have not died yet.

These porphecy fools actually want to see death and destruction in order to legitimize themselves in other people eyes.

COG prophets are never ones to let a good opportunity to pass them by.
Let the fun begin!

Liars all!


  1. The earthquake hit right at the "Top Gun" location. So it is a warning issued at the Scientologists specifically!

    Speaking about fools.
    Who builds "naval facilities" in the Mojave dessert anyway?

    It might also have been a warning to "Geology Dennis, Thelma and Louise" on road trip. Of course the earthquake god then needs his timing to switch from Pacific Standard Time to Eastern next time around for better (special) effect.


  2. I heard a 6.4 and now a 7 has hit! Bring on the apocalypse I say! Woohoo!

    Of course, the natural reason is CA is in the line of fire--the ring of fire!

    The spiritual reason is it's all a part of the "birth pangs" Christ prophesied would intensify as the Messianic Age draws closer. Yay!

    It might also have been a warning to "Geology Dennis, Thelma and Louise" on road trip

    While obviously "God was trying to get our/my attention", I made it out of the area just in the NCK of time. Gary, Gerald Bronkar and I spent a nice lunch in LA last week but it appears God was ramping up the temperatures in Alaska to try and get their attention and a chance was missed trying to get ours.

    . Gary and I did feel that our being in the same car driving the streets and freeways of LA would have given the COG's a heyday had he driven poorly. I stopped at Meteor Crater, AZ, but the event was already past by 50.000 years but the timing of the gods was off once again.

    On a serious note, Thiel's continued use of the Bible's Bronze and Iron Age perceptions of the what and why of weather as a tool for the gods to get the attention of or to punish humanity is about as ignorant as it gets. It is a classic example of a God-Haunted thinking and the pious convictions based on marginal information that, in this day, one has access to but refuses to upgrade their views because "the Bible says."

    The Bible is mistaken in it's view of the origins and intent of weather on the planet as we should know by now. It is not a tool of God to get our attention. If so, it is a poor and ambivalent one at best. We try to get God's attention all our lives and we get nothing so it's only fair we miss our ques from above. It is not a human fault that we can observe that what is said to be so by a god, a book or a church is not actually so based on modern understanding of phenomenon. It not correct to call such observations scoffing. While calling observation of reality scoffing comforts and justifies the ignorant, it does not advance the truth of the matter.

    It was never wrong for many in the early church to notice the soon coming of Jesus was going very long, many were dying in the church and no Jesus as promised by the Apostles. The church called it scoffing. Common sense calls it noting reality. Because my Lord actually delayed his coming the additional truth (apologetic) was added by the Apostles that God doesn't see time as we do and a day is as a thousand years. A fact not previously mentioned in the soons, shortly's and quicklys of previous promises. Apologetics is an after the fact update on why something failed or seems fishy so the Bible is never wrong, which it often is in fact.

    In this case, the reality of natural geological phenomenon and weather on "The Pale Blue Dot" is simply normal. Humans aren't the center or the reason for it all and the ever shrinking God of the Bible is not trying to get our attention with water, wind, fire, hail, locusts, the natural shifting of tectonic plates or global warming. That's just shit humans make up explain that which is out of their control and to encourage the faithful to send even more in.

  4. There where do doubt much more powerful earthquakes that shook the earth in Southern California hundreds or thousands of years before any records where kept. Earthquakes are caused by the plate activity of the area not by God.

  5. The Bible is mistaken in it's view of the origins and intent of weather on the planet as we should know by now. It is not a tool of God to get our attention. If so, it is a poor and ambivalent one at best.

    Dennis, have you considered the possibility that there is a Demiurge, a sort of a god, but a poor and ambivalent one?

  6. The earthquake was not in LA. It was to the north, where it would more directly count as God's judgment against Bitter Bouncing Bwana Bob.

  7. People ought to learn. It's nobodies fault. It's San Andreas fault.

    My heart and prayers gp out to all the Californians posting clips of the waves in their swimming pools.

    No2HWA its time to come down from the egrets now, supper is ready.

    For shockers. Only manly man would build cities on the San Andreas. Lbtgdbc people are a special gift from creation to keep the lady occupied at home securily while the manly man firebrigade is out there mending the damage. Thats why Frisco is blessed with so large a segment. It's natures foresight. In the same manner as nature miraculously "knows" that populations should have about 50 percent male and female birthrate whilst individual families might harbor 3 daughters or 1 son. On population level it is always 50 percent. (maybe 40 if we include the ltbcdgbt people)

    In Vegas I saw a basketball game halted and postponed because of the quake My immediate brainwashed pavlovian response was; Why do gentiles have to suffer the consequences...............


  8. The Bob Thiel Earthquake Trickster Scale:

    1-4 Normal plate tectonics and not a god trying to get anyone's attention.

    4-5 Could be normal plate tectonics but maybe a god thinking about another go at trying to get our attention.

    5-6 Ok now, skip the heat wave or bad Spring weather in the Midwest, the gods are ramping up, only in specific locations given to the proper plate tectonics of course, an America Listen Campaign. Lights...cameras....

    7-9 ...action! Are you listening now! Time to repent and perceive that you must not go to a Presbyterian, Catholic or Baptist Church. You must repent of not being in a split, sliver or sphincter of the Church of God formerly known as "Worldwide". Actually you must come to Bob Thiel, the Unknown Comic and twice blessed Prophet of Nothing to be saved.

    No real god who has a voice like thunder (It was thunder), a rushing wind (It was a rushing wind), the rush of mighty waters (It was rushing water) or even a gentle breeze and not a god in earthquake or fire (I Kings 19:12) is just a gentle breeze.

    "When I was young, mountains were just mountains, rivers were just rivers and storms were just storm.

    But when I got older, mountains were not JUST mountains, rivers were not JUST rivers and storms were not JUST storms

    But now that I am old, mountains are just mountains, rivers are just rivers and storms are just storms"

    A Buddhist's observations on the evolution of human belief as our lives progress

  9. "No real god, who has a voice like thunder (It was thunder), a rushing wind (It was a rushing wind), the rush of mighty waters (It was rushing water) or even a gentle breeze and not a god in earthquake or fire (I Kings 19:12) is just a gentle breeze."

    What I meant to say...

    No real god, who has a voice like thunder......but is actually just a gentle breeze, need be so ambivalent or leave the job to confused middlemen."

    (Sorry, Angie says I write (keyboard) as fast as I think it out in real time which is why she can't edit anything I write and why, at times, I don't catch the glitch in a too long sentence. She's right as usual. lol)

  10. So instead of the Earthquake being centered on the "Tenderloin District" of San Francisco, or on West Hollywood, it is out in the middle of the desert, near a very conservative living small town called Ridgecrest, right smack dab in the middle of nowhere. No damage whatsoever in any of the "sin laden places" in the least.

    Thiel logic about such events are pure superstition and magic thinking. It is not even halfway logical "confirmation thinking" , but rather just plain old "pulling it out of your butt" thinking.

  11. Ha, I can imagine "the eternal guys" arguing anongst themselves "Can't you even get that right?" "Well, I was just 50.000 years off to get those guys in the iron chariot." "They escaped in a nck of time." I have a piece of metal from the meteor in my house from that AZ crater. It was a gift from a girl. If the opportunity ever arises I will throw it (gently) at you and hit you.


  12. The KCAL KCBS Anchor girl did the RIGHT thing by ducking under the desk while her male counterpart was still sitting like a lame duck, still to the dirty mind she looked like a fool.

    Kinda symbolic to our common experience...............


  13. Don't underestimate what global events whether they be of nature or nations mean to the COG's. Yes, if some can get close to predicting events it is finally the chance to be legitimized in the eyes of "others", but the greater importance for the COG leaders is, they get to bring more money to deposit into their bank accounts.

    If you read many of the co-worker letters that go out monthly, world events couldn't get any worse in that month alone. Next month, things have gotten a lot more worse since last month. The following month, Christ has to return now, for the world can't possibly go on any longer. Repeat repeat repeat because it is a working model to induce fear to drive a person to open up their wallet.

    Worsening conditions are a boom for the COG's, who can contrive a message of turn to God with your money or all that you have depending on the messenger. Turning to God with your whole heart is a secondary message. Just scanning Dave Pack's June co-worker letter,
    the word God specifically is only mentioned twice. The word Jesus Christ is not even mentioned. There is one each of God's Kingdom, God's true Church and God's headquarters.

    Hopefully everyone is alright from the California earthquake, and two members of Dave Pack's "Synagogue of Satan" travelling together made it out of there well ahead of time.

    For most of the COG leaders, prophecy prediction will live on after this latest event. But make no mistake, it will continue on and on.

  14. Notice it was a seismologist that predicted the possibility of an even greater quake, which occurred today, than the one of July 4th, and not the Prophet Bob Thiel.

  15. The text: No real god, who has a voice like thunder......but is actually just a gentle breeze, need be so ambivalent or leave the job to confused middlemen.

    The subtext: You people are way crazy if you believe in any kind of god. There is nothing but mechanistic materialism. Get over it.

    I do not know the terrestrial or celestial etiology of the earthquake in California. Anyone who claims to know, theist or atheist, is engaged in histrionics. I do know that mechanistic materialism is a wholly inadequate description of reality and leads to many absurdities.

    The real test is whether one can react in love in the aftermath of a disaster, rather that using the event to condemn sinners (for self-interested fund-raising purposes) or to poke fun at god.

  16. NCK said "" I have a piece of metal from the meteor in my house from that AZ crater. It was a gift from a girl. If the opportunity ever arises I will throw it (gently) at you and hit you."

    I also walked away with a piece of the meteor that impacted the site. It is called Meteor Oxide and is a mix of pulverized meteor and earth rock at ground zero. It is magnetic having quite a bit of the original material in it. Nice addition to my Iron and Stony meteorite collection that reminds me the earth is a hell of a lot older than 6000 years :)

  17. The earthquake in Southern California could have been Herbert Armstrong being resurrected. Has anyone checked his gravesite?


    P.S. Now watch, a dumb tithe slave will take me seriously and check!

  18. Bob Thiel had better pull a fast one like Ron Weinland, and come up with some justification as to why God didn't reveal to him a couple of major earthquakes so close to his church headquarters. Maybe, just as Laura Weinland is the Silent Witness, Bwana Bob is the Silent Prophet, or the Deaf and Blind Prophet, whose special gift from God is that he is blinded to the coming of end-time events. Maybe God is punishing Bob for remaining loyal to Rod Meredith for so many years?

  19. "reminds me the earth is a hell of a lot older than 6000 years :)"

    Dennis, you have made similar comments here several times, did you forget that the WCG taught the gap theory with an earth billions of years old too?

  20. Lake of Fire Church of God said...
    The earthquake in Southern California could have been Herbert Armstrong being resurrected. Has anyone checked his gravesite?

    It's roped off as a hazardous waste site due to the ground being soaked in urine.

  21. The geology of the Owens Valley is interesting, with high, snow-capped granite mountains on either side, to basaltic and rhyolitic volcanoes, cinder cones, and even lava flows along the valley floor resembling those of the shield volcanoes in Iceland and Hawai'i.

    What this might mean is magma is moving again, and a new volcano might arise in the Owens valley.

    Praise Vulcan!

  22. "Sorry, Angie says I write (keyboard) as fast as I think it out in real time which is why she can't edit anything I write and why, at times, I don't catch the glitch in a too long sentence. She's right as usual. lol)"

    I couldn't understand your comment. Good to have and recognize a little help for clarity.
