Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Fake COG Prophet Claims The Book Of Daniel Has Never Been Understood Until He Arrived On The Scene

What an amazing time to be alive and see prophecy unfold before our eyes!  Never have we seen so many men claiming to have the most ACCURATE interpretations about scripture than we do today.

Our favorite self-appointed and doubly-blessed Great Bwana to Africa, Bob Thiel, claims that he is the ONLY COG in existence who has interpreted the book of Daniel properly.  Because of that, all of the COG's out there will NOT know when the end time troubles hit and when they need to flee.  Only Bwana Bob knows that.  Those stupid little fools in LCG, UCG, COGWA, PCG, and RCG have interpreted Daniel so wrong over the decades that they will have no idea when the shit hits the fan.
Persecution is coming and most in the COGs do not realize how the various persecutions will affect them. 
Those who do understand this properly will have the opportunity to know prior to the start of the Great Tribulation, approximately when it will begin. Those that claim that the “prince to come” in Daniel 9:26 is Jesus and that Jesus is the one that confirms a covenant with many for one week, etc., will not understand as that statement is not a reference to Jesus. The “prince to come” is the final European King of the North. He is the one in Daniel 11:31 who fulfills bringing the end of the sacrifice and offerings 3 1/2 years (the middle of a seven year prophetic week) after the deal is confirmed. Jesus did not destroy the city nor sanctuary, nor is there a biblical record that He confirmed a seven-year covenant.
Because all of you Laodicean heretics refuse to follow Bwana Bob you MAY be given one more chance to stand in awe of his awesomeness.
Those who refuse to accept that are in error (such as the Philadelphia Church of God, Church of God a Worldwide Association, and the Restored Church of God) and will not understand certain end time events.

Nearly all COG groups either do not understand this and/or have significant errors in their understanding of parts of this (including the persecution it is referring to). Prophetic misunderstandings that many COG claimed groups have on some of this is documented in the article Is the Future King of the South Rising Up?

Yet many, including those in nearly all COGs, will NOT understand key aspects of Daniel 2,7,9,11, & 12. There is a listing of 38 prophetic misunderstandings that the Laodicean churches have in the article The Laodicean Church Era, and many are related to the Book of Daniel. Those who misunderstand the sequence and various particulars of the prophecies in the Book of Daniel will not know when the Great Tribulation will come and hence will likely be killed or otherwise greatly affected by it.
Who in their right mind would ever follow such a sad little man as this?  He has no idea what he is talking about and is lying about that things he claims are coming.  From his initial lies about his special anointing to the absurd prophecy interpretations, this guy is absolutely nuts!


  1. Me thinks Bob has been watching too much youtube and trying to pass it off a his new understanding.

    Mainstream Christianity has taught this for decades


  2. Doesn't Bob know that Jesus will return after Trump's final term? At the last "of" Trump? Lol


  3. Bobby Thiel may be very correct stating: "...Yet many, including those in nearly all COGs, will NOT understand key aspects of Daniel 2,7,9,11, & 12. There is a listing of 38 prophetic misunderstandings that the Laodicean churches have in the article The Laodicean Church Era, and many are related to the Book of Daniel..."

    And what is one key aspect/phrase in Daniel 12 that Bob Thiel should become very familiar with?

    Da 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, [even] to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

    And that particular key aspect? It's two words: "shut up!"

    Will that key aspect of Daniel 12 mean anything to Bob Thiel?

    Time will tell. Until Bob does emphasize that key aspect of Daniel 12, the conclusion of this particular post will remain true with stating the following:

    "From his initial lies about his special anointing to the absurd prophecy interpretations, this guy is absolutely nuts!"

    Time will tell...


  4. There are a lot of prophecy buffs and many of them not in a COG. Some of them have the same interpretation as Bob. There is very little new.

  5. ...and with this, Bitter Bwana Boob joins the ranks of those who will insist on fleeing before any other ACOG group. Join CCOG now, and prepare to starve in the Judean countryside before you are captured and institutionalized as yet another cult zombie with Jerusalem Syndrome.

  6. Well, “they” have continued to revise the identification of “this generation” referenced in Jesus’ Olivet Discourse. Supposedly, the timeline for the endtime events was kicked in by the rebirth of Israel as a nation. The discourse itself uses poetic language, subject to interpretation, and never specifically sets forth the rebirth of Israel, making HWA’s interpretation yet another speculative extrabiblical teaching like his 6,000 years for man “plan of God”.

    The passing of the last possible “this generation” involves the baby boomers. Most of us will not be around for the ultimate debunking of Armstrongism. Somehow, I doubt that even then everyone will realize that HWA was totally wrong. Some little group will manage to rationalize it all, and continue to see him as God’s Apostle, controlling and exploiting the lives of others.


  7. Dear Bob

    The Book of Daniel was written in the Second Century BCE. It's prophetic accuracy is due to the fact that the Kingdoms discussed with Rome still in charge then had already come and gone.
    Prophecy historized and not history prophecied and all that.

    It was written to encourage the Jews of Maccabean times to hang in with Rome as they will lose. They did not.

    Revelation was a take off on Daniel to encourage the Jewish Christians in the siege of Jerusalem to hang in as Rome would lose. They did not.

    Like all the prophecy haunted, you're going to be disappointed in your latter years.

  8. John noted about Bob's comments: "And what is one key aspect/phrase in Daniel 12 that Bob Thiel should become very familiar with?... And that particular key aspect? It's two words: "shut up!"

    Finally John and I agree on what Bob does not understand but I think I might be misunderstanding John's use of the phrase :)

  9. Supposedly, the timeline for the endtime events was kicked in by the rebirth of Israel as a nation.

    Don't worry; they'll reinterpret this to fit their agenda. Remember, when Israel captured the whole of Jerusalem for the first time in 1967, many quickly revised their timelines so that the capture of Jerusalem, rather than the United Natons mandate two decades earlier, became the starting point for the "generational" countdown. Soon, we'll be hearing that the countdown won't begin until some larger territory comes under Israeli control, whether or not as large as historic Eretz Israel as envisioned by the most ardent Zionists.

    Also, consider that within a generation it is likely that birthrates alone will doom the "Jewish state" of Israel, such that people who bought into that worldview will need to look forward to a not-yet-established Jewish state, perhaps arising again much closer to year 6000 on the Hebrew calendar.

  10. Bob Thiel should be preaching the gospel about CBD ointments and salves. Perhaps in that way, he could have a healing effect, rather than being a constant irritant!


  11. That means the motorcycle, riders and gear combined.

  12. There are plenty of web sites proving the Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult, but few people bother to check if the Christadelphians are. Sadly several Armstrongite's got sucked into this cul too:

    Here are some sites to check out

    Why The Christadelphians Are A Cult. https://medium.com/@aquilaandpriscilla.acts18/reasons-why-the-christadelphians-are-a-cult-29fd1bbc5e3c

    From Christadelphianism to Christianity--Lynette Schaefer's Story https://carm.org/christianity/testimonies/christadelphianism-christianity-lynette-schaefers-story

    All About Cults https://www.allaboutcults.org/christadelphians.htm

    Christadelphians destroy peoples faith just like Armstrongism does: This is the blog post in which I announced my loss of faith and my resignation from the Christadelphian community https://robjhyndman.com/unbelievable/ch2/

    Facebook page about the Christadelphian cult: https://www.facebook.com/TheChristadelphianCult

    Hank Hanegraaff on the Christadelphian CUlt: https://www.lightsource.com/ministry/bible-answer-man/who-are-the-christadelphians-618346.html

    The Christadelphian Religious Cult EXPOSED https://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Wolves/christadelphians.htm

    The Christadelphian Cult https://www.christianlibrary.org.au/cel/documents/cults/04.html

    Strongholds Shaken - Part 7: “Christadelphianism” https://www.preachtheword.com/sermon/cults07.shtml

    The Christadelphian Castastrophy http://christadelphiancult.blogspot.com/2009/06/christadelphian-catastrophe.html

    Christadelphians are actually operating in the spirit of antichrist https://exposingchristianerror.wordpress.com/category/belgian-christadelphians/

  13. For years, we had a former Christadelphian minister here. He had been a WCG member before that. Sadly, Corky passed away a few years back, but he had regularly shared quite a bit about the Christadelphians with us, and made us aware of his own Christadelphian-dissident website. Without a doubt, it was just as much a cult as the WCG.

  14. What do you mean we were a cult?

    WE were UNIQUE.
    We had the only proper church name.
    We had our very own apostle.
    We had our "temple".
    We had "truths" lost since the first apostles.
    We had the Elijah who prepares the way for Christ - and turns the hearts of the fathers to the children - no family problems here - right DP?
    We had the 2 witnesses (until GTA left - but don't worry, we have plenty of volunteers)
    We had the return date for Jesus all figured out. (many, many times, starting from the 1930s)
    We had God's government (given by Jethro a Midianite priest)
    We met with world leaders in our own private jet. (Humble - oh the humility!)
    We were the only ones who understood prophecy.
    We were the only ones who really understood the Bible. (our selected scripture anyway)
    We were the only ones with our own special place of safety. (How many people can you fit at Petra?)
    We understood the doctrine of healing (unfortunately no one really healed, but hey - we really understood it, and dying in the faith.)
    Our ministers were perfect with the answers to everything.

    No cult here... move along - us 400 plus splinters who follow the words of Jesus to love one another and the words of Paul to have no divisions among us- are the one and only true church - all 400 fighting splits of WCG.

  15. That's one way to get more visitors to his website - all the other COGs will be waiting for Bob to announce when to flee.

    Some years ago, Dave Pack had his multi-sermon series on fleeing to Petra. The only thing missing was when the signal to flee would be. The last stop before Petra would be Israel, then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains - since you have to go to Judea to flee from it... I guess his new truth about Wadsworth changed all that.

  16. Bob Theil is a dull-minded wanna-be Herb.

    Dan 9 was totally fulfilled when Cyrus sent the captives back after their 70 year exile, due to the Jews breaking the land rest law. it's mentioned right in the chapter, and it even gives references to Jeremiah. There is no hanging verse (v 27) out there in the future some 2500 years after the prophecy was given. There is no "last seven years" or any "peace agreement" at the end times that was prophesied in this chapter. Even though Kushner is working on a peace agreement, it is not associated with Dan 9.

  17. Booby Thiel needs to take some advice from the old Good News post that is beneath this one...

    "Don't try to be a self-appointed minister when God has never called you! "

  18. The attitude of the ministers was that only the ministers have the right to discuss the bible or morality. If anyone quoted a scripture in conversation, they were hence defrauding the minister of their exclusive God given responsibility.
    This was the attitude behind the accusation of 'don't try to be a self appointed minister.'
    This of course is wrong as it amounts to treating adults as children, and there are many NT scriptures about exhorting and encouraging one another with scriptures.

  19. I have learned to enjoy the speculation about the identities of the kings of the north and south. It is humorous to watch folks guess about the interpretation of prophecies that were fulfilled long ago. A little more knowledge of history is needed - especially the period between the close of the Old Testament and the opening of the New Testament. All efforts at understanding/interpreting these scriptures would benefit from such an understanding.

  20. Why does any of this even matter? It has nothing to do with salvation. So much time and energy is spent on prophecy and for what? What is past is past and no one can predict the future as far as God is concerned. Even Christ himself didn't know when He was returning, so how can some man think he knows more than Christ?

  21. 6:54
    You are so right. And I say DITTO!

  22. 6.54 AM
    Prophecy speculation and other useless trivia is constantly brought up to keep the troops motivated. There's no reason why meaningful material can't be given. But it doesn't happen since the number one consideration is keeping the sheeple ignorant. This maximizes minister power and ensures that the ministers get the top positions in the kingdom.

  23. Well Dennis, then Daniel and Revelation are all lies written by Jewish leaders who are betraying their own people. Same thing is happening today. The tribe of Levi has the Jews by the throat.

  24. Much of what Hislop wrote is probably true. It seems that many other books attest to the same basic idea that it all goes back to Babylon. All religions started with the mystery religions. Christianity is no different. The book of Revelation is no different. Judaism is based to a large extent on the secret Kabbalah and it is no different. Freemasonry is a mystery religion. The star of David is a symbol of Lucifer worship (Herbert used to wear them on his cuff-links). All these religions worship they know not what. At the highest levels it all seems to be Lucifer worship. Lucifer is considered the heroic rebel against God's supposedly harsh treatment. Of course, it's all made up like everything else in religion. Many New Agers are actually into Lucifer worship. The world is run by secret societies that are all tied in with the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission and the Masons and the New Age movement. Read the book by Gary H. Kah, "En Route To Global Occupation". He found all this out after 10,000 hours of research sparked by things he noticed when he worked as a high level US government official. There is already a world constitution and a world parliament. They have passed laws already. They just have not gone fully public yet. The hour is late.

  25. Books written by high-level Masons admit that Masonry goes back to Babylon and Lucifer worship.

  26. Thanks very interesting blog!

  27. the book of Daniel makes very clear from the beginning that those two kings, the king of ths north and the king of the south, are 2 of the four winds what blow, i.e., influence the people of the earth; the hebrew word for wind is the same as their word for spirit...hence the winds are four demons what effect mankind, putting them in four distinct mindsets...

    each mindset also tend to adhere to a certain religious philosophy, wbich is why certain regions of the world worship in particular ways...

    there will be ultimately be a clash between the northern and southern mindset, and they of eastern persuasion will intervene and cause the north to back down...

    c f ben yochanan

    please stop censoring me...

  28. "Why does any of this even matter?"
    Mark 9:1 "Most assuredly I tell you, there are some standing here who will in no way taste death until they see the Kingdom of God come with power." ...... 9:13 But I tell you that Elijah has come, and they have also done to him whatever they wanted to, even as it is written about him."

    Why is this scripture ignored? This is Jesus speaking, isn't he the main prophet?
    Makes it hard to understand how any of this is in the future and makes the current crop of Elijahs waaay late to the party.

  29. Miller Jones wrote: A little more knowledge of history is needed - especially the period between the close of the Old Testament and the opening of the New Testament.

    Ron Dart (my last stop out of COGdom) stressed the historic setting in which prophecies were written in his History and Prophecy series. Prophetic interpretation is dependent on so many contextual factors, yet the COGs have chosen to ignore them, and the study of the "inter-Testament" period as well.

    Anon 654 wrote: Why does this even matter?

    Again Ron Dart, who mentioned a CG7 pastor saying that prophecy has a strong draw. It was HWA's "proof of the Bible" and a chief recruiting tool. And Bob continually puts the word watch in the wrong context. The place of safety was sometimes presented as a time for "final training" but perceived as a chance to save one's own skin...

  30. Hislop’s “conspiracy theory” is pure bunkum.

  31. But the 200 million strong army of Revelation 9:16 can't be ignored. During WW2, the Axis plus Allied armies peaked at about 70 million. So a army of 200 million today is not unreasonable.
    So forget what Dennis the spiritual menace keeps saying, and go visit Europe while it is still there.

  32. Hislop’s “conspiracy theory” is pure bunkum.

    Just like the annotations in the Geneva Bible were anti-Catholic, so were a slew of books around the time of Hislop. And Bob and other COG writers still like to quote this discredited polemic.
    One reason Bob continues to attack all things Catholic is the apparent reference in a Catholic prophecy to an end-time provocateur, who Rod Meredith apparently said was probably Bob. Of course that minutiae of LCG history was written by Bob, and if Rod said it, we don't know what he really meant - remember Bob, like Sheldon Cooper, has difficulty recognizing sarcasm and satire...

  33. You do realize the war was not only in Europe? These soldiers were spread out over many parts of the world.
    Besides the word can mean myriads - a very large number. Plus they are horsemen. 200 million horses as well - and a lot of horses**t.
    Remember John heard the number - sounds poetic rather than a fact. The Bible does have poetry and exaggeration used for literary effects.
    No matter how you count them, we still don't have thousands of millions descended from Rebekah. (Genesis)

  34. TLA
    The world population was 2.3 billion in 1940 and today it is 7.7 billion. That's over three times the WW 2 population, and about the same percentage of the population to get the 200 million figure. The 'horses' can also be mechanical.
    So save up your money and visit Europe before it is trashed.

  35. Anon, July 22, 2019 at 6:54 AM, wrote: "...Why does any of this even matter? It has nothing to do with salvation. So much time and energy is spent on prophecy and for what? What is past is past and no one can predict the future as far as God is concerned. Even Christ himself didn't know when He was returning, so how can some man think he knows more than Christ?..."

    Anon's last question asked: "...how can some man think he KNOWS MORE THAN Christ?"

    That's a very interesting question: How can one think that way, which is not Christ's way, and come to think he knows more than Christ? Yet, such people do exist thinking that way.

    In a similar way, some people think they can DO MORE THAN Christ did too. Perhaps these people are one and the same?

    What did Christ say about Himself?

    "Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can DO NOTHING of himself..." John 5:19

    "I can of mine own self DO NOTHING..." John 5:30

    "Then said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am [he], and [that] I DO NOTHING of myself..." John 8:28

    Christ in other scriptures tells us how thoughts/works were accomplished in His life, but these people who think they know more and can do more than Christ? What is their source for enabling them to think the way they do?

    Some in times past have taught us that there is a cause for every effect.

    Does any of this matter? True, it all has nothing to do with one's salvation, which The God took care of through Christ our Passover sacrificed for us...like grace wasn't enough, like one needed still to qualify, earn their way, strive to get for self, gain some points, impress God: The God, who has no beginning and no end...

    Some [like former WCG ministers, and current xcog ministers of groups, Ass(s), committees, fellowships...who said/say things like: "Follow me. Become Christ-like: perfect! Build character! Have the mind of Christ (What happened to His Father's mind?), etc.] think that was not enough for salvation, and feel they need to DO MORE THAN Christ...yes, even think they can KNOW MORE THAN Christ!

    But, time will tell...IN FACT, it is telling, isn't it?


  36. Thousands of millions descended from Rebecca? Where does the bible say that?

  37. Genesis 24:60 KJV
    And they blessed Rebekah, and said unto her, Thou art our sister, be thou the mother of thousands of millions, and let thy seed possess the gate of those which hate them.

  38. 2.24 PM
    Not every translation has uses 'thousands of millions.' The NJKV uses 'of ten thousands.'

  39. TLA and Anon 7:07 PM and 1:58 AM re Rev 9:16 and the translation "200 million" for the cavalry if I understand correctly the Greek could be translated as "myriads of myriads" so I don't personally believe it's specifying a definitive number i.e. "200 million" as the Abarim Publications' online Biblical Greek Dictionary states:

    >>>>>The adjective μυριος (murios) describes the greatest quantity expressible with a single word: innumerable, countless. It is also used to describe a definite number, which would be ten-thousand — not in the arithmetically accurate fashion of our English term "10,000", but rather a quantity of the order of ten thousand.

    Our word is used in the New Testament only in the former sense of "a lot" (MATTHEW 18:24, 1 CORINTHIANS 4:15 and 14:19 only) and is in that sense on a par with our modern idea of 'many millions' or 'billions and billions'. We moderns use bigger numbers to express the same idea of countlessness because we are used to larger numbers; 10,000 isn't that big to us but in the ancient world there weren't many occurrences of 10,000 of anything in every day reality. Still, our English word "myriad" stems from this adjective.

    A direct Greek derivation of our adjective is the noun μυριας (murias), which means the same, either a whole lot or else a quantity of the order of ten-thousand. This word is used 9 times in the New Testament.<<<<<

    So it basically means this apocalyptic cavalry will be composed of "two myriads of myriads" as the YLT has it or something like "2 ten thousands of ten thousands," which by implication means a helluva lot of people, not necessarily exactly 200 million imo.

  40. Re Genesis 24:60 likewise the Hebrew can be translated as "be thou thousands of myriads" (YLT) not specifically "thousands of millions" since the Hebrew is 'eleph meaning "thousand" and re bâbâh meaning "myriad" or "ten thousand." I believe this latter word has its Greek counterpart in Rev 9:16. Either way imo these passages aren't meant to be specific as to a number, but simply to connote an innumerable or countless number of people as Brown-Driver-Briggs supports.
