Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Prideful Arrogance of Herbert W Armstrong

Check out the humbleness and humility that Herbert Armstrong exemplified for the brethren.  Besides Bwana Bob Thiel, has the Church of God ever had a more humble leader?

ht: SHT for the source


  1. How revealing! Prior to reading this HWA letter, I had no idea that Eisenhower and all the military men were actually gay! (As Seinfeld always said, "not that there is anything wrong with that!"

  2. Great piece of "personal history" concerning the extreme impoverished state of britain post wwII lasting into the fifties. Many women wearing parachute dresses.

    Fellini has sone great movies on the demise of the Italian nobility at the time. Until the seventies the majority of brits had no running water or at least no gas to cook on.

    I said many times how refreshing these american preachers appeared while everything (the entire empire ) crumbled and a new empire was announced.

    Interesting hwa makes mention of the governments efforts to bring some joy through the movie entertainment business.

    Funny enough instrumental behind the initial investment for the pinewood studios were the heirs to the Bricket Wood Estate. So wcg dollars actually got 007 to the world.

    Arrogance? I dont know I dont believe the Americans visiting international feast sites (into the late seventies) even realized their dollar was 4 to the local currencies as they probably struggled somewhat at home.

    It's hard to be the indispensible nation and not be loud.

    Anyway folks as the Wall Street journal advises every summer. Dont shout at french waiters, inform oneself about tipping locally, expect long waits for the bill since europeans dine out for hours and will not be driven out and remember the chambermaid who may be a refugee from bosnia or syria.

    Oh yeah, its ok to wear a veterans hat with your squadron name but leave the maga hat home.



    Hwa on his way to check out Ambassador College at Lugano.

  3. Perhaps I have missed some of the more subtle lacks of humility intended to be shown in this note home, etc but it was just two years after the war. I don't see a lot overt arrogance etc in this. It's a rather interesting commentary on life after the war. The US did not experience it the same way at home as Britain did of course. Just me perhaps.

  4. ANON 9:30 , I dont think that HWA was implying that Eisenhower and his staff were gay , but rather that the porter who was serving them was quite enthusiastic towards the young men and Eisenhower. At least that's the way I read it.

  5. What a dreadful letter. Shows Herbert in a terrible light. I'm pleased to read it though as it reveals his true self.

    Why does he refer to Loma as Mother ? Was he writing to his children ? That doesn't age well.

    How did Herbert and Loma get an invite to such a reception at the Dorchester in 47? That is very bizarre even with rich tourists in 1947.

    Was Armstrong some sort of low level Mc Carthy, C.I.A spy? I notice how not one mention of God, the Church work or even checking up the folks back home are ok. But he finds the space to discuss Hollywood and the British film industry.
    His lack of understanding War rationing in Britain is diabolical. Especially considering he set himself up as the Biblical prophet on the War.

    1. 1:15
      It's a letter to his children.

      btw I meant Visconti although Fellini did aswell. HWAs travel through post wwII Europe and visit to the broker couple at Luzern and lady at lugano to me read like a visconti movie of decadence of the nobility in decline all set to be taken over by a new time a new empire.

      Especially the noble character hwa introduces at the dorchester hotel who complains about the food stamps.

      Regarding the CIA.

      I do know that articles like the Meredith Hoeh travel through Francos Spain would have immediately have drawn the attention of the CIA for very different reasons most ordinary readers would completely miss but not an analyst.


    2. 1:15

      Today in 1952 Nasr took over in Egypt.

      The very contacts HWA made as described in the letter served him well mid fifties during a visit to Egypt.

      Of course "mother" was having fun at the pyramids, while hwa conversed with government rank people. (Oh no, not 1970 and onwards. 1950!)

      In 1945 bedouin towelheads were set to become the US most important ally as the US OIL DOLLAR became the central axis and backbone of the American Empire encompassing the world.

      Read your Gilpin on the oil dollar.


  6. Arrogance comes in many flavors. On the one hand, Doug Winnail feels a need to send out new "Comments" to LCG brethren, nearly every week, as if everyone needs to hear his guidance and respond to his leadership. On the other hand, he rarely writes new comments. Most of the time, he takes a comment he has published three or four previous times, changes literally a word or two or some punctuation, and then releases it as if it were new. Who does he think he is fooling when he does this? He could save time by leaving the old comments unchanged and running an old one, acknowledging it as a re-run. Or, he could take time to respond to the events of the week and write a fresh 200 words. Instead, he takes time to make cosmetic changes to a re-run. Does this mean he is burned out, or that he thinks LCG brethren are dummies? If he has nothing new to say, why doesn't he just shut up? No, his arrogance won't allow that.

    For the record, Winnail's latest weekly comments were printed several times in the past, including June 7, 2018, December 13, 2012, and August 6, 2009.

  7. LCG: Men’s Training Camp in Blowing Rock, North Carolina
    love the name....

  8. It is well documented that Eisenhower and his team where nowhere near the Dorchester Hotel on the days previous to D-Day.
    The D-Day plans were worked out with much travail at St Paul's school in central London.

  9. LCG: Men’s Training Camp in Blowing Rock, North Carolina
    love the name....

    Formatting and punctuation (suppressed tabs, commas, etc.) are everything. First and foremost, I hope like anything that the camp isn't being held in "Rock, North Carolina".

  10. 1:15

    HWA got an even more exclusive meeting with the Japanese emperor god and a distinctive decoration for the express purpose of "his aid involving the return of Okinawa to Japan."

    Just YESTERDAY Japan scrambled fighter jets from Okinawa to confront Russian and Chinese airplanes violating Japanese and Korean airspace.

    Just to give you a hint WE were involved with.

    HWA's ignorance is indeed staggering for the trained eye. Yet in 1940 he has german maps on his desk in prepararation for an invasion into Ukraine, years before the real invasion occured, while Stalin himself still trusts Von Ribbentropp. It's quite hard to connect both dots, unless one realizes that hwa had a unique talent to connect with important swaths of the republic and public opinion who for certain did not want to get entangled in "another european civil war."

    Luckily the world is not ruled by the ordinary folk. And even better today we have facebook et all to gather all we need to know on "what the people's mood of the day is."


  11. ncr at work: https://youtu.be/6muq1smaVCQ?t=9

  12. I would somewhat agree with Opinionated as for the idea of "the useful idiot."

    Hwa displayed a staggering lack of knowledge regarding the politics, histories and make up of individual nations but an unrivalled insight into psychologies, behavioralism and general strategic concerns.

    In short hwa was the usual american diplomat.


  13. HWA was from what I can tell a manipulative narssistic liar.

    But this letter is really really tame. And to claim its somehow proof of pride arrogance is almost silly.

    His books were way far worse than this. Just open almost any page of his auto biography. Who is so self centered that they'd write their own bio in two volumes?

  14. Come on NCK!!

    I suppose that you believe that HWA was right about Hitler still being alive and coming back to life again by a faked Pope resurrection.

    Russia knew that Hitler eventually would come there way, gobbled up Eastern Poland as a buffer zone, but perhaps did view that Hitler would not open up a second front while England was still free.

    Nonetheless, Russian armament and troop conscription was in full scale ramp after the 1939 opening of the war.

  15. Hello Tonto.

    I do not BELIEVE anything.

    I know HWA had the maps years before "the common people of the United States" would even contemplate engaging into another European war. (Of course some smart politicians already knew that eventually the USA had to engage in another war or perhaps would even welcome it in order to expand an American Empire.)

    My point HWA always served as the mouthpiece of the "smart people." Thats why 100 percent of his "prophecies" are accurate so far.

    Now regarding HWA and Hitler being alive.................................................
    Just very recently declassified CIA files have shown that as far as 1954 the CIA sent out covert operations into South America to find out if rumors of Hitler being alive might be true.

    Who do you think you are Tonto?????? Smarter than the personal intelligence network of the President of the United States by talking this way about HWA's speculative article in a mass publication magazine.

